Europeans in Amereica (French and Dutch)
Plymoth Colony
New Hampshire and Maine are Created
Massachutsetts Bay Colony Established
Slave Importations Increase
Palatinate Germans migrate to North America
Proclamation of 1763
limiting the people fromtwestern lands, making it so peole lived closer ogether -
Vermont Becomes a state
Ailen and Sedition Acts
Treaties with the Indians
Adams Onis Treaty
this made it so the US had control of florida, making more room for a greater population -
Missouri Compromise
led to the anti slvery and pro slvery peole live in differnt areas -
Indian Removal Act
Major Immingration of Southern Caholics from Ireland
Chlorea Plauge
Irish Potato Famine
Oregon Treaty
Fauilre of a Revolution in Germany
Gold Rush
Compromise of 1850
texas gave new mexico up and it divided teh anti and pro slaveyr people -
Bleeding Kansas
Underground Railroad
John Brown's Raid
Fort Sumter
Confederacy enacts Milatary Draft
Great Migrartion
The Consumer Culture
Baby Boom
Voting Rights Act
EPA Created