Birth of Napoléon Bonaparte
Period: to
Rule of the Paris Commune
Opening of the Estates_General
Creation of the National Assmebly (Constituent Assembly).
The National Assembly is constituted by the Third Estate. This event is regarded as the first step of the French Revolution. -
Creation of the Tennis Court Oath
Period: to
King Louis XVI of France's attempt to halt the French Revolution
The common people of France saved the Third Estate from King Louis XVI of France's attempt to cease the Revolution. -
Storming of Bastille Saint-Antoine.
Adpotion of the "Declaration of the Rights of Men and the Citizen"
It reflected the ideas of major philosophes of the French Enlightenment, and greatly contributed to the American state constitutions and the American Declaration of Independence. This charter affirmed the destruction of aristocratic privileges and raised the issue of the proclamation’s ideal of equal rights for all humans, including women. -
The Women's March to Versailles
King Louis XVI of France changes his opinion on the abolition of feudalism and the declaration of rights.
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is put into effect.
This stated that both priests and bishops were to be paid and elected by the people of the state. Due to the papacy forbidding it, only 54 French parish clergy took the oath of Civil Constitution. This now made the Roman Catholic Church an enemy of the French Revolution. -
The "Declaration of Pillnitz" is issued by King Frederick William II of Prussia and Emperor Leopold II of Austria.
This invited other European monarchs to put the King of France in a condition to strengthen its monarchial government and the French nation. -
Abolition of Slavery in the French Republic
The National Convention abolished the monarchy, and establishes a French republic.
Period: to
The First Coalition (Austria, Prussia, Holland, Spain, and Great Britain).
The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria
The French population believed that French defeat would lead to the restoration of the old regime. -
Proclamation of the Republic of France.
The Mountain execute King Louis XVI of France, due to treason.
This event is the termination of the destruction of the old regime. -
Creation of the Committee of Public Safety by the National Convention
Period: to
The Reign of Terror
Maifestation of de-Christianization.
A manifestation of de-Christianization was the adoption of a new republic calender on October 5, 1793. -
The Thermidorian Reaction
Maximilien de Robespierre is guillotined.
Maximilien de Robespierre is executed and guillotined, terminating the radical stage of the French Revolution. -
Establishment of the French Directory
The Second Coalition (Austria, Russia, and Great Britain).
Napoléon signs the "Concordat of 1801" with Pope Pius VII
Period: to
Peace Interim
Great Britain signs the "Peace of Amiens" with France
Hispaniola, Haiti becomes the first independent state in Latin America
Napoléon Bonaparte becomes Emperor of France
Period: to
The Third Coalition (Russia, Austria, Great Britain).
Napoléon Bonaparte bans the republican calender
Period: to
Napoléon Bonaparte's Continental System is put into effect.
Napoléon Bonaparte makes the "Great Retreat".
Napoléon Bonaparte makes the "Great Retreat" to Frace, after his defeat against the Russian forces. -
Battle of Waterloo
Death of Napoléon Bonaparte