Period: Nov 13, 1533 to
Ivan the Terrible as Tsar
Russia -
Period: to
Oliver Cromwell lifespan
Period: to
Russian Time of Troubles
Period: to
Louis XIII's son Lifespan
1624: Richelieu as advisor
Made France absolute & strongest power -
Dutch East India co. founded
Period: to
James I as King
English; Stuart dynasty-divine right; disliked; threated parliament/common law; KJ Bible 1611 -
Period: to
Rembrandt Lifespan
Introduced emotion, chiascuro, thought, drama & self-portraiture to art. -
Bank of Amsterdam founded
Fixed rate of exchange; florin=reserve currency (today's $); checking accounts -
Period: to
Gustavus Adolphus as king
Sweden -
Michael Romanov founds R. Dynasty
Lasts until 1917 -
30 YRs war begins
Brandenburg/Berlin elector inherits Prussia
Period: to
30YW / Bohemian Phase
Period: to
30YW / Danish Phase
Period: to
Charles I as King
English; married Louis XIII's sister; accelerates Puritan exodus to New England; Ship money -
Petition of Right
Parliament reaffirms:
Taxes by consent of Par. only
Habeas Corpus--court before criminalization
No quartering in peacetime -
Par. Dissolved - Charles I
Charles I as absolute ruler til 1640 -
Period: to
30YW / Swedish Phase
Period: to
Baruch Spinoza Lifespan
Skeptic, philosopher, agnostic Jew -
Period: to
Christiana as Queen
Sweden -
Period: to
30YW / Swedish-French Phase
Period: to
Louis XIV Lifespan
King 1643-1715
Sun King, Grand Monarch
L'etat c'est moi - The state is me
Divine Right
until 1661: Mazarin as advisor -
Short Parliament Meets
Period: to
Long Parliament meets
Met every 3 yrs
Refused to be dissolved -
Period: to
Frederick William as Great Elector
"army in being" -
Period: to
English Civil War
Cavaliers (king) vs Roundheads (parliament) -
30YW Ends / Treaties of Westphalia
Prussia adds Westphalia & eastern pomerania
Subjugation of Ireland
Forced conversion from Catholicism -
Period: to
William of Orange lifespan
Dutch; Calvinist; elected Stadholder 1673; married Mary Stuart 1677; William & Mary 1689 -
Navigation Acts
Attack on Dutch trade
Practically monopolized trade w/ the colonies -
Period: to
OC as Lord Protector
Authorized by Instrument of Gov't (1653)
Puritan moral crusades -
Period: to
Charles II as King
Dubbed "Merry Monarch" -
Plague Returns/Great Fire
Both in London
PR: 1665; 100k+ deaths
GF: 1666; 80k homeless in 5 days -
War of Devolution
Blocked by triple alliance of Dutch, England, Sweden -
Period: to
Stephen Razin's Rebellion
Russia -
Dutch War
France fought w/ England
Blocked by William of Orange, Habsburgs, Denmark, Dutch, Poland 1678: Treaty of Nimwegen -
Period: to
Peter the Great lifespan
Visited West Euro. -> Westernization of Russia -
Occupation of Strasbourg
France got all up in Germany's business
nobody could stop them -
Edict of Nantes - Revocation
Showed turning point of LXIV's rule
Terrible idea. -
Period: to
James II as King
Catholics in violation of test act 1673 -
Period: to
War of League of Augsburg
LoA: HRE, Spanish, Swedes, Dutch, Electors of Bavaria, Saxony & Palatinate 1697: Treaty of Ryswick
Status quo antebellum - same as before -
Period: to
Frederick I as Great Elector
Prussia -
William & Mary take over England
1688: Invitation sent to W&M
1689: W&M accept crown, Bill of Rights
1701: Act of Settlement--No Catholic King -
Period: to
Charles XII as King
1709: Battle of Poltava. win vs Russia, later loss -
Period: to
War of Spanish Succession
1st world war
France vs Everyone else -
Peace of Utrecht / Treaty of Rastadt
PoU: 1713
ToR: 1714 -
Period: to
Frederick William I as Great Elector
75% budget reduction; 200k men in army; 7mil $ surplus -
Period: to
War of Austrian Succession
Prussia (Frederick the Great) / France vs Austria (MT) / Britain -
Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle
Ends Austrian war of succession
Status quo antebellum -
Diplomatic Revolution
Austria + France
Prussia + Britain -
Period: to
7 YRs War / French-Indian War
1754 Starts in America
2nd world war -
Treaty of Paris
Ends F-I war