Song & Tang Dynasties (581-598 AD) & (618-907 AD)
The Song Dynasty was a short lives dynasty in China. This dynasty was destroyed because China became spilt by 3 different dynasties. The Tang dynasty helped to expand China, and conquer the Turks. This dynasty also succeeded the Sui dynasty (Song Dynasty). -
Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258 CE)
The Abbasid Caliphate was created during the Islamic Golden Age. This Caliphate ruled the Islamic Empire after the Umayyad Caliphate. Later on in the 11th century the Turks started to take over the Caliphate as it was weakening. They defined themselves as Sultans. -
Feudalism In Europe (1200)
Feudalism grew big in Europe in 1200. Feudalism is a government system that made it were one persons actions helped the others. Feudalism was split up into a pyramid with four groups, king, lords, knights, and serfs. The king would give the lords land in exchange for taxes, the lords would give the knights a stable for their horses in exchange for the knights to protect them, and the knights would give the serfs a place to stay in exchange for food. -
Mongol Empire (1200-1350)
The Mongol Empire was very powerful, because of their geographical location. They were located right next to the Silk Road, which lead them to keep peace there. They used fear and tribute to make the Silk Road more peaceful. This helped increase trade, but after the death of Genghis Khan the Mongol Empire fell apart. -
Delhi Sultanate (1210-1526)
The Delhi Sultanate was located in nowadays Northern India (Pakistan). It was established by Asian Turks. Their religion was Islamic, so they used the Quran and practiced Sharia. You were not forced to become their religion, but it was strongly encourged, or you had to pay a tax. -
Mali Empire (1240-1645)
The Mali Empire was a middle man in the trading business. They were in between North Africa and the Sahara Desert, so if North Africa wanted goods the Mali Empire would supply them from the Sahara Desert. They would transport gold, salt, copper, and ivory. This caused Muslim merchants to become interested and this helped the spread of Islam in Africa. -
Yuan Dynasty (1260-1294)
The Yuan Dynasty was ran by Kublai Khan. He helped this dynasty grow by, adopting chinese ways, limiting the mongols, and encouraging foreign trade and merchants. He tried to invade Japan twice and failed both times. Big storms ruined his attempts both times, so the Japanese named these storms Kamikze (Divine Wind) -
European Renaissance (1300-1600)
The Renaissance was a time of growth in Europe. This was a time were literature, art, and philosophy were very important and widely used. The Renaissance was a time between modern day and the middle ages. This helped us find new territories, develop new cultures, and create new and improved ideas on life styles. -
Ottoman Empire (1300-1922)
The Ottoman Empire was super powerful and lasted a very long time. This empire conquered territories from southeastern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. This empire was only finally taken over by the Turkish Republic. The name came from the founder Osman I. -
Bubonic Plague (1340-1349)
The Bubonic Plague was a huge disease that spread all over the world. It was spread through the Silk Road by fleas and rats. Symptoms included breathing problems and black wealts, and caused rapid deaths. People thought God sent this disease on them, so they started to lose faith. -
Aztec Empire (1345-1521)
The Aztec Empire was formed around a lake. They ruled other communities by making them pay tributes to the empire for protection. This was called their Tribute System, and this is how they stayed in power, by making people loyal to them by force. The Tribute System consisted of a pyramid, the lower you were the more tribute you had to pay to support the higher powers. -
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
The Ming Dynasty was a time of rebellion. It caused a peasant rebellion, and a mongol rebellion. Later on the mongols were expelled. During this time the Bubonic Plague and overproduction of money were occuring. -
Inca Empire (1400-1533)
The Inca Empire was the biggest in South America before the Spanish Conquistadors. This empire was mainly located in Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia.The Incas were very famous for their architecture and art, leaving their mark with their architecture after they conquer somewhere. Their architecture is more interesting, because they would form it in weird places like on mountains and in jungles. -
Age Of Exploration (1450-1550)
The Age of Exploration was a time when explorers were sent out to find new territory. This was when Christopher Columbus found America. Other explorers also found new territories including the southern tip of Africa, a trade route through Asia, and some new materials in Canada. -
Mughal Empire (1500-1850)
The Mughal Empire successfully ruled Northern India for over two centuries. Their main goal was to integrate Hindus and Muslims into a united state. The death of Muhammad Shah destroyed the dynasty and it unity, along with its other issues with battle. Most of their territory was taken over and they were left with a little piece until Britain came and overran them. -
Portuguese Trading Post Empire (1500-1600)
Portugal was the first country to find a sea trade route to Asia. Portugal set up trading post that forced merchants to have to pay tribute to be able to trade in Asia. By mid 16th century they had over 50 trading post in west and east Asia. They used their navy in hopes of controlling all tradein the Indian Ocean. -
Spanish Colonial Empire (1516-1700)
The Spanish used a similar system the Europeans did during feudalism to use conquistadors to get silver for them in the New World. The Spanish used the Patio Process to help get more silver faster, the process of using mercury to extract silver. Later viceroys were used to keep the conquistadors in place in their colonies. The Spanish also had a social pyramid like the Europeans to collect taxes and tributes. -
The Reformation (1517-1648)
The Reformation was a time of challenge to already established beliefs. People like Martin Luther and John Calvin started to challenge the Catholic Church, and started to spread Calvinism (God knows everyone's faith). England stayed out of it until the King requested a divorce from his wife, and the Pope denied. This caused a spiral of his family decent to take his place and change the beliefs. -
Atlantic Slave Trade (1526-1867)
The Atlantic Slave Trade transported 10 to 12 million slaves to the Americas from Africa. This was apart of a three piece trade process. The other two trades were wines shipping from Europe to Africa and sugar and coffees shipping from the Americas to Europe. These slaves were part of a global slave trade process. -
Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1867)
The Shogunates were in charge of keeping peace in Japan for 250 years. They had to keep out foreign culture and westernization ideas. The Shogunates began to grow weak, and were taken over during the Meiji Restoration. This helped to create the Japanese modern culture. -
Qing Dynasty (1636-1911)
The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty to rule China. This dynasty conquered the Ming Dynasty, but kept some of their policies. The Qing Dynasty helped expand China into central Asia, but at the cost of peoples lives. The Qing Dynasty changed a few of the Ming policies, they opened a few ports but keeping the isolation policy, and they let art flourish. -
The Enlightenment (1715-1789)
The Enlightenment was a time when new ideas about people's rights were being developed. Some people wanted the government to have more control of people's lives, and some people wanted the government to have less control. This time period had a few inspirations including John Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Jean Rousseau, Thomas, Hobbes & Paine, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Adam Smith. This was also the time period that started feminism. -
American Revolution (1775-1783)
The American Revolution was fueled by Britain's taxes to the American colonies, because they needed money after the French and Indian war. The first shot was fired at Lexington between British and American soldiers. Later the French joined the war, helping the colonist. The French helped to gain the colonist freedom by 1781, but fighting still continued until 1783. -
French Revolution (1789-1799)
The French Revolution was a time of uprising by the French people because of poor economic policies and dislike of feudal system and absolute monarchs. This uprising was because of Louis XVI and his poor management. He later was guillotined alongside his wife. His death only made things worse, and sent the French into a bloodbath, with the decision of what to do next to blame. This later became an example to other countries of the will power of people. -
Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
The Haitian Revolution was fought by slaves against the French and many other supporters on both sides. The French took over the slaves that the Spanish were controlling, and established their own colonies. The slaves eventually rose up and fought for their freedom. Haitians became the first people to to form a country off of slaves and succeed freedom. -
Industrial Revolution (1820-1840)
The Industrial Revolution was a time period were rural societies in Europe and America became more industrialized. Machines and new technology was introduced during this time, making the production of goods increase. During this time steam power was introduced and became the newest thing. This began in Britain and spread to the rest of the world. -
Tanzimat Reforms (1830-1870)
The Tanzimat Reforms were used to fix the Ottoman Empires influences. The Sultans began these reforms. These reforms included a lot of European influences. This helped to change from the empires old ways to a more modern state. -
Opium Wars (1839-1860)
The Opium Wars were conflicts against the Qing Dynasty by the Chinese people. There were two wars one from 1839-1842, and the second fought between 1856-1860. The Anglo-French War helped weaken the Qing Dynasty. This caused China become more of a republic. -
Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864)
The Taiping Rebellion was a revolt against the Qing Dynasty. The Taipings were ran as a cult like force and fought to take over Najing for a decade. This rebellion was a fail and lead to 20 million deaths. The Taiping forces praised a prophet. -
Sepoy Mutiny (1857-1859)
The Sepoy Mutiny was a unsuccessful rebel against Britain control in India. This began because of the East India Company. This was part of many trials to remove Britain from India. This fight has many names including the First War of Independence. -
Meiji Revolution (1868)
The Meiji Revolution brought the final removal of the Shogunates in Japan. This returned the power in the country to the emperor. This lead to the westernization and modernization of Japan. With the Shogunates Japan would have never been able to be influenced by the rest of the world. -
Scramble for Africa (1884-1885)
The Scramble for Africa began, because Europeans started to release Africa had uncharted territory with new materials. Once a few countries set out to gather materials other countries weren't far behind.Africa got named the Dark Continent, because of it's mysterious persona. Since Africa was not modernized the other countries established it as not colonized. -
Berlin Conference (1884-1885)
The Berlin Conference was a meeting to decide what to do with the Congo River. Portugal had different ideas than the rest of the European powers. Although Britain, France, and Germany had already agreed on the Congo Free State plan. This allowed the Congo river to be used freely by everyone for trade, and other purposes.