Apartheid Laws

  • Black Land Act No. 27

    Black Land Act No. 27
    This law prohitibed blacks from owning land outside of their reserves
  • Native (Black) Urban Areas Act No. 21

    Native (Black) Urban Areas Act No. 21
    The local authority was in charge of the people in designated areas. It removed unemployed people in the area. The country was divided into urban and rural areas and the transportation between the two was monitored strictly.
  • Immorality Act No. 5

    Immorality Act No. 5
    This act prohibited "extra-martial intercourse between whites and blacks". This would later coincide with Immorality Act No. 21 in 1950
  • Aliens Registration Act No. 26

    Aliens Registration Act No. 26
    This law required for the registration and control over any aliens
  • Population Registration Act No. 30

    Population Registration Act No. 30
    This act required citizens to be categorized at birth into a racial group. The four different groups were black, white, colored, and indian
  • Group Areas Act No. 41

    Group Areas Act No. 41
    This act required people to live in an area specific to their race. Each race had their own designated area.
  • Black (Native) Laws Amendment Act No. 54

    Black (Native) Laws Amendment Act No. 54
    This act required all black men and women over the age of sixteen to carry passes with them that allowed them to enter the city. These passes would only allow them to remain in urban areas for 72 hours at a time.
  • Separate Representation of Voters Amendment Act No 30

    Separate Representation of Voters Amendment Act No 30
    This act removed colored people from the common roll. Additionally, the Senate only obtained the majority.
  • General Law Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No. 76

    General Law Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No. 76
    This act allowed the President the power to declare organizations illegal. Additionally it allowed the power to restrict movements and ban people for gatherings. The act also allowed people to be tried for sabotage in the case of helping a person who had committed a crime
  • Black Labor Act No. 67

    Black Labor Act No. 67
    This act strengthened the laws concerning the employment of blacks. It also reiterated idea about the health conditions and feeding blacks by employers.