AP Psychology Developmental Timeline

  • Born

    Physical Event
  • Period: to

    Life Timespan

    Timespan of 0 to 82 years.
  • Three Months: First Smile

    Cognitive and Behavioral Advancement
  • Seven Months: Responds to Own Name

    Cognitive and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age One: Begins to Sit Upright

    Motor and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age Two: Begins to Talk

    Cognitive and Motor Advancement
  • Age Three: Begins Riding a Tricycle

    Motor Development
  • Age Four: Moves about Independently

    Motor, Cognitive and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age Five: Begins Utilizing Silverware

    Cognitive, Motor and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age Six: Begins Kindergarten

    Cognitive and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 7: Begins Grade School

    Behavioral and Cognitive Advancement
  • Age 11: Begins Middle School

    Cognitive and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 14: Begins Highschool

    Behavioral and Cognitive Advancement
  • Loss of Grandmother

    Social Development
  • Age 17: Obtains Driver's License

    Motor, Cognitive and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 18: First Job/HS Graduation

    Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 20: Transfer from College to Medical School

    Social, Cognitive and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 25: Marriage

    Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 35: Graduate Medical School and Begin a Permanent Career

    Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 37: Adopt a Child

    Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 53: Child is Now Independent

    Social and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 61: Move to Takapuna, NZ for Retirement

    Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 67: Adopt a Cat

    Social and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 72: Spouse Passes Away

    Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 76: Grandchildren Arrive

    Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Advancement
  • Age 78: Develops Alzheimer's Disease

    Cognitive, Behavioral, and Motor Advancement
  • Age 82: Death

    Advancements cease to occur.