Ap psychology developmental project

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    prenatal development

    split into three stages from conception to birth: the germinal stage, embryonic stage, and fetal stage. Teratogens can harm the fetus during prenatal development, things like alcohol consumption during prenatal development can cause the fetus to develop FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) where developmental issues can form.
  • My birth

  • my first breath

    This is a critical period for my development where taking my first breath gives my body the oxygen it needs to survive
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    developmental psychology

    The study of physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the lifespan.
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    cross-sectional study

    this study type is conducted with several participants of different ages, so this could've been done to me at any point in my life
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    getting used to my environment

    During my infancy (0-1) I am developing an understanding of my environment and getting used to them. This process of growing accustomed to my environment and paying less attention to it is described as habituation.
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    language in environment

    Because my parents spoke English around me during my first year I was able to learn English at an average rate. This is because the critical period for learning language at an average rate is in the first year, if it was missed then I would have had a tough time learning English.
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    Piaget: sensorimotor stage

    infants explore the world through senses and actions
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    Secure attachment

    When with my mother I showed signs of secure attachment, where I was able to explore freely, instead of insecure attachment where a child clings to their caregiver. These concepts were developed by Mary Ainsworth with the strange situation study she did.
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    erikson: trust vs mistrust in infancy

    if an infants needs are met, then they develop a basic sense of trust
  • babbling stage

    This is when infants speak in random sounds as a sign of development
  • object permanence

    around the year-and-a-half mark I was able to understand object permanence and stopped crying when my parent left the room because I understood they still existed
  • stranger anxiety

    When my relatives that I haven't seen before try to hold me I screamed
  • first word

    I say "dada" as my first word and later developed into my one-word stage where I was able to label some things with a word, This led me into my two word stage later in my development where Broca's area was being used for all of this
  • I cut my arm outside

    I have attachment to my mother so I ran to her for comfort after hurting myself
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    Erikson:Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

    Toddlers have a need for independence; if they cannot then they may develop doubt in their abilities
  • "want cookie"

    I started my two-word stage where I started asking for cookies by saying "want cookie"
  • hide and seek

    I started playing more hide and seek, but during the beginning I would only close my eyes and think no one could see me. This is defined by the term egocentrism where I was only aware of my own life.
  • started to talk more

    Around this time I started to develop more language in the sounds I produced with my vocal chords. I would start with phonemes and eventually grow into using morphemes as well as learning more basic grammar
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    preoperational stage

    Developing language and symbolic thinking but lacking logical reasoning, normally occurs between the ages 2 and 7 and was defined by Jean Piaget
  • I say manamana instead of 7 for most of my 3rd year

    I developed a schema where when I counted to 10 I said manamana instead of 7, it made people laugh so i continued to do it, which made a deeper schema where I see people laughing at what I say as a good thing even if its wrong
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    Piaget's: preoperational stage

    Development of symbolic thinking, imagination, and intuition
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    erikson: initiative vs. guilt

    Children start to assert themselves through social activities and interactions, and try to develop control of them. If they are encouraged to do so, they develop initiative. If they are not encouraged and instead restricted, they develop guilt.
  • I learn the difference between four legged animals

    Before this I went through the process of assimilation and thought a lot of the four legged animals were the same animal, and here I developed and went through accommodation where I learned the difference between them
  • Law of effect

    With parenting, the law of effect can be used to teach kids to be polite and have manners, my parents used this for my development by shaping my perception of good behavior with reinforcement
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    teachers dealing with my adhd

    while in school teachers wouldn't know how to deal with my adhd so they would perform positive reinforcement when I listened by giving me a gold star and negative reinforcement by taking away my recess detentions when I listened.
  • new stuffed animal toy

    My favorite toy was a stuff animal dog, even when presented with several other toys. This displays what the findings of Harry and Margaret Harlow show in how physical comfort is important with attachment
  • made a new friend

    My neighbor and I become friends and we pretend played a lot, we liked to imagine that we were taxi drivers
  • Working at my mom's non-profit bookstore

    I start work at my mother's non-profit bookstore (Orphan's Treasure Box) where I see my father helping put up shelves and pull books from our shed. This made me relate physical labor as what men do so I wanted to join. This is an example of social learning theory
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    Erikson: industry vs. inferiority

    Children learn to be productive and take pride in their accomplishments, or they feel inferior
  • Gender Identity

    Around this time I was developing a basic level of gender identity with the toys I played with (Legos, and sports stuff) and what I liked to wear (jeans and boys shirts) this contributed to my identification as a man with gender typing as a key factor
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    Piaget: concrete operational stage

    logical thinking about concrete events comes into fruition
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    female puberty

    For girls, puberty starts between the ages of 8-13 where they start to show primary sex characteristics like the rapid development of reproductive organs from a rapid increase of estrogen. Then they develop secondary sex characteristics, such as breast growth and larger hips. In this area is also when girls will experience menarche.
  • I become able to do mental math

    I develop piaget's conservation and become able to do math in my head as well as arithmetic operations
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    For most boys, puberty starts between the ages of 9-14 where they start to show primary sex characteristics like the rapid development of reproductive organs from a rapid increase of testosterone. Then they develop secondary sex characteristics, such as hair growth in many places and their voices deepening. In this area is also when they experience spermarche.
  • I start boyscouts

    I try to fit into the gender role that is expected of young boys by demonstrating a dive into traditional masculinity
  • I get my dog

    After a while of feeding my dog, whenever I go near the food container(conditioned stimulus) he starts screeching for food(conditioned response) because he went through the stage of acquisition. He is a banshee in dog form, and its amazing. And whenever he goes to the bathroom outside I apply behaviorist techniques to reward his good behavior with a treat.
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    Erikson: identity vs. role confusion

    Adolescents explore what their identity is and how they choose to define their role, if they fail to establish a strong identity and role it will lead to confusion
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    Piaget's: formal operational stage

    development of abstract and hypothetical reasoning
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    sexuality and identity

    During this period is when an average person would form their sexual identity/orientation further and further. This may start with a 12 year old boy having a crush on another boy or girl, and later in life fully embracing their sexual identity whether it be homosexuality, heterosexuality, asexuality, or anything else.
  • I study for the first time

    I see a kid study and because of cognitive learning I try studying myself. After studying and getting a good grade, I study in the future because of my operant behavior
  • My mother punishing me from camp

    After camp my mom was lecturing me in the car after punching another kid. In the car she used the theory of mind to make me put myself in their place, which really affected me. Then I lost my technology for a week or so
  • start of covid

    My life is turned completely digital and because of the ecological systems theory, I am affected greatly. I only work at home and do a lot of online gaming from this point on
  • changing my religion

    I started to develop more mature moral reasoning by forming ethical and moral reasoning in relation to what I thought about religion. I changed from Christian to an agnostic atheist based on my ethical and moral reasoning
  • growing away from gender norms (psychological androgyny)

    I start leaning towards the artistic side of life rather than the pragmatic areas. This leads me to fully lean into psychology, philosophy, and art without thought into what is expected of me as a man.
  • longitudinal study in 11th grade

    In 11th grade a longitudinal study was conducted on the average junior's perspective on their classes
  • I find my favorite teacher

    Mr. Himmick was my 10-11 grade English teacher and he was incredible. He helped me improve my reading and writing more than I was able to do alone by guiding me with his notes and considerate criticisms, like the concept of scaffolding. This is in the zone of proximal development that Lev Vygotsky proposed
  • First real job as camp counselor

    I started my job as a camp counselor where I displayed authority and empathy. This is partially due to how I saw the role of a camp counselor as a child, an empathetic authority figure. This role was ingrained into how I perceive them
  • I start reading my favorite book

    I start reading "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus, while reading I use abstract thinking to understand the concept of absurdism
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    Emerging Adulthood

    A transition period where individuals explore education, careers, intimacy, and relationships before settling into their adult roles
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    Erikson: intimacy vs. isolation

    individuals seek for connection through close relationships and commitment; inability to do so leads to loneliness and isolation
  • I ask out my future wife

    Because of the social script I have learned as a young child of empathy and kindness, I show an importance in kindness and compassion so the relationship flourishes
  • I have my first kid

    I think about my social clock for having kids so I want to faster than I may have before.
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    Erikson: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Adults strive to contribute in some way to society through family, work, and community; if they don't then it results in stagnation and a feeling of lack of purpose
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    Erikson: integrity vs. despair

    Older adults reflect on their lives; satisfaction leads to integrity, while regret leads to despair
  • My death