Established in 100 A.D.. The Moche can be placed in three time periods. They occupied the Northern Coastal Plains of Peru, and they were very agricultural based. They were located on the edge of Peru. The most important figure was The Decapitator (their god). They made human sacrifices to their god. They believed he enjoyed feeding on the blood of the sacrifices. Most knowleged came from their metal work, and pottery. They mastered moutain runooff with irrigation canals. -
Ancient China
In ancient China their supreme being was Shangdi and the king was the link between Shangdi and the people. They had many oracles and priest who foretold the future through interpretations of animal bones, which led to writing. Their writing system was called ideographs which contained different symbols. There were over 3000 symbols in the writing system. -
Anciet Rome
Latin people ruled Rome until Etruscans came in 616 BCE. Twins Romulus and Remus are said to have created the Empire. Their government was built on Tribunes for each class. -
May 13, 1000
Judaism is a part of Christianity. There “Bible”, The Torah, is made of the first five books of the bible. This is what they believe and study day by day. One main idea about Judaism is that they are still waiting on the Messiah. The Jews where considered gods people, and where given land in Palestine. Their “father” Abraham was told that he would have many sons if he did Gods will. And from this Judaism was created that is stilled studied today.
Christianity branched off of Judaism and origina -
May 8, 1100
Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is very similar to the biological Darwinism. Only the strong survive. It is the basic idea that “I know how to run a government and you don’t, so I will help you run your government so you will survive.” -
May 7, 1200
Empires Rise and Fall
Many empires have risen and fallen to many different things. Empires like the Greek, Persian or Ottoman Empires have made their mark and have fallen in drastic ways. Many have fallen from over population, or from being harsh to its people and them revolting. -
May 7, 1300
Women's roles
Womens roles during the Neolithic and Paleolithic times changed drastically. Women were seen as equals as they hunted and gathered together with men. As settlements from the advancments in agriculture came men and womans roles changed. Women were set to take care of children and do things like tending the crops and cooking. The roles of men and women pretty much stayed the same throughout time in many cultures. Women didn't have as many rights as man or really any say. -
May 7, 1400
Trade routes
There have been many trade routes all through time. Some of the main ones were the Silk road Trade route from 200 B.C.E. to 220 C.E. This trade route spaned all the way from the byzantine empire throughout Asia. Many things were traded on this 7000 mile route like silk, stones, metals, and Buddhism. There were also trade routes that spaned all over Europe and Asia like the Idian Ocean Trade route, and Trans-Saharan Trade, -
May 6, 1500
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire was a turkish Empire and became modern day Turkey. Their were a Islamic strong religon and started from 1299-1453. The ottoman empire was one of the strongest empires of its time. -
May 7, 1500
Though little is known about Daoism they had a very peaceful way of living. They would follow something called The Dao which says: Limitless force that is part of all creation, All things in nature are connected through the Dao, and Finding one’s place in nature to achieve harmony in the universe. They believed the best way to act in harmony with the universal order is to act spontaneously and let nature take its course. -
An anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. Made a big apperance in the Greek empire. The word was also first created in the Greek Empire. -
To reach enlightenment in Buddhism you must follow Four Noble Truths:
1. Suffering is a part of human life. No one can escape suffering while alive.
2. Suffering comes from people’s desires for pleasure and material goods.
3. Overcoming these desires during life eventually brings suffering to an end.
4. Desires can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path
They must also follow the Eight Fold Path:
1. Accepting the Four Noble Truths
2. Striving for moderation in all things
3. Avoiding lies, -
Indus River Valley
At the beggining of time there were 6 core civilizations. These core civilizations consist of Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Indus River Valley, Ancient china, Yellow River Valley, -
The idea that everyone is equal and there is not a class system. Also, wealth is redistributed between the people. The government also owns all of industry. -
Confucinism was developed in the Han dynasty by Confucius. It is centered around humanism. Confucinism has no belief in a god or a higher being. There is also no belief in desire or after life. They focus on family and people. They believe that humans are perfect, teachable, and improvable. -
Hinduism began in India and came from a collection of Aryan Gods and Godesses. Hindu believes that the Brahman created the world. They believe that Devas maintain the order in nature. According to Hindu peoples Atman, or soul, are a part of Brahman. They get reunited with Brahman when moksha is achieved. Moksha is the cycle of death and rebirth. -
Ancient Egypt
They had controlable floods that they believed were a gift from god. Their main god was Re (the sun god). The Pharaoh was believed to be the Son of Re. -
The land between the rivers was one of the first civilizations. They had un predictable floodings, which they thought were curses from the gods. Their land was fertile, but the unpridictable floods would destroy crops. they believed in many gods. -
Yellow River Valley
In 4000 B.C. the yellow river valley civilization began in China. The river strechted across china for more than 2,900 miles. The Shang King ruled from the capital city of Anyang. -
Christianity branched off of Judaism and originated in Jerusalem. Christians believe in one God named God. Christians believe the Messiah, Jesus has come. They believe that God is everlasting and is the main figure of Christianity. Christians also believe in a afterlife. Also there is an evil figure called the Devil, Satan, or Lucifer. He controls Hell for the bad humans and tends to make life hard for others. Will God controls Heaven for Gods children or the good humans. -
Cold War
The Cold War was between 1945-1990 and involved the US and the Union of Soviet Socilaist Rublics. It was a war against Democracy and Communism. It was also a war against Capitalism and Socialism. -
Industrialization in Europe
Industrialization: The introduction of machinery and more sophisticated tools into the culture of many different countries. It started in England and then culturally diffused across the world. However the some of the last places in the world to be “industrialized” are Latin America and Eastern Asia, such as Russia. -
Myra and Gupta
Mainly a Hinduistic culture, but Ashoka (a king) spread Buddhism through missionaries. They conquered northern India. the mauyrans academeics helped create alebra. In the beginning of the Gupta they reunited with Hinduism and grew in popularity. They had agriculture that was an important part of the empire, and they also made progress in the industry and trade system. -
WWI between 1914-1918. WWI was the worlds first "world" involved war between the Allies and Axis. Started from the need or want to spread their terrortories. The victories were the Allies in a clean sweep. -
WWII was a rough time in the western hemishpere with a large execution of mainly Jews. Over 6 million were killed during the war in 1939 to 1945. Their leader Hitler was a ruthluss and menonciing man. -
Roman Empire broke into two, West: Germans and East: Constantinople. Justinian ruled the Byzantine Empire and he wanted to restore the Roman Empire. He created the Code of Law and was used in all continental Europe. Byzantine was the center fo Trade between the East and West. He died leaving he Empire in turmoil. -
Located in: Iran, syria, and iraq. they had the tigris and euphrates that caused fertile land. They were surrounded by the red, mediterranean, black, caspian, and arabian seas. Their economy was based on trade. Their religion was zoroastrianism, but they were free to worship any religion. Theire empires was based on tolerance and diplomacy, and was ruled by one empire. They aramic, and they made weapons from bronze.They spoke Aramaic and wrote Old Perian. -
Buddhism was founded in India. It was founded by a young prince who went on a great departure for six years. He medidated and reached enlightement. He then became the Buttah.
The society was based on caste system. They are split up into priests, warriors, merchants, laborers, and outcasts. People of Buddhism follow the four noble truths and the eight fold path. They try to reach nirvana which is a state of perfect peace when the soul is free from suffering. -
Anciet Greece
Ancient Greece rose in 800-146 BC. Their were seen as one of the Strongest Empires in history. We got a lot of the things we have today like our governement, alaphabet, and even some of the months.