Syrian Genocide Timeline

By meme12
  • 15 children get tortured for anti government graffiti

    15 students get arrested and tortured for anti government graffiti in the city of Dar’a.
  • Peaceful anti-government protests began

    Peaceful anti-government protests began
    The Arab Spring reaches Syria and peaceful anti-government protests began throughout Syria
  • Government begins using violence to cease protesters

    Government begins using violence to cease protesters
    The government begins using violent forces to cease protests.
  • Nearly 3000 people have been killed

    Nearly 3000 people have been killed 200 being children
  • Aleppo University is raided and many are killed

    Aleppo University is raided and many are killed
    Security forces raid Aleppo University, leaving many dead.
  • Warplanes drop bombs on Halfaya killing 23-200 civilians

    Warplanes drop bombs on Halfaya killing 23-200 civilians
    Halfaya Massacre occurs, in which warplanes drop bombs on the town Halfaya causing the death of between 23-300 civilians.
  • Estimated 60,000 people have been killed

  • Basatin al-Hasawiya is stormed by government troops 106 are dead

    Basatin al-Hasawiya is stormed by government troops 106 are dead
    The village of Basatin al-Hasawiya is stormed by government troops, 106 civilians are dead.
  • Rockets chemicals dropped near Aleppo

    Rockets with chemicals are used in a city near Aleppo.
  • Chem. weapons deployed in Damascus, 1429 dead

    Chemical weapons were deployed in Damascus suburbs, approximately 1,429 are killed.
  • President Barack Obama talks of limited military action against the Assad regime.

    President Barack Obama talks of limited military action in response to Assad's regime using chemical weapons.
  • Barrel bombs are dropped by the Assad regime in Aleppo

    Barrel bombs are dropped by the Assad regime in Aleppo
    Barrel bombs are dropped by the Syrian regime in Aleppo.
  • Chemical weapons are removed from Syria

    Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons is fully removed.
  • Russia airstrikes Syria for the first time

    Russia airstrikes Syria for the first time
  • Aleppo is bombarded with bombs by Syria and Russia

    Syria and Russia begin bombardments in Aleppo.
  • The Syrian government recaptures land from rebels

    Syrian government successfully recaptures land from the rebels.
  • Russia airstrikes Idlib and government attacks it

    Russia airstrikes Idlib and government attacks it
    Idlib is attacked by the Syrian Government, and Russia airstrikes it.