AP EURO timeline

  • 1378

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    Political/Diplomatic, This crisis of the authority of the pope, decreased the validity of the church. Setting the stage for the Reformation to take place. Theme: Objective Knowledge vs. Subject Vision
  • 1455

    The invention of the Printing Press

    The invention of the Printing Press
    Cultural/Intellectual, this invention allowed the word of many philosophers to be heard further away. Again supporting the beginning of the end for subjective vision. Themes: Objective knowledge vs. Subjective vision
  • 1492

    Columbus Sails for India (america)

    Columbus Sails for India (america)
    Political/Diplomatic, This event was one of the first times that Europeans began to seek out other areas for gain in wealth. And eventually lead to the colonization of the Americas. Theme: European interaction with the world/spread of European influence
  • 1504

    Ferdinand and Isabella Marry

    Ferdinand and Isabella Marry
    Political/Diplomatic This marriage between two Spanish families, was intended only on the unification of Spain, socially. Leading to the surge of Spanish power in Europe in the early 1500’s-1600’s Theme: Centralization of Power
  • 1517

    Luther posts 95 Theses

    Luther posts 95 Theses
    Cultural/ Intellectual, Luther took his complaints directly to the church, posting his problems with the church's doctrine. And pointing out logical fallacies, And thus, marking the beginning of the the end of subjective vision Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    -Political/Diplomatic, Although the intention of this act wasn’t very sound. The Outcome had many unexpected outcomes. It broke the ties of dependence from the HRE. Giving more freedom to the English Kings. Theme: Centralization of Power
  • 1543

    On Revolution of Heavenly Spheres

    On Revolution of Heavenly Spheres
    Cultural/Intellectual, This is one of the earliest scientific proposals. Again, showing what is to come, the scientific revolution. Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • Dutch East India Company Founded

    Dutch East India Company Founded
    Economic/Social, This company and colonization of India is one of the first and most profitable spread of European influence. Thus, showing the extent of European influence. Theme: European interaction with the world/spread of European influence
  • Conflict Between Parliament and the King of England

    Conflict Between Parliament and the King of England
    Political/Diplomatic, the rise of parliamentary England not only allowed more freedom politically. But, it also symbolized the downfall of monarchies in the future. Theme: Objective knowledge vs. Subjective vision
  • Galileo Tried as Heretic

    Galileo Tried as Heretic
    Political/Diplomatic, Galileo’s trial is another example of early suppression by the Church. Although this enforcing power has decreased over time Theme: Liberal/Conservative Reactions
  • Descartes writes Meditations on First Philosophy

    Descartes writes Meditations on First Philosophy
    Cultural/Intellectual, Another example of a radical intellectual idea at the time. Showing the de-radicalization of individual claims and ideas. Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • Thomas hobbes Writes Leviathan

    Thomas hobbes Writes Leviathan
    Cultural/Intellectual Although the thesis of this work supports the absolutists reign, it was made out of his own philosophical belief, showing that steps towards complete individualism were on their way. Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • Newton’s Principia

    Newton’s Principia
    Cultural/Intellectual, this is one of the first truly scientific forms of intellectualism. It has Static evidence to contradict the previous notions. But, unlike other early intellectual developments this wasn’t intended to spite a group or agent of power. But rather, just stated what he concluded. Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • John Locke’s Works

    John Locke’s Works
    Cultural/Intellectual John Locke’s view on Absolutism was different from Hobbes. Locke believed that a citizenry have the right to revolt/protest a bad leader, but a good leader is meant to be in power. Going against what Popular religious and political powers believed, created more tension. Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • Peter the Great's rule

    Peter the Great's rule
    Political/Diplomatic, Peter's rule was defined by an emulation of Western society from and industrial/political standpoint. Peter went to great lengths to centralize Russia under him. But, Still failed to make any social progressions Theme: Centralization of Power
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    Political/ Diplomatic, This war was fought over colonial disputes, between Empires. It Eventually lead to a change of borders for certain colonies. Showing the extent of European imperialism. Theme: European interaction with the world/spread of European influence
  • Poland Partitioned for the first time

    Poland Partitioned for the first time
    Political/Diplomatic Although this may seem counter intuitive, the partitioning of Poland is a perfect example of centralization of power. Because, it shows the repercussions of not centralizing. Leading to a weak military and uncertainty when it comes to reforms. Thus, Poland was partitioned. Theme: Centralization of Power
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    Economic/Social, this revolution was one of the defining moments in European History. It was they conflict between the poor and rich, but as it spiraled deeper into the reign of terror. It began to seem just like radical violence Theme: Class conflict between prosperous groups and poor groups
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Political/Diplomatic, After the many years of radical ` liberalism from the french revolution and then the invasions of napoleon, the rest of Europe promised to subdue these revolutions and protests. Beginning the age of conservatism Theme: Liberal/Conservative Reactions
  • Britain’s Factory Act

    Britain’s Factory Act
    Cultural and intellectual, although the incentive of the Factory act was spurred on by discontent with previous values. It Still shows the basis that other intellectuals formed, it is an example of protest against a political idea, and succeeded. Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • 1848 revolutions

    1848 revolutions
    Economic/Social Were a series of revolutions across Europe, during the industrial revolution. Most of these were caused by the heightened tension between proletariat and bourgeois. Although most were unsuccessful, they emphasized the possibility of widespread revolutions to occur again. Theme: Class conflict between prosperous groups and poor groups
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    Cultural/Intellectual, although Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto have similar Theses, they serve different purposes. Das Kapital was a long and intensive read, while the communist manifesto was made purposefully small, in attempt to get his (Karl Marx) idea across. Showing more progress in intellectual freedom Theme: Objective knowledge in conflict with subjective vision
  • On The Origin of Species

    On The Origin of Species
    Cultural/Intellectual, Darwin's finding directly opposed the ruling of the church, and previous conceived notions. Especially the notion that humans are more special than other species. Showing the progression of intellectual freedom. Theme: Objective knowledge vs. Subjective vision
  • Alexander II Freed russian serfs

    Alexander II Freed russian serfs
    Economic/Social The freeing of the Serfs isn’t necessarily the reaction here. But rather it was the reaction by the radical russian left, who assassinated Alexander II. And, his successors complete conservative rule. Theme: Liberal/Conservative Reactions
  • Das kapital

    Das kapital
    Economic/Social ,Was written by Karl Marx, a german philosopher who believed that class conflict was the moving force of history. For this idea to appear in literature means that it was apparent in his time of living. Thus, pushing the idea of class conflict and its repercussions. Theme: Class conflict between prosperous groups and poor groups
  • Germany Unified

    Germany Unified
    Economic/Social German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck realized that in order for Prussia to become a leading power, he must unify germany. And so, he did. Thus, showing the pressure to centralize Theme: Centralization of Power
  • Italy unifies

    Italy unifies
    Economic/Social, Italy is in the same boat as Germany, if it failed to unify it would remain being a minor character in the development of the political climate of Europe. Theme: Centralization of Power
  • Scramble for Africa

    Scramble for Africa
    Political/Diplomatic, These few intense years were defined by the carving up of the african continent for european gain. This again goes to show the extent of european influence over other nations. Theme: European interaction with the world/spread of european influence
  • Interpretation of Dreams

    Interpretation of Dreams
    Cultural/Intellectual, Sigmund Freud's findings again conflicted with preconceived notions. And because his received minimal backlash, and his works were published, we can conclude that there is an increase in intellectual freedom. Theme: Objective knowledge vs Subjective vision
  • Red October

    Red October
    Economic/Social was the largest scale result of class conflict. It was the complete overthrow of the Tsar and replaced the Dictatorship with communism. This radical change started with good intent, but eventually got corrupted Theme: Class conflict between prosperous groups and poor groups
  • Stalin gains power in USSR

    Stalin gains power in USSR
    Political/Diplomatic, Stalin's rise of power wasn’t necessarily an example of centralization. But, his rule was. He used many different tactics to centralize power to catch up with the rest of europe. Much like Peter the Great. Theme: Centralization of Power
  • Black Shirt March

    Black Shirt March
    Economic/Social THis March had two purposes, to gain political power for mussolini, and to suppress the growing communist party in Italy. Thus, these fascist protest were in reaction to the growing left in Italy, making it a great example of Right reactionary rule. Theme: Liberal/Conservative Reactions
  • Ireland Gained independence from Britain

    Ireland Gained independence from Britain
    Political/Diplomatic, Similar to the freeing of India, the Independence of Ireland was gained through the downfall of the new imperialism, leading England to free almost all of their colonies Theme: Constant changing political boundaries dependant on ideological movement at the time
  • WW2

    Political/Diplomatic, THis war was onset by the growing power of NAZI germany and The invasion of Poland. BOth of which were lead by HItler, a extreme fascist. THus, the west and other more liberal nations joined in and attempted to stop him. Theme: Liberal/Conservative Reactions
  • India gains independence

    India gains independence
    Political/Diplomatic, As the new imperialism fell out of favor after WW2 many colonies began to experience freedom. India, in this case was allowed complete freedom, and thus formed its own government. Theme: Constant changing political boundaries dependant on ideological movement at the time
  • Israel Granted statehood

    Israel Granted statehood
    Political/Diplomatic, as WW2 ended there was a rise in general liberalism through all of europe. Additionally, the holocaust gave rise to more jewish sympathies around the world. So most everyone believed that the jewish population deserved to have it’s own home. Theme: Constant changing political boundaries dependant on ideological movement at the time
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    Economic/Social The purpose of this organization was to deter the spread of communism through mass funding and military support. Thus, centralizing them and using this advantage into forcing the opposite side to do the same. Theme: Centralization of Power
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Economic/Social The formation of the Warsaw pact wasn’t necessarily its value economically or militarily. But rather, a reaction to the formation of NATO. Trying to seem like the USSR had plenty of people on its side. Theme: Liberal/Conservative Reactions
  • Prague Spring

    Prague Spring
    Political/Diplomatic, Students decided after the new election that they would try revolting against the USSR. But, where completely crushed by Brezhnev.This event is another great example of the early reactionary power of the USSR. Theme: Liberal/Conservative Reactions
  • Germany reunified

    Germany reunified
    Political/Diplomatic, The Steady decline of communism allowed the previously split up Germany to unite. Additionally there was more sympathy to post war Germany due to its harsh treatment in the Treaty of Versailles Theme: Constant changing political boundaries dependant on ideological movement at the time
  • USSR collapses

    USSR collapses
    Economic/Social, as the downfall of communism and the rise of capitalism progressed throughout the 1900's. Massive pressures were put onto the soviet regime, eventually too much so that they collapsed. This of course was onset by other factors like the rule of Gorbachev. Theme: Constant changing political boundaries dependant on ideological movement at the time