Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
It was a day when Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife was shot in an open limo with minimal security. Austria-Hungary blamed the Serbian government for the attack and hoped to use the incident as a reason to go to war. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the peace between Europe’s great powers collapsed. This event triggered the start of WWI. -
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Gallipoli Campaign
was an unsuccessful attempt by the Allied Powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia during World War I. This battle was important because it made the Allied forces consider the strength of the Turkish people and renvaluate the World War. -
German Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine
Germany returns to the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare it had previously suspended in response to pressure from the United States and other neutral countries. It changed the tide of the war so America and other neutral countries started making submarine technology to help react to this new type of warfare. -
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Civil War in Russia
The war was about how the Red Army defended the Bolshevik government, which was led by Vladimir Lenin, against other Russian groups and anti-Bolshevik armies. Due to the war, the Communism party became the dominant party of Russia. -
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Bolshevik Revolution
leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the provisional government. The Bolsheviks and their allies occupied government buildings and other strategic locations and soon formed a new government with Lenin as the leader. The importance of this event is that Vladimir Lenin became the virtual dictator of the first Marxist state in the world. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers. The treaty had officially eliminated Russia from World War I and defaulted its commitments to the Triple Entente alliance. Russia was forced to secede the Baltic States, the province of Kars Oblast, and pay six billion German gold marks as reparations to Germany. -
Mussolini Launches Fascist Movement
Benito Mussolini had created a new political organization called the Fasci di Combattimento. He focused more on Italian nationalism and even created a program of terrorism and intimidation against leftist opponents. In 1922, Mussolini would be appointed Prime Minister of Italy and with backup from brutal police organizations, he would become the dictator of Italy. -
Paris Peace Conference
At the conclusion of World War I, the Allied Victors met in France to negotiate peace terms for the defeated Central Powers. As a result of this conference, the League of Nations was established, the Treaty of Versailles was drafted, and the redrawing of national boundaries in Europe. Germany was also required to pay for reparations from WWI. -
First Meeting of the League of Nations
The L.N. was created to prevent disputes between nations and states in order to avoid another conflagration like World War I was central to the operations and activities of the league. They were less effective with the United Sates being excluded from the L.N. -
Lenin’s Economic Policy
It was created by Lenin, for the Soviet Union to leave the policy of War Communism. The policy was that the government would return control of agriculture, retail trade, and light industry to private ownership and management while the state-controlled heavy industry, transport, banking, and foreign trade. The Policy was effective in stabilizing the economy to make up for the spending in the wars, civil wars, and other government issues that were threatening the Soviet's economy. -
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First Soviet Five-Year Plan
The Fist Five Year Plan was started by Joesph Stalin and it was made to concentrated on developing heavy industry and collectivize agriculture, at the cost of a drastic fall in consumer goods. In 1940 approximately ninety-seven percent of all peasant households had been collectivized and private ownership of property almost entirely eliminated. Forced collectivization helped achieve Stalin's goal of rapid industrialization, but the human costs were too much. -
US Stock Market Crash
On October 24, 1929, the United States Stock Market had crashed as investors traded about 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in one day. Billions of dollars were lost and it wouldn't stop for years until a stock value would reach only 20% of its total value. Stock prices were completely worthless after October 24, in which would lead other Westernized economic countries to experience the same crashes and eventually lead up to the Great Depression. -
Civil Disobedience Movement in India
In this point in time, Mohandas Gandhi begins a defiant march to the sea in protest of the British monopoly on salt. There, Gandhi and his supporters were to defy British policy by making salt from seawater. This big movement was supposed to help India gain its independence from Great Britain, which successfully worked. -
Cardenas Nationalized Oil Industry in Mexico
Mexican President Lázaro Cárdenas signed an order that expropriated the assets of nearly all of the foreign oil companies operating in Mexico. Due to this the foreign-owned oil companies retaliated by instituting an embargo against Mexican oil. -
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Japanese invasion of Manchuria
One event that lead to the start of WWII, the Japanese invaded Manchuria was one of them. They wanted to take the land because they needed a place to send people just in case there was ever too many people in Japan. They held the land until the end of WWII when they had to give it back. -
Sandino is Murdered in Nicaragua
Augusto César Sandino, leader of the rebellion against the occupation of Nicaragua by the US military. He was notorious for standing up against United States domination and had drawn the United States Marine Corps to join a guerrilla war between the two. The US would later withdraw from Nicaragua in 1933 after Juan Bautista Sacasa was elected President of Nicaragua. Sandino was assassinated by the National Guard of Nicaragua by Anastasio Somoza Garcia while leaving the Presidental Palace. -
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Hitler is Ruler in Germany
Before he was the ruler of Germany, Adolf Hitler was the chancellor of Germany. On August 19, 1934. Once he was the ruler of chancellor he killed anyone who opposed him, and merged the job of President and Chancellor together to have full authority of Germany. This is important because when Hitler claimed all this power he used his power to start taking over East Europe then West Europe. -
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Long March by Chinese Communists
During the Chinese Civil war, Chinese Communists through enemy lines where they fought in the headquarters in southwest China. The Long March was led by communist, Mao Zedong. Throughout the year, Nationalist forces had kept on starving and bombing Mao's communist forces.The Long March had concluded by reaching northern Shaanxi where Red army troops had been waiting for them. -
Period: to
Stalin's "Great Purge" in USSR
In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin's government had implemnted political repression against anyone that was considered a threat to Stalin's communist government. People that were seen as threats such as wealthy peasants would be targeted and there would be an increase in widespread police. More than 600,000 Soviets died during Stalin's Purge. -
Invasion of China by Japan
This invasion was also known as the Second Sino-Japanese War, the empire of Japan had entered the Republic of China. Japan's purpose for entering China was to gain more land to govern and more resources to use as its economy was beginning to grow in Japan. The invasion is believed by some scholars that it triggered WWII as China was gaining help from the Soviets and the United States. These lands would not be returned to China until the end of the WWII as Japan's surrender plans. -
German Anschluss with Austria
On this day, German troops march into Austria to annex the German-speaking nation for the Third Reich. Hitler appointed a new Nazi government, and the Anschluss state was proclaimed. The Allied powers declared the Anschluss void and reestablished an independent Austria. -
Invasion of Poland by Germany
Also known as the September Campaign, Adolf Hitler had ordered the German army to invade Poland along with the Soviet Union. This invasion would mark the beginning of WWII. Germany and the soviet Union were successful in annexing Poland and both agreed to split Poland into two lands for both to share control of -
German Invasion of USSR importance
Adolf Hitler launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion of the Soviet Union. The invasion covered a front from the North Cape to the Black Sea to several beaches. This batle proved the German domination of Europe when they reached their furthest geographical extension. -
Soviet Victory at Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad began on July 17, 1942. It was between the Soviet Union's Red Army and the German Nazi Army. The battle was one of the deadliest battles with over 2 million people dying both civilian and military from both sides. Scholars consider this battle a turning point for the Allied Nations as it turned Hitler's army back to Germany and eventually allowing the Red Army to surround Germany's capital to defeat Hitler. -
The Battle of Normandy resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the battle began on June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, when some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along the coast of France’s Normandy region. The battle was the turning point of the war because the Germans lost France while the Allied Forces made headway towards Hitler. -
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Capture of Berlin by Soviet Forces
The Battle of Berlin was the last major battle in Europe during World War II. It resulted in the surrender of the German army and an end to Adolf Hitler's rule. -
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Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki. The importance of this is that Japan’s Emperor Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II. -
Establishment of United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization that is committed to maintaining international peace and security while developing friendly relations among nations. The U.N. promotes social progress, better living standards, and human rights. The importance of the U.N. is to prevent any other World Wars. -
Partition of India
Towards the end of World War II, many nations across the world that were part of the war felt the need to establish a peace group that would oversee the world. The Allied had originally started the process of creating the UN Declaration before 1942. The Axis Powers had grown and threatened the peace of the world. After the war, China and France had joined the UN and thus it was born. It's first real tackle at peace was the growing conflict between East and West Germany -
Period: to
Apartheid in South Africa
It was a set of rules that were supposed to make people who that are not white have less power politically. It made the separate South African tribes become less powerful. The importance of the Apartheid was that at the end of it South Africa elected its first black president Nelson Mandela, who transformed the country into a Democracy. -
Creation of Israel
After a couple years after the end of WWII, the people of Jewish faith wanted to move to Palestine but the British made containment camps for them to be held so they won't escape. The Jewish people successfully resisted the British and went to Palestine and then wanted to be independent of British rule. The U.N. granted the Jews the Palestinian land, so they called it Israel. The importance is that a land was created for the Jews to have a safe haven after many years of being persecuted. -
creation of israel
Creation of the State of Israel. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the British assumed control of Palestine. The British government issued the Balfour Declaration, announcing its intention to facilitate the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. -
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Arab–Israeli War
The Arab-Israeli war was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition of Arab states. Five Arabic countries around Israel attacked Israel but lost, Israel claimed their land but sold it back for peace. The importance that came out of this war is that it gave independence to Israel and other Arab countries. In some of their acquired land, Israelis established a settlement in these areas and made peace with Egypt. -
Human Rights Declaration Adopted
The Human Rights Declaration was a list within a Declaration that was adopted by United General Assembly after WWII. The declaration was not legal binding meaning UN members were not required to follow these rights. This Declaration gave basic human rights to everyone no matter the color or nationality, this provided everyone in the United States a chance to live the American Dream. -
Establishment of NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a treaty between the Allied force. Along with the Treaty, the most important role of NATO is to protect the freedom and security of its member countries by political and military means. NATO plays an increasingly important role in crisis management and peacekeeping. The importance of NATO was that it kept peace between the countries that are enlisted in it. -
Establishment of People’s Republic of China
During the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China (PRC) from Tiananmen on October 1, 1949. Mao Zedong wanted China to be a free state with a Communist-run state. The importance is that China became a Commuist Country. -
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Korean War
The Korean war was a civil war between the Communist side, North, versus theDemocratic South. At the end of the war there still no peace treaty was signed so they split up at the 38th parallel where they both go their separate ways with different governmental ideals. -
French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
Ho Chi Minh’s Viet Minh forces strategically defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu, a French stronghold that the Vietnamese communists held for 57 days. The defeat brought the end to French colonial efforts in Indochina, the United States soon stepped up to destroy the power vaccum, while increased military aid to South Vietnam and sending the first U.S. military advisers to the country in 1959. -
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Algerian War of Liberation
The war was Algeria against France for colonial freedom. This bloody Guerilla war lasted 8 years caused 1.5 million related deaths. The importance is that Algeria became an independent country free from France rule, so they were able to express their religion and culture freely. -
Establishment of Warsaw Pact
It was the Communist counteraction to NATO. The Warsaw Pact came to be seen as quite a potential military threat, as a sign of Communist dominance, and an opponent to American capitalism. The signing of the pact became a symbol of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe. the importance of the Pact is that it helped the Communists in the Cold War. -
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Uprising in Hungary
A student protest had gone through central Budapest and into the Parliment building. Shootings by police sparked the uprising across Hungary. Students were protesting the Soviet policies and as soon as people heard the death of the student, a revolution against the Soviet Union started. At first, the USSR was willing to negotiate, the Soviets changed their mind and instead went to kill them. A large Soviet army entered Hungary and were ordered to kill/arrest anybody in resistance to their rule. -
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Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis was an attempt invasion of Egypt by Israel. The United Kingdom and France had followed Israel in the invasion despite at first, both nations had given Israel an ultimatum to withdraw. The Israel-led coalition defeated Egyptian forces but by the time it was over, the Suez Canal had been no longer meaningful and both the US and USSR pressured the coalition to withdraw from the war. As a result, UK Prime Minister had resigned and the UN had established the UNEF Peacekeepers. -
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Great Leap Forward in China
The Great Leap Forward was an effort made by the Communist Party of China under Mao Zedong to transform China into a society capable of competing with other industrialized nations, within a short, five-year time period. The Great Leap Forward was eventually stopped after the Soviet model of industrialization in China failed. The importance of the GLF was that it produced a division among the party leaders. -
Castro Comes to Power in Cuba
Castro leads revolutionaries who then started with only two rifles. By early 1957 they were already attracting recruits and winning small battles against Rural Guard patrols. Castro, through the willpower of his guerilla tactics, came into Havana and took charge as Prime Minister of Cuba. the importance was that established the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere after leading an overthrow of the military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1959. -
Construction of the Berlin Wall
It was created after WWII but during the Cold War. It was to separate East Germany and West Germany ideas of economy. The East side was a Socialist society and the West was a Democratic society. The importance of the Wall was that it was a symbol of the Cold War and the separation of the United States and USSR during the Cold War. -
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US Troops in Vietnam
United States involvement in the Vietnam War included over 2 million troops participating in the war. Many people in the States saw that participation in a stalemate war was not worth the amount of people that were already killed. During President Richard Nixon's first term, he, along with North and South Vietnam, and the Viet Cong, agree to the Paris Peace Accords. The Vietnam War would mark the first defeat of the United States military ever. -
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Revolution in Iran
The Revolution in Iran was influenced mostly on the disapprove of Shah's rule in Iran. The disapproval turned into civil resistance which would eventually force the Shah to leave Iran for exile on January 16. This marked the last of the Persian monarch but some forces were still loyal to the monarch even after a new Prime Minister was appointed. The loyal forces were defeated and Ayatollah Khomeini was officially inducted as the Prime Minister of Iran. -
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Iran-Iraq War
The war started with Iraq invading Iran and their leader, Saddam Hussain, launching ballastic missiles onto the Persian Gulf. This would be known as the second Persian Gulf War. The reason for the war was that Saddam Hussain wanted to a reason to invade Iran and that Iran was given an unfair amount of land after annexing Khuzestan. Iran had no major support but the war ended in a tie with both sides not gaining any land -
Soviet Withdrawl from Afghanistan
The Soviet Union began to withdraw from Afghanistan after supplying aid to the country in order to influence communism within the government. Locals in Afghanistan did not support the Comi. government nor the military presence of the Soviet Union in the state. A terrible military conflict began between the Russian army and the Muslim rebels. Neither side won any battles and eventually, Soviet's economy was starting to fail due to the cost of the war in Afghanistan so they withdrew from the land. -
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Sino-Soviet Rift
The Sino-Soviet Rift was the end of a relationship between the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The reason for the split was different national interests such as the USSR being more communist and China being more Nationalist. The end of economic and political relations between China and the USSR opened the doors for the United States to start friendly relations with China under President Richard Nixon. -
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Persian Gulf War
The Gulf War was led by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, had ordered the invasion of Kuwait in 1990. The United Nations Security Council had issues demands for Hussein to withdraw from Kuwait but decided to ignore them and thus the Persian Gulf War started. The United States helped in Operation Desert Storm by flying over and helping the allied coalition while troops were on the ground. President George H.W. Bush had declared a cease-fire in Kuwait and most of the Iraqi forces had surrendered. -
Collapse of USSR
The fall of USSR started with them having a bad economy and Gorbachev's Soviet satellites which started independence movements in USSR. One by one, the states Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia declared their independence from Moscow. Later, the Russian Federation and Ukraine broke away from the USSR and created the Commonwealth of Independent States. The importance for the fall of USSR is the creation of new countries like Russia, that abandoned the idea o Socialism. -
Transfer of Hong Kong to China
China had surrendered Hong Kong to Great Britain with the Convention of Chuenpi and Hong Kong would go on to stand out as a commercial gateway and trade center for Southern China. At the Second Convention of Peking, Great Britain was guaranteed control of Hong Kong, until 1984 where both Britain and China had been negotiating over rule of Hong Kong. U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Britain transferred power of Hong Kong to China. -
camp established at guantanamo bay
The camp was created in January 2002 to hold and torture expected terrorists. It’s also the location that he U.S. would use to house migrants should a migration crisis occur in the Caribbean region. -
International Outbreak of SARS
Known as Severe Acute Syndrome, an airborne disease that quickly spread worldwide within a few months but was quickly contained by the World Health Organization. There is no known treatment of SARS and no one survived this deadly disease when they were infected in China -
Terrorist Attack on London Subway
A Terrorism event in the United Kingdom, the 2005 London bombings were coordinated attacks by Islamic extremists across the city. Three of the four attacks occurred under ground while the fourth one occurred in the public street. The three attacks occurred within the subway transportation system in London while the other attack had impacted a double-Decker bus on a public street. A total of 52 people died from the attacks, most were locals while 3 were from Poland.