AP Psych Timeline Project

  • Birth

    Infancy and Childhood
  • Period: to

    Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth-1 Year)

    Learning wether to trust or not based on wether or not thiwr need for things like food and comfort are met
  • Period: to

    Sensorimotor (Birth-2 years)

    Expereinces the world through senses and actions
    (Object permenance, stranger anxiety)
    EX: Looking, touching
  • Period: to

    Preconventional Morality

    Thinking involving the rewards and punishments
  • Raise head to 45 degrees

  • Roll Over

  • Sit with support

  • Sit without support

  • Pull self to standing position

  • Walk holding on to furniture

  • Creep/Crawl

  • Stand Alone

  • Walk

  • Attachment

    About 1 year old
    insecure- child avoids the caregver and shows little emotion when the caregiver leaves or returns
    secure- child shows some distress when the caregiver leaves but compose themselves knowing that they will return
  • Period: to

    Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt

    Toddlers reealize they can direct their own behavior
  • Temperance (Established as an infant)

    Easy Infants- adaptable to new situations, predictiability in their schedule, positive in their mood
    Diffcult- intense in their reactions, not very adaptable
    Slow to warm up- withdraw when approached, but later may warm, slow to adapt to new situations
    Average infants- did not fit into any of the above categories
  • Period: to

    Preoperational (2-7 Years)

    Representing things with words and images; not using logical reasoning (Egocentrism)
  • Period: to

    Initiative v. Guilt (3-5 Years)

    Developing imagaintion and sharing, having to learn to take control of behavior and responsibility.
  • Period: to

    Industry v. Inferiority (5-12 years)

    Trying to learn new skills and obtain new knowledge
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational

    Thinking logically about concrete events; grasping conrete analogies and performing arithmetical operaions
  • Period: to

    Conventional Morality

    Early adolescence, focusing on caring for others and upholding social laws and rules because they are simply that
  • Menarche (Female)

    First menstrual period
  • Puberty

    Girls- menstruation, breasts, hips and body hair
    Boys-body hair, change in voice
  • Period: to

    Formal Operational

    12 years to adulthood
    Abstract reasoning, potential for mature moral rasoning
  • Spermarche (Men)

    Nocturnal emission and first ejaculation
  • Period: to

    Indentity v. Role Confusion (13-18 Years)

    Learning who they are as a person
  • Period: to

    Postconventional Morality

    Actions are being judges to be correct or wrong based on someones personal ethical principles
  • Period: to

    Intimacy v. Isolation (20-40 Years)

    Trying to form a close/committed realtionship
  • Marriage

    Average is about 25 Years
  • Have first child

    Average is about 25 years old in the US
  • Sesnosry Changes

    Decline ealry adullthood
    Ex: Muscle strength and senses decrese
  • Middle Adulthood- Physical Changes

    sight, hearing and senses decrease
    Women- menopause and ferility
    Men- gradual decline in sperm count
  • Period: to

    Generativity v. Stagnation (40-60 Years)

    To be creative, productibe and to give back to next generation
  • Midlife Transition

    About 45 years
    Overall questioning
    Boredom with life or lofestyle that have previously provided fufillment
  • Menopause

    About 50 years old
    Cessation of menstration (ability to reproduce declines)
  • Cognitive Changes in Adulthood

    Alzheimers Disease- progessive mental deteration due to degeneration of the brain
    Dementia - chronic/ persistent disorder caused by brain disease or injury and shown through personality changes and impaired reasoning
    Crystalized knowledge- Increases with age, such as vocabulary
    Fluid Intellegence - Decreases with age, such as reasoning and abstract approaches
  • Period: to

    Ego Integrity v. Despair (60 Years+)

    Trying to reach wisdom, tranquality, wholeness and acceptance
  • Late Adulthood Physical Changes

    Memory and seses decline (slower reaction time)
  • Average Life Expectancy

    Women- 81 years old
    Men- 76 years old