AP World History timeline

  • Period: 518 to 907

    Tang and Song dynasties

    The Song dynasty began in 581 AD and ended in 618 after a revolt. During this time china was considered the in its golden age. The Song dynasty expanded the grand canal, creating lots of debt. These empires made significant advancements to steel production and gunpowder. The Tang dynasty lasted from 618-907 AD. This dynasty linked South and North China which began the transfer of goods. The Tang also created agriculture reforms, expanded china's territory, conquered turks, and revived religions.
  • Period: 750 to 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate

    The abbasid Caliphate was the golden age for Islam. They helped to create the house of wisdom, which held islamic scholars and roman texts. The Turks began to take over when the caliph became a struggle.
  • Period: 1000 to

    Feudalism in Europe

    William the conquerer had become king of England. The western and eastern churches began to split, causing conflicts between religions. Western Europe began to adopt feudalism for their government. This was when the nobility held land in exchange for military and vassals, the peasants were obligated to live on the lords land and serve him.
  • Period: 1200 to 1350

    Mongol Empire

    The mongols were very nomadic and developed from steppes. They had a very powerful military and took over other clans. The Mongols created the bow which helped to bring extreme mobility. The Mongols fought on horseback using archery. The Mongolians demanded tribute such as products and taxes. Pax Mongolica was created to provide effective administration of the Silk Road.Kublai Khan and the Mongols were defeated by the Song Dynasty.
  • Period: 1210 to 1526

    Delhi Sultanate

    This was the muslim sultanate in India, established by the turks. They did not conquer all of India, but did rule mostly Northern India. They used the Quran and practiced Shariah Law. They did not force Indians to convert, But those who did not had to pay a tax called Jizya. Most of these people did convert to muslim.
  • Period: 1235 to

    Mali Empire

    The Mali Empire was located in West Africa. Mali was the wealthiest empire in the middle ages . They produced gold and salt. This was the largest empire in West Africa and help influence the culture of Africa through language, laws, and customs.
  • Period: 1299 to

    Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman empire was one of the largest and most successful empires in World history. This is because of their organized military and political structure.ONe of the most powerful empires was the Byzantine empire and the Ottoman empire had captured the capital of the empire, Constantinople. Constantinople then became the capital of the Ottoman Empire. When Constantinople was captured many scientists and artist fled to Italy which then sparked the Rennasance.
  • Period: 1300 to

    European Renaissance

    The renaissance was a time in Europe where it had transformed form the middle ages to a more modern time period. This was a time for cultural, artistic, and economic rebirth. There was lots of artwork created during this time including the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Birth of Venus. This time period sparked the creation of humanism which was the idea that people should try to be educated in the classical arts.
  • Period: 1347 to 1353

    Bubonic Plague

    This plague was caused by the trade on the silk road and mediteranean sea. You could get infected by flea bites. This started in China and caused black looking bumps. The effects of the plague were, the catholic church had lost influence because they could not offer sacrament whicgh caused faith to decrease. People also fled to urban areas. There were many flagellants who were poeple who whipped themselves to demonstrate forgiveness. 25-30% of people died during this time.
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    This was a dynasty that ruled over China for a long time. During this time, the population in China nearly doubled. They led a rebellion against the Mongols, which expelled them, resulting in Ming dynasty. This dynasty was known for trade expansion to places outside of China. Hongwu was the first emporer. They reintroduced social service exams and tried to support the working class.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Age of Exploration

    This was a time period in which people of Europe would travel in attempt to find find trade routes to Asia. These trade routes were able to produce new products the people could sell such as silk and spices. Portugal and Spain were some of the first places to begin to find trade routes. They were in search of the three G's (gold, glory, and God). During this time christopher Columbus was trying to find a route to Asia and found the americas. Europe began to invest more money in the new world.
  • Period: 1400 to 1530

    Aztec and Inca empires

    These were two of the most advanced civilizations in the Americas before the Europeans arrived. The Aztec empire was located in Central Mexico. Their capital city was Tenochtitlan and the empire was widely based upon religion and gods.The Inca empire was centered around Peru. They created a complex government and a system of roads. The Inca were conquered by Francisco Pizarro.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Spanish Colonial Empire

    This empire created the encomienda system. This is the system was the first in the new world and was much like the feudal system. The encomenderos were like the nobles and lords. They created the castas system which included peninsulares,criollos, mestizos,mulatos,indios, and negros. They also created the hacienda system which were large plantations who had natives for labor. They helped improve the silver industry and forced catholicism on the natives of the land.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    This was the transportation by slave traders to slaves mainly to the americas. This caused a great population migration of Africans. There was lots of death on the middle passage and was almost like a mass genocide. This allowed an introduction to new forms of crops such as okra, sugarcane, bananas, and rice. This created cultural syncretisms such as creole and voodoo which is a mix of christianity and west african. 40% of all slaves went to Brazil for sugar farming.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Portuguese trading post empire

    These were posts built by the Portuguese mariners. Rather than controlling land, these controlled the trade that occured. They did this by forcing merchants to pay duties at vessels. They wanted to control the Indian ocean by forcing merchants to invest in safe conduct passes. This spread the knowledge of asian waters to other nations.
  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation

    The time period when people disagreed with Roman Catholic church. This resulted in calvinism which is the belief that because god is all knowing, he will know who is going to heaven. This taught extreme self discipline which was popular in France and Switzerland. The reformation also resulted in the 30 year religion war, granting religious tolerance to all christians in France.
  • Period: 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    This was an empire located in Asia. Mughal power saw being a single unit important and wanted power adminitsered under one ruler. During this time art and architecture had expanded and allowed for increase. This was a period of great wealth and culture. The emoperors of the Mughals were origionaly Turkish Mongols.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    This was the final era before the Meiji restoration. This was a warring states period because the Daimyo kept fighting. Tokugawa caused urban areas to grow. The Shogunate centralized the nations government by uniting its people. The shoguns were the most important, then the Daimyos, then Samurai, and then the peasants.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    IN the early 17th century, Machu invaded and subjugated regions of Asia which ended the Ming dynasty and started the Qing dynasty. This dynasty succeeded the republic of China and was the last dynasty to rule in China.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The enlightenment was an intellectual movement. This includes people such as Thomas Paine, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes Barande, Mary Wollstonecraft, Voltaire, Jean Rousseau, Diderot, and Adam Smith. This time period gave rise to deism. Deism is the belief in a supreme power, but he does not interact with humans. Another major belief is liberty which helped to shape the independence movement that soon followed after the enlightenment period.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    During the old regime, There were three estates. This regime believed in absolutism and church. The first estate was the clergy, second was the nobility, and third was the peasants. People in the thrid estate were upset by the lack of rights and and the fact that they were foced to pay all taxes. The national assembly declared the rights of men. This resulted in the development of the estates general, which said there would be only one vote from each estate.