Period: to
Global Interactions
Mao Zedong &People’s Republic of China
Born on this date, he led the Chinese Communist Party from 1935 and the People's Republic of China from 1949 to 1959 (his death). After being a teacher and a librarain, he launched his intiatives to abosrob the support of the Peasnats to gain support. -
Born on this day, now 84 years of age, he introduced a new way of thinking where he urged the end of the dispuate over the Cold War. In the following years, he sugested for several radical ideas and theories: nuclear war has no winners, the ecnomy is stagnate and needs improvemnts, pressure for liberal reforms for Poland and Hungary, and the proposal for autonomy for non-Russian republics in the U.S.S.R. . -
Japanese invasion of China
Also known as the Second Sino-Japansese War, the Japanes gave inot its need for its nationalistic approaches and need for materials and went for China. With the Sin-Japanese War going on for 8 years, the Allies defeat them and drove them out from their reaches for Chinese territory. -
Germany invades Poland
Even though agreements were made that Poland would recieve support in the case of a hostile attack, Germany invades this region. This led to an German-Soviet nonaggression pact that also established relations to split Poland into two between Germany and Russia. -
Battle of Britain
The Biritsh successfully defended itself afte the airbombing raids by the Germans. With victory, the Germans will allow to break though a port in France that allowed for easy access to the English channel. However, the Roayl Air Force successfully defednded against them and established survival for hte English. -
Tripartite Act
Also known as the Berlin Act, it was signed in conjunction between Germany, Italy, and Japan that was meant to provide an allied suport/assisstance between each in the case of an attack or hostile activity. -
Lend-Lease Act
This act allowed for the U.S. to lend resources such as weapons and food supplies to the Allied front withoutinfringing upon serious condemnd acts that lcan lead to war. -
Leningrad blockade
After the Nazis tave taken the Soviet Union, with their Finnish allies, they appraoched Lenningrad on three separate sides. This major blockade took 650,000 lives in 1942 alone of those who live in Lenningrad. These mostly resulted from disease, starvation, and other causes. -
German Blitzkrieg on Soviet Union
Also known as the "Battle of Moscow", the is represented the immense turning point of the war where the Germans were defeated after 5 months against the Soviet Union. -
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Atrificially centered on a clover-shaped island, this base served as the headquarters for the naval base of th Pacific fleet. While crippling the fleet, it resulted reason and justification for the U.S. to take action and enter war. -
Wannsee Conference
This was the meeting of Nazi officials including Hermann Goring, Reinhard Heydrich, and others, to discuss the "Final Soltuion". It was attended by 15 total Nazi senior bureaucrats. -
Battle of Midway
Almost entirely an airborn battle, (of course a naval one too), it ende the mjajor line of invasion of the Japansese into the Pacific. With the help of decoding a transmission of their enemies', the U.S. hlped devise 3 heavy-aricraft carriers to counter the Japanese 4 heavy and 3 light aircraft carriers. -
This was the day where the first offense to take Normandy took place. Also called operation Overlord, the Normany invasion included separate forces of U.S., British, and Canadian forces to reetake major holdings in Europe. -
Iwo Jima/Okinawa
This island was one of the most apalling and vilnet regions in the pacific in order to tkae down the heart of the Japansese nilitary by the U.S. . This island had a peculiar shape and lied about on a point about 760 miles from Tokyo. If taken, it would have served an important base for the U.S. to be a hub for refueling ofor military aircraft. -
Yalta Conference
a conference between the major leaders--Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin, they all met in Yalta, Crimea to plan the final defeat of the Nazi German forces. -
Hitler's Suicide
After several more acts are passed and with the Soviet military moving onto Berlin, he then accepts his invulnerability and defeat. On this day, he shoots himself while his wife, Eva Braun, takes poison. -
VE Day
During this momentous day, the Allied forces were able to retake the hostile areas of Europe in the end towards victory. It wals also known as V Day which commemorated the unconditonal surrender of Nazi Germany's forces. -
Atomic Bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
With the new introduction of the Atomic bombs named "Fat Man" and "Little Boy", these were dropped in order to force Japan's hand into ooercing their surrender. -
Postdam Conference
Staged in a sburb in Berlin, the three main leaders of World War II--Winston Chruchill, Harry S. Truman, and Joseph Stalin-- sought to administer the results after the World War. They needed to consider the administration ofthe government of Germany, the annexation of certain parts of poland, the occupation of Austria, the Soviet Union's role, reparations, and the prosecution of Japan. -
VJ Day
This event established the official surrender of the Japanse power to the Allied force, or mainly th United States. The official document was signed on the U.S.S. Missouri on this exact date. -
Formation of the U.N.
The proposals was first worked out by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and a few others. The charter was signed by 50-51 coutnries on the 26th of June in 1945; it then came into offical existence in October 24th 1945 when it was officialy ratified. -
Truman Doctrine
Under the threat of Communist invasion and the the Soviet expansion into the Mediterranean region, it delared immediate economic and military aid the the governments of Greece. -
Marshall Plan
This was a sponsored program that was designed to help rehabilitate the economic situations of 17 wetsern European countries. It was officially signed into law by Harry S. Truman,. -
It was estbliahed to meet the increasing danger of the Soviet armies stationed in Central and Eastern Europe. It consisted of certain countries including Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, hte United States, and many others. With two separate junction for military occupation, it recieves funding for occasional use. -
Korean War
Although it was a actually a Civil War between the North and the South, it went internationally when the North Koreans received support from the Soviet Union. The U.S. then came to aid the South Koreans with the "People's Reoulic of China" aiding the North Koreans. -
Stalin's Death; Khrushchev
During hsis time, he helped to save a major blow to his country, although a native to the middle-eastern Georgia, but also led to the killings of Russia's own people.8 to 10 million to be exact. -
Warsaw Pact
Though it was formally called the Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assisstance, it established mutal relations with the Soviet Union, poland, Bulgaria, and other Balkan states. -
Vietnam War
Although mainly a vcivil war between the Viet Cong, the Nrothern Vietnamese, and the Southern Vietnamese, it was also incorporated into the conflict of the Second Indochin War and the Cold War in chic then incorpated the Soviet Union and the United Stastes. After the defeat of the French colonial forces in 1954 by the Northern Vietnamese, the North wanted to unify the rest of the country. Although the Westernized South sought and did receive help from the U.S. in 1969 to 1973, the south fell ton -
The Launch of Sputnik
Launched by the Russians, it ignited the Cold War. Ciricling around the Earth for about 96 minutes in each revolution. It came back to Earth in1958, burning in the atmosphere. -
Bay of Pigs
This was the event support and funded by the U.S. government where it was an abortive attempt to invade the communist state of Cuba. With addition of 1,500 in opposition to Fidel Castro, these were also funded with American equipment and help from the C.I.A. to take down air-bases and other locations. This led to the imprisonment of these attackers. -
Berlin Wall
While intellectuals, professionals, and other civialians escape from the East to the West, it was then first erected to stop these movements on this date. It separated Berlin for 28 miles but then was extended to 75 miles to separate the whole of Germany. it was taken down on the 9th of November of 1989. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Ending on this date, this event established the feud between the Svoeit Union and Cuba. After Nikita Khruchchev convinced the state to help build missles in the United States, and after the discovery of the missles in July and August by U.S. spy-planes, the U.S. established a blockade ,or 'quarantine",on Cuba. Both of the superpowers then established certain agreements to halt the pssibility of nuclear war. -
Soviet Union falls
After many Baltic and Balkan states leave to form their own independent states, Kzakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and others, except for Georgia, the Soviet union falls after the also-implemented reforms by Mikhail Gorbachev.