Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Ferdinand, visited hostile Serbia after attempts to control the Serbian area. Serbian conspirators sat on top of the murder of the Archduke. Franz was shot and killed in his mortorcade by Serbians. This led up to WW1. -
Japan makes 21 Demands on China
Japan made 21 demands to the provisional governement of China and threatened war if nto acccepted, these demands included: the appointment of Japanes to the Chinese governement, control of rail roads, and the ban of allowing foreign nations in Chinese lands. he Chinese will eventually send 13 demands able to be met and will provide temperary peace until Japan invades China. -
Gallipoli Campaign
The Allies lost trade routes with Russia and with the inclusion of the Ottoman Empire into the Central Powers the only trade route left between Allies and Russia was shut off. The Gallipoli campaign was the combined efforts all of the Allied forces in Istanbul attempting to take control of trade in the Dardenalles. The campaign ended with a surprising outcomeof Ottoman sucessful defense. These camapaigns would later allow Ataturk to gain the power after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. -
German Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Germany used unrestricted warfare to destroy the Allies' supply line from the US. The German U-Boats would attack civilian and merchant ships without warning. When a German U-boat attacks a British liner, Lusitania, with many Americans on board, many Americans pshed for the US to enter the war. This would lead to the US's eventual entrance into WW1. -
Civil War in Russia
Following WW1 Tsarist Russia lost its power within its people, Lenin and his Communist allies were able to revolt and force Csar Ivan to step down. After this a Red Army, Bolsheviks, faught against White Army, Mensheviks, anti-communist forces. The Bolsheviks ultimatley won and were able to defeat the White army because the Mensheviks were not uniffied against them. THe Civil war led to the formation of the Soviet Union. -
Bolshevik Revolution
Bolsheviks led the revolution in Petrogrand and took over the city and organized themselves in order to take the capitol of Russia next. This revolution gaveway for the Bolshevik communists to take over the provisional Russian government and set up the Soviet Union. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
This treaty was Russia's official exit from WW1. The treaty provided comfort for the Bolshevik's who were intertwinned with a civil war of their own. The treaty also set up the new states of Eastern Europe such as Finland , Estonia, and Latvia. -
Paris Peace Confrence
The Paris Peace COnfrence was a series of treaties set up after the victory of the Allies in WW1. The confrence was initially led by France, England, the US, and taly. The confrence set up a League of Nations, and split much of Germany's conquered land, as well as stablishing mutiple new states in Eastern Europe. The treaties also were set to limit central power's and prevent a WW2. -
First Meeting of the League of Nations
The League of Nations was set up in order to form treaties between nations inorder to prevent a WW2. The USSR, US, and Germany were not in attendence to the meeting. The US was invited, but the congress denied to enter, the USSR's new communist states were not invited because of the treatment of humans in the nation; Germany was the aggresor of WW1 and still sen as an enemy to all. -
Lenin's Economic Policy
Lenin created an economic plan to boost the Soviets economy. The plann included allowing farmers to sell surplus crops and allowing the rise of prices of consumer goods, this promoted even more agriculture as farmers needed to produce more inorder to boost the amount of food available. The plan was later replaced by Stalin's 5 year plan. -
Mussolini Launches Fascist Movements
Mussolini launched fascism in Italy as a response for the failed involvement of Italy in WW1, after WW1 Italy had dropped into despression and fascist ideas proved to be a way out of the depression. The Italians were able to launch Blackshirt movements that were led by militias of fascism in ex-Austrian-Hungarian ruled provinces. The Blackshirts killed many ethnic groups in land they won. Mussolini eventually used his bult army to threaten a march on Rome if he were not Prime Minister. -
Ataturk proclaims Republic of Turkey
Ataturk set reforms after WW1 in order to get rid of Ottoman rule in modern day Turkey. Ataturk set up a Secualr Constitution that completely seperated religion from state, that was a problem with the Ottomans. Ataturk set up the first Republic of Turkey. -
First Soviet Five Year PLan
THe First Five Year plan was a reform for Stalinist Russia to strengthen the country's economy for 5 years, by setting goals. This proved to be impossible task for the Soviet people. One of the main points of this plan was the Soviet plan to rush industrialization of Russia, because it had fallen behind the rest of the World. Stalin's plan eventually failed after Stalin's goals were never met. -
Stock Market
The Stock Market crash was triggered by the margain buying of banks and unprecedented amounts of stock being sold without any value. The stocks were worth nothing because the companies had haulted production and we creatin surplus. -
Civil Disobedience in India
Gahndi led a peaceful civil rights movement against British rule in India. The key to the INdian movement was its non-violent acts. The Indians didnt ot engage in conflicts simply disobeyed laws set by British rulers, such as Salt Laws. Indians had been protesting the governence of their nation without the representation of an Indian representative, the Civil disobedience will lead to Great Britain loss of control over India. -
Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
Kwantung Army of Japan staged an explosion and blamed the Chinese for the terrorists attack n a Japanese railway and used this as a reason to invade Manchuria. Japanese forces easily acquired victories and occupied Manchuria, and laterf freed it of Chinese control. During this time, the Kuoimtong and Commuinists united to fight off the invading Japanese forces. Japan eventually freed Manchuria from te Chinese. -
Hitler is Ruler in Germany
Hitler assumed power as Chancellor of Germany and eventually became the Fuher. Hitler used extreme propaganda and supported antisemistic views in order to acheive power. His plans involved occupying and uniting all lands for the Arayan race in all of Europe under the Third Reich. Hitler forms a pact with Stalin and will begin WW2. During WW2 Hitler will commit suicide after the fall of Berlin. -
Sandino's Murdered in Nicaragua
Sandino, a revolutionary leader against the US's occupation of Nicaragua, was on the run from American foces after a undeclared guerilla war. After the inaguration of President Sagassa by American governement he returned to Nicarague. Sandino was a national hero and a bandit to American's who avoid capture. On Feb. 21st, 1934 Sandino was murdered by the Nicaraguan National Guard along with his father and brother. Sandinistas, his followers still exist today, and would be key political figures Ce -
Communist Chinese Long March
The Chinese Communists had been under constand pressure from the Nationalist Kuomintang Army, and was in hiding in the Jiangxi province. The march was a result of a Kuomintang march into the province to destroy the Communists, the Communists then fled to the Shaaxi mountains where Mao Zedong would assume power of the communists party and lead a revolution. -
Stalin's Great Purge in USSR
The Great Purge was a series of political repessions and murders. THe Stalinist governement led a capaign to eliminatate all enimies of the state. Many of these "enemies" were killed and/or erased from history. Stalin's government set up these persecutions by using secret police and military forces. The atrocities commited by Stalin's rule were not known by the Russian people until later in history. -
Invasion of China by Japan
Japanese forces realized China was never occupied and to end ancient struggle between the two, and the Japanese forces invaded China. The Chinese forces recieved aid from the US and Soviet Union. The Japanese forces quickly won some battle. Japanese froces used extreme violence and embarresment in its conquering of cities, for exmple, the Rape of Nanking, where thousands were raped and/or murdered by the Japanese. Communists resistenence then initiated a stalemate in the war. -
Partition of India
The Partition of India was the split of India from British control. The British parliment was able to pass a Partition Act in which India gained its independence, as well as Pakistan. Eventually the Partition will cause much conflict and displacement of people between disputedlands of India and Pakistan. he main problems faced were religions and their acceptence of religions by the states. -
German Anschluss with Austria
The annexation of Austria by the Third German Reich was one of the first steps Hitler took to control his Greater German Reich. Hitler's plan was to control a nation of all the ethnic group of German people. This annexaion went against the Treaty of Versalles, but was stlll allowed due to appeasement. -
Cardenas Nationalizes Oil in Mexico
President and General Lazaro Cardenas declared that all oil in Mexico was property of the goverment. Oil companies in Mexico lost their reserves and demanded their countries to embargo and boycott Mexican products, these countries included Netherlands, England, and the US. THe Mexican government will establish PEMEX, the leading gasoline company in Mexico. -
Invasion of Poland by Germany
After signing a non-agresion pact with Soviet Russia, Germany invaded Poland, ex-German land. Allied forces realizing Germany's intentions stoped appeasement practices and declared war on Germany, hence the start of WW2. -
German Invasion of USSR
Hitler's frustration from a British stand pinned him against the USSR in Operation Barborassa, and would destroy their nonagression pact. The Germans launched a full scale invasion and won several battles, but were unable to capture Moscow. From the battles of Moscow Russian forces were able to push Germans back to Germany. The invasion brought about a two front war and German army destruction. -
Batle of Stalingrad
After Germany's invasion of Russia, a primary target was Stalingrad, an industrialized city that provided a route to the oil in Central Asia. The battle was said to be a a great victory but as the Russian winter set in German forces were diminished, the battle was said to have caused 2 millions deaths, both civilian and militaristic. The battle ended with Russian forces breaking its siege and pushing back German forces, an extreme turning point in WW2. -
D-Day Invasion at Normandy
German occupation of the French homeland was an unprecedented burden on allied forces, the allies planned to start their own counter attacks by invading France. thousands of allied troops poured onto a 50 mile stretch of Beach controlled by Germany. German forces withstood atttacks but eventually fel back, a turning point in WW2. -
Capture of Berlin by Soviet Forces
War on the Eastern front had puhed Germans back into their capitol, Berlin. The Soviet army planned an extreme attack on Berlin. After meeting fierce Geran resistence, on three fronts, Soviets are ordered to retreat, but they simply keep ushing, eventually breaking German lines of defenses. By the next day, Soviet flags are flyingin Berlin and Hitler had committed suicide. Germans then are forced to surrender, and the Allies are able to focus on the Pacific war. -
Establishment of United Nations
The UN was established as a resolution to the failure of the League of Nations to prevent another WW. The nations in the UN were allies and swore to protect eachother through difficulties. The 5 permenent members of the UN include US, China, France, England, and the Soviet Union. The aim of the UN is to prevent a third WW and establish peace through out the world. -
Division of Berlin and Germany
Post WW2 Germany and Berlin was split into 4 controlled territories of the allied forces. USSR, US, France, and Great Britain split Germany and Berlin into four and shared control of the region. Stalin took advantage of this and annexed Poland into the Soviet union's control. -
Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
After Nazi's fall in Europe, Allies gave Japan an ultimatum and prepared for an invasion of the string of islands, Japan ultimately refused to surrender and the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This was the only time Nuclear weapons were ever used in warfare. The bombings devestated the cities and led to the surrender of Japanese forces. -
Apartheid in South Africa
After WW2 South Africa fell into segregational society, as whites were seen as superior to all others. This racism was seen since its colonization, but it was finally enforced as laws. In 1970 only whites were allowed in the government. Blacks were also deprived of their citizenship in South Africa. Many opposers were killed or imprisoned, one, was Nelson Madela. Mandela eventually led the African National Congress in its routing of Apartheid in 1994. -
Creation of Israel
Zionist movements pushed for a Jewish homeland, and British Mandate of Palestine proved to be a perfect place. Follwing its establishment, Arab Palestinias and their allies attacked the Jewish state in response to the UN Partition Plan. The Arab forces were put down by Israeli forces and Israel was abl to be established and gain 50% more land then they previously had. -
Arab-Isreali War
Arab-Isreali War broke out as a response to the UN Partition Plan that was set to split the mandate of the England in the Middle East. Jewish states were set to live in conjunction with Arab states, this brought anger to the Arab Palestinians that were forceed to give up their land. Yishuv Isreali forces fought against many Arab states from the Middle East that supported Palestinian forces. The Isreali forcesaught the Arab forces off and able to establish their own Ccountry, Isreal. -
Establishment of NATO
NATO was established as a peace organization united to help eachother and protect eachothers borders. nATO was formed by all capitalists states in order to surpress communism and unite against it -
Establishent of People's Republic of China
Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China after a succesful revolution against Kuomintang National Party orces of capitalists of China's existing governement. Mao Zedong established a new Communist nation and attempted to boost the Chinese into the modern day world. -
Korean War
The Korean war was a Proxy war of between the US and USSR, staged in Korea. The south was primarily a capitalists state and the North was communists; hen the North invaded the South, the north used help from USSR, this led to the south's near destruction, until the US staged an invasion into central Korean, a turning point, From this point on the South and Americans pushed the north into China. The Capitalists soon realized thepower of China, when they were pushed back into the South. -
Castro comes to power in Cuba
Casto along with his brother, were sentenced to 15 and 13 years in prison. Castro was released and exiled to Mexico, where he was trained and was able to befriend "Che," he would help Castro on his conquest. Castro and Che led forces against BAtista, and Batista eventually fled Cuba. Castro was then able to establish a President, until Battle of Bay of Pigs, a US invasion, Cuba had a President afterwards, Cuba became Communists and Fidel named himself the central authority. -
Algerian War of Liberation
1954-1962. After WW2 France was unable to control their North African colonies. De Gualle spoke about French releasing their colonies in nort Africa. The civil war seen intervention of French forces in the Civil war. Algerian seen this point inorder to become free from French rule. The war was fault between French loyalists and French muslims seeking freedom. The war ended in 1962 with Algeria being freed from French rule and led to the fall of the Fourth Republic of France. -
French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
French occupation in Vietnam was becoming weary as the Vietnamese were getting support from the Chinese governement. The French were confident their superior artilary was able to fend off the Vietnamese forces, but Vietnamese forces quickly advanced and the French supply lines were cut off. The Vietnamese victoy over 57 days lasted as the French lost all of its colonial rule in Indochina after the battle, allowing for the split of Vietnam. -
Establishment of Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was established as a response to German Republic entering NATO. Communist nations, during the Cold War, united together and formed the Warsaw Pact as a protection agaisnt NATO and its member's threats. -
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US Troops in Vietnam
A Proxy War following the first Indochina War led to the US's involvement in the battle between Communist orth Viet Cong and the South's Republic of Vietnm, in Vietnam. The US simply wasted money and troops as the war was lost after the fall of Saigon. The North Acheived a Victory and a victory for Communism over Capitalism. -
Suez Crisis
In late 1956 Israeli, French, and British forces were on the border of Egypt and threatening the invasion of Egypt and triggering the bombings of Cairo. The UN, US, and USSR all intervened and settled the conflict. The French and Briish forces retreated, but Israeli forces stayed a year. Egypt's President Nasser then nationalized the Suez Canal to allow shipping and travel. Egypt's plee for help from the USSR led to American and British withdrawal from building dams, and Soviets picked up. -
Uprising in Hungary
THe Hungarian unprising had begun with many young college students, but then is quickl spread across the country. Some of the revolutionaries points was to eestablish a free elections and withdraw from the Warsaw Pact. This uprising was quickly crushed by Soviets and showed their dominating force. -
Great Leap Forward in China
China had been isolated from the rest of the industrialized world, so it had fallen behind industrialy. Mao Zedong had planned to "leap" ahead in industry in order to boost their economy and make China catch up industrialy. The great leap included agricultural reforms of land, backyard furnaces, the 100 flowers movement. -
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Sino-Soviet Rift
The Sino Soviet Split was a direct split between Soviet Russia and Communist China. Both nations disagreed on foreign policies and extreme force of Marxist ideoligies in China compared to Russia. Chinese Red Army led an attack on Russian embassy in Beijing, worsening the matter. The split led to CHinese seeking American intrests, and the split ended in 1989 when Soviet Prime Minister Gorbachev, visited China. -
Construction of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was built after the split of Berlin by Western Europe and the Eastern Bloc, USSR. The Eastern Bloc claimed it was to protect East Germany from Fascists West Germany, but it was simply to prevent the flow of western ideas of politics and society. The Berlin wall was built by both sides and there was a dead zone inbetween, that nobody dared to cross. This dead zone was empty but for anti-vehicle trenches dug by both sides. -
Creation of PLO
The PLO, Palistinian Liberation Organization was formed as the sole representative government of the Palestinians people. they were based in Jordan and drew Palestines border as the British mandate and dint recognize Zionism. -
Iranian Revolution
The Iranian Revolution began as a result of protests and strikes against the Shah's rule in Iran that led to his exile, upon his return guerilla soldiers overran loyal troops and initiated a vote for Iran. The vote elected an Islamic Republic to rule Iran -
Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Soviet involvement in Afghanistans revolution led to a total failure. The Soviet forces were set to help the governement win a swift victory agaisnt guerillas, until US intervention made it a Proxy War. The Soviets were then led by Gorbechev and his new foreign policies seen the withdrawal of Soviet forces. This withdrawal marked a huge loss by the Soviets and led Afghanistan into a power vaccuum filled by extreimists. -
Iran-Iraq War
During Iranian Revolution Iraq seen an oppurtunity to lead an invasion into Iran and become the dominant Persian Gulf nation. The Irai were also involved in diminishing the Shi'ite Muslim population of Iran as well. When Iaq invaded Iran they were quickly reppeled by Iranian forces, and Iranians were then on the offensive since. Iraq used many chemical weapons to massacre people, such as the Kurds, as well as using trench warfare. Iran then was forced to recognize pre-war borders and exit Iraq. -
Reunification of Germany
The German Unification was a result of the openiing of the Hungarian border, causing a hole in the Iron Curtain. Through this hole many of the soviets were able to escape into the West, this mass migration and protests in East Germany led to the first elections of Germany. Germany then continued to be in NATO. -
Persian Gulf War
The Persian Gulf War was a response to Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The U.N then set up a coalition force, led by the U.S, to protect Kuwait. Iarqi forces were quickly put down by coalition forces and the coalition forces invaded parts of Iraq. Iraq threatened another invasion of Israel inorder to prevent Arab nations from helping Kuwait and provoked war when launching missles, but the war with Israel never broke out. -
Collapse of USSR
The USSR's collapse began soon but really took effect during Gorbachev's reign. Gorbachev set up a series of reforms including freedoms of speech, minimal democracy and also tried to curve the economy in order to boost its production, but in tern al of these reforms failed and only angered the people more. The Soviet communists were disinigrating interiorly and their Nation soon followed. Baltic states were constantly in ethnic conflict and Soviets could not deal with the problems in the Balkans -
Transfer of Hong Kong to China
The transfer of Hong Kong to China was esentially peaceful. The transfer of Hong Kong came after many talks between Hong Kong China and Great Britain. The handover was an official handove of the British colony to the People's Republic of China -
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Uprisings in Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgystan
Rose Revolution in Georgia, Tulip Revolution in Krygystan, and Orange Revolutions in Ukraine all were caused by protests due to landslide fixed victories in their new elections.