Nov 30, 1310
Dante's Inferno
Part of Dante's Divine Comedy, discusses Dante's journey through the seven circles of Hell, reflects the psychological thoughts present before the Renaissance. -
Nov 30, 1374
Petrarch dies
Regarded as the father of early humanism -
Nov 30, 1381
Peasants Revolt
Major uprising in England, alternatively called Wat Tyler's uprising. Influenced the course of the Hundred Years War between England and France. Caused by the economic tensions of the Black Death -
Nov 30, 1415
Jan Huss burned
Burned for speaking out against the church and local authority, wanted to translate bible into Czech. -
Nov 30, 1434
Jan Van Eyck paints Wedding of Arnolfini
This painting of the northern renaissance showcased the new techniques being developed; perspective, lighting, and geometry. -
Nov 30, 1453
Constantinople falls
Ends the legacy of the Eastern roman empire, and highlights the height of the Ottoman empire -
Nov 30, 1455
Johannes Guttenburg Printing Press
Revolutionized printing of works. Increased literacy rates, more books, helped protestant reformation. -
Nov 30, 1478
Inquisition arrives in Spain
Led to the conquering of Granada, and the Spanish Inquisition. Deeply pious Catholic monarchy enabled this to happen, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille. -
Nov 30, 1482
Spain Invades Granada
This event occured during the course of the Spanish inquistion, and was led be the monarchy of Isabella and Ferdinand, led to the exodus of the jews -
Nov 30, 1482
Botticelli Primavera painted
This painting highlights the influences of ancient roman and greek art. -
Nov 30, 1487
Spenger and Kramer's Witches Hammer
Written by Spenger and Kramer, monks, and recieved the blessing of Pope Innocent VIII. Describes various torture methods for witches. -
Nov 30, 1492
Ferdinand and Isabella marry
This marriage united the Iberian states of Castille and Aragon -
Nov 30, 1492
Columbus sails West
With the patronage of the Spanish monarchy, Columbus sails west to find a trade route to China, however, he discovers the Americas instead. -
Nov 30, 1494
Medici's flee Florence
A wealthy and powerful Italian banking family, fled during the rise of Savonarola in Florence. -
Period: Nov 30, 1494 to Nov 30, 1498
Italian Wars
Series of wars launched upon the northern city-states of Italy, which only occured due to the lack of cooperation and unity between the seemingly succeptable states. France vs Spain for control. -
Nov 30, 1497
Vasco De Gama sails around Africa
Patroned by Henry the navigator, this Portuguese explorer discoveres the south of Africa and a trade route to Indian ocean trade. -
Nov 30, 1498
Da Vinci paints the Last Supper
Painting that gained fame and fortune for Leonardo. Depicts Jesus with his disciples before he is crucified. -
Nov 30, 1503
Da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
Commonly reknowned as the most famous painting of all time, probably due to the masked intent of the smile behind the woman pictured, implying a revolutionary amount of skill in portraying humanity. -
Nov 30, 1506
St. Peter's Bascilica built
Patroned by a number of popes, this bascilica is said to hold the remains of Saint Peter himself, sight of one of Michelangelo's greatest commisions. -
Period: Nov 30, 1508 to Nov 30, 1512
Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel
One of Michelangelo's most famous paintings, patroned by Pope Julius II. -
Nov 30, 1509
Henry VIII becomes king
From the house of Tudor, famous for creatin the Angelican church in spite of not being able to divorce his wives. Father of Elizabeth I -
Nov 30, 1509
Erasmus writes praise of Folly
Written towards Thomas More, this book was published in 1511, and a major role in creating new ideas to reform the Church, and thus led into the Protestant reformation. -
Nov 30, 1511
Raphael paints School of Athens
This piece reflects the classical influences present in the Renaissance, and can be considered one of Michelangelos's greatest works. -
Nov 30, 1516
Thomas More prints Utopia
This book discusses an ideal society and nation, and was written as a criticism of contemporary European society. -
Nov 30, 1517
Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Series of 95 Theses published by Martin Luther which laid the foundation for the Protestant reformation. -
Nov 30, 1518
Pope Leo X endorses indulgences
Indulgences were a ticket out of purgatory that were heavily criticized by Martin Luther and other protestant reformers -
Period: Nov 30, 1518 to Nov 30, 1528
Cortes Conquers the Aztecs
Slaughtered many Aztecs in Mexico. Motives were glory, missionary work, and gold. -
Nov 30, 1519
Charles V becomes HRE Emperor
Due to lineage, Charles V inherited both Spain and the HRE, however, he eventually abdicated the responsibilities to his son and brother. -
Nov 30, 1519
Da Vinci dies
Died at Clos Luce, spent his last days under Pope Leo X. -
Period: Nov 30, 1519 to Nov 30, 1521
Magellans voyage around the world
Magellan circumnavigates the world, unforunately dying in Indonesia, however, bringing a newfound perspective to the World. -
Nov 30, 1521
Diet of Worms
Issued under Charles V, this edict declared Martin Luther and his followers as criminals and exiles. -
Nov 30, 1529
Marburg Colloquy
An attempt to join together the different denominations of Protestantism, attempt by Zwingli and Luther, failed. -
Nov 30, 1532
Machiavelli publishes the Prince
Political piece written towards the Medicis, making a statememnt on how a proper ruler should act. -
Period: Nov 30, 1532 to Nov 30, 1535
Pizarro conquers the Incas
Arrived in Peru, and took advantage of internal conflicts between leaders and tribes. -
Nov 30, 1535
Thomas More executed
Executed because he did not support King Henry Viii and was sentenced for treason. -
Nov 30, 1536
John Calvin rpints Institutes of the Christian Religon
This document led to the protestant denomination of Calvinism, and introduced a handful of reforms for the church. -
Nov 30, 1540
Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuits
The Jesuits were founded during the protestant reformation. -
Nov 30, 1541
El Greco born
Painter, sculptor, and architect of the Spanish renaissance, greek ethnicity. -
Nov 30, 1545
Bartolome de las casas writes Charles V
Las Casas was a popular critic of the Spanish treatment of natives in the new world. -
Period: Nov 30, 1545 to Nov 30, 1563
Council of Trent
Counter-reformation to reform the Catholic church and deal with Protestants -
Nov 30, 1546
Martin Luther dies
Died of poor health, including Meniere's disease, vertigo, fainting, tinnitus, and a cataract. -
Nov 30, 1547
Henry VII dies
Obesity and old age led to the death of King Henry Viii -
Nov 30, 1555
Peace of Augsburbg
Allowed the HRE's states to select either Lutheranism or Catholicism, ended conflict in HRE. -
Nov 30, 1556
Philip II becomes King of Spain
Absolutist Spanish monarch, Philip II had a positive effect on his nation, making sure to work with the nobles and partake in government councils. -
Nov 30, 1558
Elizabeth becomes Queen
Her predescesor Anne Boleyn. Last of the Tudors, daughter of Henry VII. Supported Henry IV of France -
Nov 30, 1562
French Wars of Religion begin
Fought between Catholics and Huguenots (Protestants) in France. Ended with the Edict of Nantes. -
Nov 30, 1564
william shakespeare born
Shakespeare's works are known even today and helped to represent the new world view of the middle class in respect to other races and people. -
Nov 30, 1564
John Calvin dies
Became ill with a fever. Attempted to finish "The Institutes" before he died, forcing himself to work even in sickness. -
Nov 30, 1567
Peter Brughal paints Wedding Feast
This painting gave insight to the common life present at weddings. It also presented the evolving skills with oil paints at the time. -
Nov 30, 1568
Dutch Revolt begins
Ensued from religious conflict; Protestants revolted in the northern regions against Spanish authority. -
Nov 30, 1572
Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Charles IX of France ordered assassinations on Huguenot Protestants leaders in pairs which let to mass killing of thousands huguenots. -
Spanish Armada
A fleet created to assault England and overthrow Elizabeth I, however, this failed due to the mobility of the English navy and the colder climate. -
King Henry IV of France (Henry of Navarre) becomes King
First of the house of Bourbon, involved in French wars of religion -
Edict of Nantes
Gave Huguenots in France rights during French wars of religion. -
Philip II of Spain dies
Died in El Escorial, near Madrid, of cancer, gout, fever, and edema. -
Death of Elizabeth I
Following the death of many of her friends and close ones, sickness and old age got the best of Queen Elizabeth I, ending the line of Tudors. -
Period: to
Enclosure Acts
These acts regulated land in Britain, giving property rights to citizens that were considered common. -
Period: to
Cervantes Don Quixote
Written by Miguel de Cervantes, this book capsulates the ideas of chivalry in the 17th century. -
King James Bible printed
Translated bible into English -
Thirty Years War begins
Began with the Defenestration of Prague, when Catholic and Protestant tensions rose greatly in the Holy Roman Empire -
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden dies
King of Sweden, one of the greatest military commanders of all time. Reign during thirty years war. -
English Civil War begins
Civil war between the Parliament and Charles I, caused by his excessive taxation and tension left over by the thirty years war. Ended in Charles I's execution. -
Period: to
English Civil War
Tensions rose from puritans who disagreed with Henry Viii's Angelican church, and Charles I taxes. Ended with Charles's execution and the formation of the rump parliament. -
Peace of Westphalia
Ended the Thirty Years War and the Eighty Years War. -
Charles I executed
Result of English civil war, tried to create an absolute monarchy but failed, and was eventually executed by the Rump Parliament. -
Rump Parliament
Formed when Charles I's member of Parliament were evicted from their positions, and monitored Oliver Cromwell. -
Period: to
Navigation Act passed
A series of acts that inhibited foreign trade in Britain and its empire. -
Oliver Cromwell become Lord Protector
Result of English Civil War, practical dictator of a new English republic. -
Oliver Cromwell Dies
Republican dictator of England after Charles I was executed. -