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AP US History

  • Period: 1492 to 1532

    European exploration era

  • 1500

    Spanish encomienda system begins

  • 1500

    Spanish Casta system begins

  • 1520

    Small Pox begins spreading to Native Americans

  • 1521

    Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortez Conquers the Aztec Empire

  • 1534

    England splits from catholic church

  • London company gains charter for set up English colony

  • Jamestown, Virginia colony founded

  • French found Quebec on the St. Lawrence River and engage in the Fur trade

  • Tobacco introduced to Virginia colony by John Rolfe

  • First African Slaves arrive in Jamestown, Virginia colony

  • Virginia House of Burgesses

  • Plymouth, Massachusetts colony founded

  • Mayflower compact

  • Dutch New Amsterdam becomes capital of New Netherland

  • "City Upon a Hill" John Winthrop

  • Maryland Founded

  • Maryland Toleration Act

  • North Carolina founded

  • South Carolina founded

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Pueblo revolt

  • Georgia founded as debtors colony

  • Stono Rebellion

  • Christopher Columbus "Founds" New World

  • Columbian Exchange Begins