Black Land Act #27
This was the law's first attempt at removals. It made it illegal for black South Africans to buy land outside of the proto-Bantustans. -
Natives Consolidation Act #25
This was also a precursor to forced removals. This law allowed the removal of black South Africans living in cities that were evaluated to be unwanted in cities. -
Population Registration Act #30
This act helped further push race division by making people state a race for a baby at birth. -
Black Authorities Act #68
Another building block of forced removals. This established the Bantustans that were later used for forced removals. -
Criminal Law Amendment Act #8
"Civil disobedience" in now punishable with three years in jail. -
Black Education Act #47
This act officially segregated schools. This would be a base for the later race-specific educations. -
Riotous Assemblies Act #17
This took away black South Africans right to assembly. This made it hard for them to form organized protests. -
Representation between Republic of South Africa and Self-Governing Territories Act #46
The act that made Bantustans official by declaring them independent. Colored people no longer had a part in South Africa's government. -
Riotous Assemblies Amendment Act #30
This reclassified the term "gathering" to make it more broad. This way blacks could more easily be punished for "gathering." -
Group Areas Amendment Act #101
The purpose of this act was to suppress black business in their townships by not allowing free trade.