Washington (Whiskey Rebellion)
The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest on a tax imposed in 1791. The tax was imposed to generate revenue to minimize the debt after the Revolutionary War. Role Expressed By President: Executive, Military, and Legislative -
Jefferson (Louisiana Purchase)
The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million. Role Expressed By President: Diplomat -
Madison (War of 1812)
A military conflict between the United States and Britain due to trade restrictions. Role Expressed By President: Military -
Monroe (Monroe Doctrine)
The Monroe Doctrine was a set of U.S. policy that established the lack of tolerance from Europeans and colonization Role Expressed by President: Legislator -
Jackson (Indian Removal Act)
The Indian Removal Act was a law that allowed for the granting of unsettled land in exchange for Native American lands within State borders. Roles Expressed by President: Legislator -
Polk (Mexican American War)
A U.S. conflict between Mexico and the United States Roles Expressed by President: Military -
Wilson (WWI)
In late June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. An escalation of threats and mobilization orders followed the incident, leading by mid-August to the outbreak of World War I, which pitted Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Japan Role Expressed by President: Military -
Wilson (Treaty of Versailles)
The Peace Treaty that ended World War I
Role Expressed by President: Executive, Diplomat -
F. Roosevelt (New Deal)
The New Deal was a series of programs, including, most notably, Social Security, that were enacted in the United States Role Expressed By President: Legislative -
F. Roosevelt (WWII)
World War II was a war sparked by Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939, the war would drag on for six deadly years until the final Allied defeat of both Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945. Role Expressed by President: Military -
F. Roosevelt (Executive Order 9066)
This order authorized the Secretary of War to prescribe certain areas as military zones, clearing the way for the internment of Japanese Americans, German Americans, and Italian Americans to concentration camps in the United States. Role Expressed by President: Legislative -
Truman (Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
The United States dropped nuclear weapons on two Japanese cities during World War 2. Power Expressed by President: Military -
Truman (Executive Order 9981)
An executive order declaring the abolition of radical discrimination in the U.S. Armed Forces Power Expressed by President: Executive, Legislative -
Truman (Korean War)
The United States aided South Korea during North Korea's invasion attempt Role Expressed by President: Military, Diplomat -
Eisenhower (Federal Highway Act)
The Federal Highway Act is a bill that authorizes the building of 41,000 miles of interstate highway systems. Role Expressed by President: Legislative -
Eisenhower (Little Rock Nine)
The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students who attended a formerly segregated school. Role Expressed by President: Executive, Legislative -
Kennedy (Cuban Missile Crisis)
A conflict between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. concerning U.S. missile deployment. Role Expressed by President: Military -
Kennedy (Limited Test Ban Treaty)
Treaty that banned the testing of nuclear weapons above ground, Role Expressed by President: Diplomat, Mlitary -
Johnson (Great Society Programs)
Domestic programs that aimed to eliminate poverty and racial injustice.
Role Expressed by President: Legislative, Executive -
Johnson (Civil Rights Act)
An act that outlawed discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin Role Expressed by President: Legislative, Executive -
Nixon (Visits China)
Visit that aimed to normalize relations between China and the States
Role Expressed by President: Diplomat -
Nixon (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)
A treaty signed that aimed to control the use of nuclear weapons Role Expressed by President: Military, Diplomat -
Ford (Pardons Nixon)
The pardoning of Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed during his presidency Role Expressed by President: Judicial. -
Carter (Camp David Accords)
a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt issuing from talks at Camp David Role Expressed by President: Diplomat -
Reagan (Appoints Sandra Day O'Connor)
Appointed to be a Supreme Court Justice Role Expressed by President: Executive -
Bush (Persian Gulf War)
Operations in the Middle East that led to the deployment of troops in Saudi Arabia. Role Expressed by President:Military -
Clinton (Free Trade Agreement)
An agreement that established trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
Role Expressed by President: Diplomat -
Clinton (Appointment of Madeleine Albright)
First woman elected to become the secretary of state.
Role Expressed by President: Executive