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ap euro timeline french revolution

  • King Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    King Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    This was essentially a meeting between the three estates and King Louis XVI. It was called by the king to assess and manage financial and social problems going on in France. I believe this could be related to events such as the great fear, France was not in a good place socially. Their people were scared and not stable. The king had to call a meeting with the estates to find a solution.
  • The tennis court oath

    The tennis court oath
    The tennis court oath was a foundational moment in France. I would say this event relates to king Louis calling the estates general. The third estate felt as if they didn't have much of a voice and they had to pay taxes that the others didn't. They found themselves locked out of their original meeting place and they took this as their sign that the king was wanting them to disband. They went to a nearby tennis court and took an oath, to never disband until France had a written constitution.
  • The storming of Bastille

    The storming of Bastille
    The storming of Bastille happened out of fear from the Parisians that the King was going to arrest the National Assembly. They took it upon themselves to storm the Bastille, a state prison, as a sense of revolting. This event relates to both the great fear and the tennis court oath. The storming of Bastille is a good example of revolts during the great fear. The third estate turned into the national assembly, when this is threatened the Parisians get scared which leads to revolts like this one.
  • The great fear in the country side

    The great fear in the country side
    The great fear was a period of panic and fear coming from peasants that the aristocracy was planning something to undermine the french revolution. The peasants took it upon themselves to rise and object to the higher powers by attacking châteaus, destroying feudal documents, and seizing lands. I believe this was an effect of the Estates being unstable. The Third Estate breaking apart made people question their freedom because that was their form of representation among higher powers.
  • The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    The national assembly adopting the declaration of the rights of man and citizen is a direct response to the great fear. The National assembly was essentially made out of representatives for the people of France. They wanted to be responsive and that is exactly what they did with this. This declaration set the core values of the French people and secured freedoms.
  • The Women’s March on Versailles

    The Women’s March on Versailles
    This event consisted of women rioting and marching from Paris to Versailles because of the price and scarcity of bread. They demanded a change from the king to end the food shortage. This gave way to many more revolutions and revolts against the king which eventually leads to him being executed at the guillotine.
  • The Constitution of 1791 sets up a constitutional monarchy in France

    The Constitution of 1791 sets up a constitutional monarchy in France
    The constitution of 1791 was the first written constitution of France. This set up a constitutional monarchy in France, with the decline of absolute monarchy. This introduced an establishment of where power lies and why it lies this way. This is the direct effect of the tennis court oath because the third estate swore to not disband until a constitution was established. The third estate turned into the national assembly and were the ones to introduce the constitution.
  • Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine

    Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine
    This event refers to the killing of King Louis XVI, the last king to reign at the Palace of Versailles. This relates to two events on the timeline. Women's march at Versailles kick started many revolts against the king, giving the idea that he wasn't fulfilling his role. It also is an effect of the constitution reducing absolute monarchy and reducing the amount of monarchy all together.
  • The Directory is Installed

    The Directory is Installed
    The directory was installed as a government in France from 1795-1799. It was installed in response to the violent period of dictatorship during the reign of terror. It was not popular with the people however it did help France recover from a period of devastation and had many military successes which led to another dictatorship, Napoleon being declared first consul
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory

    Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory
    The directory is overthrown and replaced with a consulate system. This was made up of three consultates, the first being Napoleon and the other two being figureheads. This was the first time Napoleon was seen seizing political power. By becoming the first consul, he is making way for his takeover of absolute power
  • Napoleon is declared First Consul

    Napoleon is declared First Consul
    During 1799, France was struggling and was at war with most European nations. Napoleon returned home in hopes to save his nation (establishing the consultate and overthrowing the directory) In 1802, he elected HIMSELF as first consul. This role allowed him to establish himself as the head of a more authoritarian republican government in France. This leads him to show his power (and grow it) and what he can do which leads to him soon becoming emperor.
  • Napoleon Declared Emperor

    Napoleon Declared Emperor
    Napoleon also declared HIMSELF emperor, he rose in power from becoming the first consul, from a government form that he created by overthrowing the directory. Legend also shows that Napoleon actually crowned himself. The coup was a big part in him becoming so powerful.
  • Napoleon is defeated in Russia Battle of Trafalgar

    Napoleon is defeated in Russia Battle of Trafalgar
    Horatio nelson had consistently defeated Napoleon at sea. This was Nelson's last battle, as he was shot and died 30 minutes before the battle was over. He saw the France-Spanish ships coming and prepared his ships for war. The British navy destroyed 19 of the enemy's ships, and defeated France. This led to the insuring that napoleon would never invade Britain again. This however was not the only battle that Napoleon was defeated at, later leading to his downfall and him being exiled.
  • Napoleon is defeated at the waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at the waterloo
    This was a battle that was fought between France and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher. This was the battle that decided it once and for all. Napoleon was defeated and so were his attempts to take over Europe. Now that his plan was gone, so was most of his power. This leads to the exiling of him to st helena.
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena

    Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena
    This exiling was not the first time that Napoleon was exiled. He escaped his previous one to Elba from the coast. This event is a direct effect from him defeat at the waterloo. His power was diminished and fellow European rulers wanted him gone. St. Helena was about 5000 miles away from Europe, it insured that Napoleon would not be back.