AP US History

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus “Founds” New World

    Christopher Columbus “Founds” New World
    Christopher columbus find the new world,
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange Begins

    Columbian Exchange Begins
    The Columbian Exchange was when America , west Africa, and the " New World" began exchanging products, and good, althought they benifited a lot from it, diseases were exhanged and it killed many Native Ameicans.
  • Period: 1492 to

    European Exploration Era

  • 1500

    Spanish Encomienda System Begins

  • 1500

    Spanish Casta System Begins

  • Period: 1500 to

    Triangular Trade

  • Period: 1500 to

    Middle Passage

  • 1520

    Small Pox Begins Spreading to Native Americans

    Small Pox Begins Spreading to Native Americans
    When Christopher Columbus found the new world, they traded items but the Native American were greatly impacted when Small Pox began. They had no medicine and stuff like that so many Native American died
  • 1521

    Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortez Conquers the Aztec Empire

  • 1534

    England Splits from the Catholic Church

  • London Company Gains Charter for Set Up English Colony

  • Jamestown, Virginia Colony Founded

    Jamestown, Virginia Colony Founded
    JamesTown, Virginia was the first successful English Colony in America that was establised in 1607
  • Period: to

    Colonial Era

  • French found Quebec on the St. Lawrence River and Engage in the Fur Trade

  • Tobacco introduced to Virginia Colony by John Rolfe

    Tobacco introduced to Virginia Colony by John Rolfe
    When Tobacco was introduced to the virginia, they depended on it because they had warm climate and rich soil, which was great to grow tobacco in. They thought of tobacco as a cash crop
  • First African Slaves Arrive in Jamestown, Virginia Colony

    First African Slaves Arrive in Jamestown, Virginia Colony
    When The first African Ameican Ariived at Jamestown Virginia, it began the Continous need for slaves to do labor
  • Virginia House of Burgesses

    Virginia House of Burgesses
    The Virginia House Of Burgesses was the first elected general assemble im
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts Colony Founded

    Plymouth, Massachusetts Colony Founded
    When Plymouth Massachussets was founded, they thought of this place as a safe haven, It was known as P.P.P Puritans, Prayer, Plymouth
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was the 1st type of self-Government, it was angreement with the settlers of Plymouth
  • New Hampshire Founded

  • Dutch New Amsterdam Becomes Capital of New Netherland

  • “City Upon a Hill” John Winthrop

  • The Great Migration to Massachusetts Bay Colony

    The Great Migration to Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The Great Migration to Massachussetts Bay Colony was, they left England tp pursuit religous freedom and also looking for a new source of money
  • Maryland Founded

  • Thomas Hooker Founds Connecticut

  • Roger Williams Founds Rhode Island

  • Harvard College Founded in Massachusetts

  • Delaware Founded

  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    The fundemental Orders of Conneticut was the 1st written constitution,
  • Maryland Toleration Act

  • North Carolina Founded

  • Iroquois Confederacy Formed

  • Navigation Acts and Mercantilism

    Navigation Acts and Mercantilism
    Navigation Acts, and Mercatilism both hold the idea that they should only get their goods from England and no other country., They also couldnt export good to any other place , rather than england
  • South Carolina Founded

  • New York Funded

  • New Jersey Founded

  • King Phillips War

    King Phillips War
    King Phillips War also Known as the Bloodies war, left hundreds of colonist dead, and thousand of indians were killed or captured to become slaves
  • Bacon’s Rebellion

  • Pueblo Revolt

    Pueblo Revolt
    The Pueblo revolt was the most succesful uprising for Native Americans
  • Quaker William Penn Founds Pennsylvania

    Quaker William Penn Founds Pennsylvania
    Quaker William Penn founded Pennnsylvania in order to have and give religious freedom to other
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Era

  • John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government Published

  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights stated that the parliment had power over the monarchy and they had specific constitutional and civil rights,
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem witch Trials was when people were being accused of doing witch craft and they were denied right, even thought they were innocent
  • Period: to

    Salutary Neglect Policy

  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening was known as religious Revival for christians,
  • Georgia Founded as a Debtors Colony

  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    The Stono Slave Rebellion was when slaves weredoing a rebellion againt white people and during that rebellion they killed at least 20 of them and spared others
  • French and Indian War Begins

  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

  • French and Indian War Ends

  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    Proclamation Line of 1763
    The proclamation line of 1763 was basically forbiding colonist to settle west of the appalachian mountains
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary Era

  • Period: to

    Republican Motherhood

    women should receive education in order to be able to teach the next generation.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Great Britian was in debt and because of this they were taxing dumb things to pay off the debt , so they taxed sugar.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The quartering act forced colonist to house soldiers, feed them,and maintain them for as long as they need
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp was a tax on any official document document, this happened because of the major debt that Britian needed to pay off, Because of this many colonist were furious.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts was a tax on all imported goods. Many colonist thought these absurd taxes were unfair and came up with "No Taxation Without Representation"
  • Boston Massacre (1770)

    Boston Massacre (1770)
    The Boston Massacre was when British Soldiers killed 5 colonist, and everyone thought the colonist did nothing to them but since they killed 5 colonist it made a big impact
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The tea Act was an effort to get Great Britian out of debt so they began taxing unecessary thing like tea
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was when American Colonist disuised as indians so they would blame them of then, and they threw a lot of crates of tea in the water
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerabele acts was a response to the Boston Tea Party event, it was created to punish the colonist
  • First Continental Congress

  • Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Published

    Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Published
    Thomas Paines Common Sense pamphlet as basically letting everyone know that it was time for them to become wiser and gain independence from Great Britian
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The battle of Lexington was the shot heard around the world, it signaled the beginning of the Revolutionary War
  • Second Continental Congress

  • Continental Army Lead by General George Washington

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Decleration Of independence stated that they are born with certain unalienable right, and then they declared independence from Britian
  • Benjamin Franklin Becomes French Ambassador

  • Adam Smith Publishes “The Wealth of Nations”

    Adam Smith Publishes “The Wealth of Nations”
    Defended the idea of Free market / economy, and believed the government should not interfere
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Winyer at Valley Forge was the so cold many soldiers died because they got sick but it also showed them that their leader General George Washington did not abandon them
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The battle od Saratoga was a major turning point in the war, and during this the french deceided to become our ally.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Agreement between the 13 colonies and is considered the first constitution
  • Period: to

    Abolition Movement

  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle and victory for america,British General Cornalls surrendered To washington
  • Treaty of Paris of 1783

    Treaty of Paris of 1783
    The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War, it Causses America to finaly become an independent Country
  • Shays’ Rebellion

    Shays’ Rebellion
    A rebellion about the uneeded posing of taxes, and the huge debt they had
  • Federalist Papers

  • Constitutional Convention/ Philadelphia Convention

  • U.S. Constitution

  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    AKA the Conneticut Compromise, Established to state the structure and reprentation for small and large states
  • The 3/5ths Compromise

    The 3/5ths Compromise
    The 3/5th compromise was a population compromise, only letting them count 3 out of 5 slaves as actual people
  • Bill of Rights Added to U.S. Constitution

  • The French Revolution Begins

  • Washington Creates Presidential Cabinet

  • Washington Elected 1st President

    Washington Elected 1st President
    He Created an Electoral College, People believed he was a War Hero, had strong Charecter, honesty, and Patriotism
  • Washington D.C. Becomes New US Capital

  • Period: to

    The Second Great Awakening

  • Alexander Hamilton Gets Congress to Approve National Bank

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey rebellion happened because they added tax on things like whiskey knowing the farmers were poor
  • Cotton Gin and Interchangeable Parts Invented by Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin and Interchangeable Parts Invented by Eli Whitney
    The cotton Gin and the interchangable parts increased the efficiency of production methods, increased the desire for goods
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    Washington’s Farewell Address
    3 Rules they needed to follow, Do not borrow money, Stay Neutral(Dont choose a side), and No political Parties
  • First Two-Party System Created (Dem-Rep vs Federalist)

  • John Adams (Federalist) Elected 2nd President

    John Adams (Federalist) Elected 2nd President
    2nd president, created two parties, and he was a founding father of the Us constitution
  • XYZ Affair

  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    It restricted the power of foreign residents in the country and limited freedom of speech
  • Election of 1800 and the Start of the Jeffersonian Era

  • The Market Revolution Begins

  • Cult of Domesticity Begins

    Cult of Domesticity Begins
    The Cult of Domesticity affected the married women labor market, consequently in 1890 4.5% of all married women were"Gainfully Employes"
  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

  • Thomas Jefferson (Democratic Republican) Elected 3rd President

  • Steam Locomotive Invented in Great Britain

    Steam Locomotive Invented in Great Britain
    The Steam Locomotive increased the efficieny of production methods
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was the purchase of a territory that made the U.S doubled in size overnight
  • Marbury v. Madison

  • James Madison (Democratic Republican) Elected 4th President

  • British Impressment of US Sailors

    British Impressment of US Sailors
    The british Capturing US sailors was a cause of teh War of 1812
  • War Hawks in Congress Support War Against British

  • War of 1812 Begins

  • Francis Scott Key Writes the Star Spangled Banner

  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The treaty of Ghent ended The War of 1812
  • Federalist Party Collapses

  • Period: to

    TIMESPAN: Era of Good Feelings

  • Tariff of 1816

    Tariff of 1816
    AKA the Dallas Tariff, notable first tariff passed by congress to protect manufacturing goods from oversea competition
  • James Monroe (Democratic Republican) Elected 5th President

  • Adam- Onis Treaty/ Spain Ceded Florida to U.S.

  • Compromise of 1820

    Compromise of 1820
    AKA The mIssouri Compromise was a line that divided slave states and free states
  • Universal Male Suffrage Begins to Rise

    Universal Male Suffrage Begins to Rise
    Western States newly admitted to the union adopted state constitutions that allowed all white males to vote and hold office, all white males could vote regardless of scocial class or religion
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    any intervention by outside politics to US is a potentile hostile act
  • Henry Clay’s “American System

  • Erie Canal Built

    Erie Canal Built
    The Erie Canal gave the western states direct access to the Atlantic Ocean,
  • John Quincy Adams (Democratic Republican) Elected 6th President

    John Quincy Adams (Democratic Republican) Elected 6th President
    Asked congress for money, aid to manufacturing, a national university, and an astronomical observatory. Jacksonianas viewed this as a waste of money and a violation of the Constitution
  • Lowell, Massachusetts Textile Mill Employs Women

    Lowell, Massachusetts Textile Mill Employs Women
    Lowell Mill girls employed young women to work in factories, offered jobs to women
  • Andrew Jackson (Democrat) Elected 7th President

    Andrew Jackson (Democrat) Elected 7th President
    A democrat and he ran twice for president, Seen as a "Common Man", also on the $20 bill
  • Second Two-Party System Created (Democrats vs Whigs)

  • Abolition Movement Begins

  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Jacksons concept of democracy did not extend to the American indians, Rorced resettlement of thousands of American Indians west of the misssisipi River
  • Congress Passes Preemption Acts

  • Trail of Tears Begins

    Trail of Tears Begins
    Most Cherokees repudiated the settlememnt of 1835, it provided land in the indian territory, caused the death of 4,000 Cherokees
  • William Lloyd Garrison Publishes Abolitionist Newspaper “The Liberator”

  • Andrew Jackson Vetos National Bank

  • Nullification Crisis (1832)

  • Texas Revolution and Independence from Mexico

    Texas Revolution and Independence from Mexico
    In 1829 Mexico outlawed slavery, it created conflict with American Settlers and many refused to obey, when the leader of mexico attempted to enforce the laws in texas, a group of American Settles led by Sam Houston revolted and declared Texas to be an independent republic
  • Horace Mann Advocates for Public Schools

    Horace Mann Advocates for Public Schools
    believed that educatio should be free and universal
  • Increased Irish and German Immigration to the North

  • Federal Support Given to Samuel Morse to Construct Telegraph Lines

  • Dorothea Dix Advocates for Mentally Ill and Prison Reform

    Dorothea Dix Advocates for Mentally Ill and Prison Reform
    She wanted better treatement for the mentally ill and she spoke out about how they were being treated
  • James K. Polk Elected US President (Democrat)

    James K. Polk Elected US President (Democrat)
    he was a Democrat, and was the 11th president He hugely supported the idea of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion
  • Irish Potato Famine Begins

  • Frederick Douglass writes autobiography “Narrative of the Life of an American Slave”

  • Texas Annexation by the United States

  • Frederick Douglass Publishes Autobiography “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave"

  • Oregon Territory Divided Between British and U.S.

  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Unsuccessful proprosal to ban slavery in territory acquired from The Mexican American War Northerners supported, but south did not
  • Mexican American War Begins

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    First womens Rights Convention held in the united states
  • Free Soil Movement Begins

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Mexican American War Ends

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Mexican American War Ends
    Mexico Recognized the Rio Grande as the Southern Border of Texas, The united states took possession of the former Mexican provinces of California and New Mexico- The Mexican Cession
  • Mexican Cession

  • California Gold Rush

  • Fugitive Slave Law Passed in Compromise of 1850

  • Harriet Tubman Begins Using Underground Railroad

    Harriet Tubman Begins Using Underground Railroad
    Network of secret routes established during the mid 19th century used by slaves to escape to free states, estimated 100,000 enslaved people had escaped using this method
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Mexican Cession Led to heated controversies over wheter to allow slavery in the newly acquired Territories, this helped solve it
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe Publishes “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

    Harriet Beecher Stowe Publishes “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
    Anti-Slavery novel that depicted the reality of Slavery which helped fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    U.S. President Pierce succeeded in adding a strip of land to the American Southwest.Mexico agreed to sell thousands of acres for 10 million- was known as the Gadsen Purchase
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to vote on slavery on the basis pf " popular Sovereignty"
  • Bleeding Kansas Begins

  • Republican Party Created

  • Caning of Senator Sumner

  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

  • John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry, Virginia

  • Republican Abraham Lincoln Wins Presidential Election of 1860

    Republican Abraham Lincoln Wins Presidential Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860, South Secessionists warned that if Lincoln won, their states would leave the union.
  • Seven Southern States Secede from the Union, Forming the Confederate States of America

  • Democrat Jefferson Davis Elected President of the Confederacy

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    1st battle of the Civil War, No deaths on either side, South Carolina militia attacked and seized a U.S. Federal Fort in Charlestown
  • Lincoln Suspends Habeas Corpus

  • Period: to

    The Civil War

  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    1862 law that stated any U.S. citizen could occupy 160 acres of government land in the great plains and if the settler improved the land after 5 years, they could keep the property
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln issued a presidental order that declared all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are and henceforward shall be free, only applied to the rebellious states, not the border states
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    Union Victory in the Mississippi River Valley that split the Confederacy from east to west
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Brutal Union Victory which halted General Robert E. Lee's invasion of the North,and the Southern's Confidence was shaken
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln's Gettysburg Address showed America's dedication to nationalism, Republicanism, equal rights, liberty, and democracy
  • Gen. Lee Surrenders to Gen. Grant at Appomattox Court House

    Gen. Lee Surrenders to Gen. Grant at Appomattox Court House
    Surrender at Appomattox, a battle in which Confederal Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant
  • President Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

    President Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
    President Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theater at D.C
  • President Andrew Johnson Becomes President

  • Johnson Pardons the South

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Lincoln pushed Conress to pass this amendment which would completely Abolish Slavery
  • Freedmen’s Bureau Created

    Freedmen’s Bureau Created
    Congress created this as an early welfare agency, providing food, shelter, and medical aid for those made destitute by the war-both blacks and homeless whites
  • Sharecropping Begins in the South

    Sharecropping Begins in the South
    when (mostly) former slaves worked for land, and the owner provided the equipment and also received a share of the profits, but many sharecroppers fell into debt
  • Black Codes First Passed in the South

    Black Codes First Passed in the South
    Southern State Legislatures Adopted Black Codes that restricted The right and movements of the former Slaves
  • Ku Klux Klan Formed

    Ku Klux Klan Formed
    Groups of Southern Whites organized secret societies to intimidate blacks and white reformers
  • Radical Republicans Champion for Black Civil Rights in Congress

  • “Scalawags and Carpetbaggers”

    “Scalawags and Carpetbaggers”
    Democratic opponets gave nicknamesto their hated Republicans Rivals. They Called Southern Republicans "Scalawags" and Northerner newcomers "Carpetbaggers"
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction Era

  • Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson

  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    Congress passed the 14th amendment which declared all persons born or naturalized in the United States were Citizens=Rights
  • Transcontinental Railroad Completed

  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment gave African American men the right to vote
  • Hiram Rhode Revels Becomes First African American in Congress (Senate)

  • Social Darwinism Theory Gains Popularity

    Social Darwinism Theory Gains Popularity
    The belief that Bioligist Charles Darwins ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest should be applied to the marketplace and society= intolerance
  • Nativism Spreads

  • Standard Oil Company Founded by John D. Rockefeller

    Standard Oil Company Founded by John D. Rockefeller
    John D. Rockefeller controled over 90% of U.S. oil refining, one of the richest white males
  • The “New South” wants Industrialization

    The “New South” wants Industrialization
    Soem southerners promoted new vision self- sufficient southern economy built on modern capilatalist values, industrial growth, and improved agriculture based on sharecropping
  • Jim Crow Laws Begin in South

  • Industrialization Begins to Boom

    Industrialization Begins to Boom
    Industrialization was the process by which economy is transformed from primarly agricultural to one based on manufacturing and factories
  • Boss Tweed rise at Tammany Hall

    Boss Tweed rise at Tammany Hall
    Democratic Party Political Machine, Helped Irish immigrants into cities but then on election day they were forced to vote, Boss Tweed was the leader
  • Telephone Invented by Alexander Graham Bell

  • Reconstruction Ends

    Reconstruction Ends
    Reconstruction entered its third and final round. With Radical republicanism on the wane by the late 1870s, Southern conservaties took control of one state after another
  • Period: to

    Gilded Age

  • Light Bulb Invented by Thomas Edison

    Light Bulb Invented by Thomas Edison
    The light Buld that was invented by Thomas Edison allowed For factories to open longer after dark
  • 3rd Wave of Immigration: “New Immigrants”

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The U.S. federal law prohibiting all immigration of Chinese Laborers for 10 years
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    The U.S. federal law requiring federal jobs to be awarded on the basis of merit rather than the spoils system, competitive examps for government jobs rather than ties to politicinans or political affiliation, illegal to fire or demote gov. official for political reasons
  • Haymarket Massacre

  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    The. U.S. federal legislation that aimed to assimilate American indians into U.S. society by granting them an allotment of reservation land to farm on
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    The U.S. federal law that was designed to reulate the railroad industry which required railroad rates to be "reasonable and just"
    It was not very succeful it lacked resources
  • Andrew Carnegie’s Book “Gospel of Wealth”

    Andrew Carnegie’s Book “Gospel of Wealth”
    Andrew Carnegie, also founded the Carnegie Steel Corporation,he wrote the Gospel Of Wealth ( Philanthropy), some business leaders argued that the wealthy had a moral obligation to help the less fortunate
  • Chicago’s Hull House started by Jane Addams

  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    The U.S. federal law that forbade any organizations that interfered with free trade by prohibiting monopolies or any activity that hindered business competition
  • How the Other Half Lives

  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Violent Anti-Foreign and Anti-Christian uprising in China which was motiated by Chinese opposition to Western Imperial Powers and Christian Missionary Activity
  • Influence of Sea Power Upon History

    Influence of Sea Power Upon History
    History of Naval Warfare book published in 1890 by Alfred Thayer Mahan which argued that control of the sea was the Key To World Dominance
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

  • Period: to


  • Carnegie Steel Company Founded by Andrew Carnegie

  • Homestead Steel Labor Strike

  • Pullman Labor Strike

  • Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court Case

    Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court Case
    The supreme court ruled segregatio was legal, seperate but not equal, they faced increased violence, and discrimination
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    A group of American Sugar planters under Sanford Ballard Dole. overthrew Queen Liluokalani, the Hawaiian with Dale as president in 1894
  • Spanish American War

  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    Foreign Policy Proposed by the U.S in 1899, under which All Nation would have equal opportunities to trade in china
  • Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy/ Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy/ Roosevelt Corollary
    President Theodore Roosevelt's imperialistic foreign policy of intimidating other countries by showing U.S. power and readiness to use military force when necessary.
  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt

  • Panama Canal U.S. Construction Begins

  • The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The Jungle- Federal consumer protection laws
  • Ford Model-T

    Ford Model-T
    Using Assemble line, Henry Ford mass-produce affordable automobiles
  • NAACP started by W.E.B. Du Bois

  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft

  • Federal Reserve Act

  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    The congress can now collect a federal income tax from the people
  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson

  • Trench Warfare, Poison Gas, and Machine Guns

    Trench Warfare, Poison Gas, and Machine Guns
    Trench Warfare was fighting where two sides fight each other from opposing Trenches, Poison Gas was toxic disforming people
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    It would establish the popular elction of U.S senators by the people of the States
  • Assissination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assissination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Serbian Nationalist shot heir Presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian Throne in 1914, It triggered actions that would later lead to the WW1
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Sinking of the Lusitania

  • National Parks System

  • U.S. entry into WWI

  • Zimmerman Telegram

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Uprising By the Bolsheviks that destroyed the Tsarist (Czar)autocracy and led to the rise of Communism and the Soviet Union in Russia
  • Battle of Argonne Forest

    Battle of Argonne Forest
    Last Major battle of WW1, Lasted 47 days, 2nd deadliest battle in American History
  • Germany Declares an Armistice

  • Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points

    Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points
    A peace Plan, Went easy on Germany, Freedom of the Seas, Adjustment of Colonial Claims, Open Diplomacy ( No secrets), Arms Reduction, Created League of Nations
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Blamed Germany For WW1, and demanded exorbitant reperations from them.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Prohibition: Made the sale and consumption of alcohol illegal in he U.S
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Womens Suffrages, gave women the right to vote
  • President Harding’s Return to Normalcy

    President Harding’s Return to Normalcy
    After WW1, president Harding wanted U,S to return to isolationism and focus on economy,
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    African American Achievements in art and music and literature Flourished, Jazz Age, Poetry produced by Langston Hughes
  • Red Scare

  • Period: to

    Roaring Twenties

  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    President Harding Cabinet member accepted bribes from private oil companies to lease federal land/petroleum reserves = Damaged reputation of Harding Administration
  • Joseph Stalin Leads Soviet Union

  • Scopes “Monkey” Trial

    Scopes “Monkey” Trial
    The trial pittied the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution against Bible creationism in Schools
  • Charles Lindbergh’s Trans-Atlantic Flight

  • St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

  • Stock Market Crashes “Black Tuesday”