AP Euro Timeline

  • 1400


    The rebirth of the classical knowledge of the Greek and Romans.
  • 1434

    Medici Family

    Rulers of the city-state of Florence who made their fortune in trade and banking.
  • 1450

    Northern Renaissance

    The spread of humanism and other Renaissance ideas to Northern Europe.
  • 1450

    Christian Humanism

    A version of humanism prominent in the Northern Renaissance. There was an emphasis on Jesus as a mortal man.
  • 1455

    War of the Roses

    Civil wars in England between the houses of Lancaster and York which eventually led to the strong government of the Tudors.
  • 1457

    Reign of Henry VII

    King of England who ended the Wars of the Roses and founded the Tudor dynasty.
  • 1478

    Spanish Inquistion

    An attack on non-Catholic people started by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain.
  • 1485

    End of the War of the Roses

  • 1485

    End of the reign of Henry VII

  • 1490

    "High Renaissance"

    The period of flourishing art techniques, beginning with Leonardo DaVinci's "The Last Supper".
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    An agreement between Spain and Portugal to settle conflicts over discovered and explored land.
  • 1509

    Reign of Henry VIII

    King of England who began the English Reformation by declaring himself head of the Church of England in order to get a divorce.
  • 1517

    95 Theses

    95 problems Martin Luther had with the Catholic church that sparked the Reformation.
  • 1519

    Reign of Charles V

    Holy Roman Emperor who tried to force Martin Luther to recant his teachings at the Diet of Worms.
  • 1524

    German Peasants War

    A war inspired by Martin Luther's teachings to end serfdom. The war horrified Martin Luther and he told the German princes to show no mercy on them.
  • 1525

    End of the German Peasants War

  • 1527

    Sack of Rome

    Holy Roman Emperor Charles V attacked the city of Rome, joined by members of the Spanish Infantry.
  • 1527

    End of "High Renaissance"

  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    English act of Parliament that declared Henry VIII as the supreme head of the Church of England.
  • 1534

    Act of Succession

    Act rhat required subjects to accept King Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boelyn.
  • 1536

    Calvin in Geneva

    Reformer who was asked by the people of Geneva to rule over it after publishing his ideas on Predestination.
  • 1542

    John Knox in Scotland

    Used John Calvin's ideas to set up his own society in Scotland.
  • 1545

    Counter Reformation

    The catholic response to the reformation where some change occured but it was mostly just a resistance to the Orotestant reforms.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    A series of meetings responsible for the revival of the Roman Catholiv Church in parts of Europe.
  • 1547

    End of the reign of Henry VIII

  • Period: 1550 to

    Scientific Revolution

    Age of Scientific Discovery that began with Galileo and continued on to Isaac Newton.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    A settlement that required each prince in Germany to define his principality as either Catholic or Lutheran.
  • 1556

    End of the reign of Charles V

  • 1556

    Reign of Phillip II

    King of Spain who married Henry VIII's daughter Mary and could not produce an heir who could continue their Catholic policies.
  • 1558

    Reign of Elizabeth I

    Queen of England who made the country into a major power and tried to ease religious tensions during her reign.
  • 1559

    Elizabethan Settlement

    2 acts that made Elizabeth I the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and attempted to satisfy the citizens of England.
  • 1562

    French Wars of Religion

    Conflicts between the Catholics and Huguenots that was ended by the Edict of Nantes.
  • 1563

    End of the Council of Trent

  • 1568

    Dutch Revolt

    A successful revolt of the Protestants in the Netherlands against the Catholic Spanish king Phillip II, which resulted in the establishment of the Protestant Dutch Republic.
  • 1572

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    The massacre of French Huguenots in Paris, planned by Catherine de Medici.
  • 1581

    United Provinces of the Netherlands

    A federation of 7 states that, in it's time, was the only major European power to maintain a republic form of government throughout the 17th Century.
  • War of the 3 Henry's

    The last of the French wars of religion between Henry III, Henri I de Lorraine, and Henry of Bourbon.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The defeat of Spain's navy by the English.
  • End of the War of the 3 Henry's

  • Reign of Henry IV

    The first Bourbon king of France who passed the Edict of Nantes.
  • End of the Reign of Phillip II

  • End of the French Wars of Religion

  • Edict of Nantes

    A document that granted religious freedom to the Huguenots.
  • End of Renaissance

  • End of Northern Renaissance

  • Baroque Art Period

    Period of artisitic style created and sponsered by the Roman Catholic Church.
  • End of the reign of Elizabeth I

  • End of the Reign of Henry IV

  • Reign of Louis XIII/Richelieu

    Richelieu made Louis into an early absolute monarch. He also pushed France into the Thirty Years' War.
  • Thirty Years War (Bohemian Phase)

    The Habsburg nations of Spain and Austria devastated large areas of the Holy Roman Empire in order to defeat Bohemia and force them to be Catholic. They succeeded.
  • End of the Bohemian Phase of the Thirty Years' War

  • Thirty Years' War (Danish Phase)

    Habsburg and Catholic victory against King Christian IV of Denmark.
  • End of the Danish Phase of the Thirty Years' War

  • Thirty Years' War (Swedish/Swedish-French Phase)

    Conflict between the joined forces of Sweden and France against the Habsburgs, which led to a victory for the French.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Frederick William the Elector

    An absolute monarch who built up his army in order to gain power.
  • English Civil War

    Conflict between supporters of the monarchy and Parliamentarians which eventually ended the British monarchy.
  • End of the Thirty Years' War

  • End of the Reign of Louis XIII/Richelieu

  • Reign of Louis XIV/Mazarin

    Mazarin ruled for the first part of Louis XIV's reign, but later Louis became an excellent absolute monarch and immersed France in war.
  • End of the Dutch Revolt

  • End of Counter Reformation

  • Peace of Westphalia

    A series of Peace Treaties signed to end the 30 Years' War that reconstructed European borders.
  • Fronde

    A series of wide-ranging, uncoordinated revolts against Louis XIV's mother and Cardinal Mazarin.
  • Death of Charles I

    Charles was beheaded for treason after a trial controlled by his enemies found him guilty.
  • End of English Civil War

  • Reign of Oliver Cromwell

    He ruled as "Lord Protector" of England , Scotland, and Ireland.
  • End of Fronde

  • End of the Reign of Oliver Cromwell

  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles II

    The last monarch of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty who died childless, causing the War of Spanish Succession
  • Period: to

    Reign of Peter the Great

    An enlightened absolutist who expanded Russia's Navy and bettered the education system.
  • Siege of Vienna

    Turkish attempt to defeat Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I.
  • Edict of Fountainebleau

    The revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which granted religious rights to Hueguenots.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The age of reason where philosophes began to seek laws of human nature.
  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    A bloodless revolution that led to Parliament having more power and meeting annually.
  • Age of Montesquieu

    inspired by Montesquieu who believed in separation of powers.
  • Age of Voltaire

    inspired by Voltaire who ridiculed the government and the Church and believed in Enlightened monarchy.
  • Period: to

    War of Spanish Succession

    Conflict after the death of Charles II, who had no children, over who would take the Spanish throne.
  • Age of Rousseau

    Inspired by Rousseau who was committed to the idea of individual freedom.
  • Pragmatic Sanction

    A document created to ensure that the Austrian throne would be inherited by Maria Theresa.
  • End of the reign of Louis XIV/Mazarin

  • End of Medici Rule

  • Period: to

    War of Austrian Succession

    Invasion of Austria by the army of Frederick II of Prussia.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Maria Theresa

    An enlightened absolutist who worked to reform her government and military.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Frederick the Great

    Enlightened monarch who expanded Prussia's territories with his strong military.
  • Period: to

    Touissaint L'Ouverture

    Leader of the Haitian independence movement during the French Revolution.
  • End of Baroque Art Period

  • Period: to

    Seven Years' War

    War on both the colonies and Europe between France and Britain in the colonies and Prussia, Austria, France, Russia, and Sweden in Europe.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Catherine the Great

    An enlightened absolutist who expanded Russia's territory and attempted social reform.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Joseph II

    An attempted enlightened ruler who could never pass his reforms.
  • Period: to

    Pugachev Rebellion

    Rebellions in Russia that took place after Catherine the Great took the throne.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Louis XVI

    The last king of France who was stripped of his title and guillotined.
  • Estates General is called

    Louis XVI calls the meeting of the 3 Estates because France is running out of money.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Members of the National Assembly vowed to not stop meeting until they had written a constitution for France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Citizens of France retaliating against Louis XVI's troops placed in Paris by storming the prison and stealing weapons, starting chaos.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The period of chaos and unrest in France after the uprooting of the French monarchy.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    A law passed that enabled the new French government to take over the Church.
  • Flight to Varennes

    The attempted flight of Louis XVI and his family from Paris which failed.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    The dictatorship ruling over France during the Reign of Terror.
  • Period: to

    War of the First Coalition

    The attempt by Spain, Holland, Austria, Prussia, England and Sardinia to stop the French forces.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Period of uncertainty and death intended to protect France from traitors or invaders.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    The parliamentary revolt that led to the fall of Maximilien Robespierre and the end of the Reign of Terror.
  • End of the United Provinces of the Netherlands

  • Period: to

    The Directory

    A group of five men who held the executive power in France.
  • Coup d'Etat

    The overthrowing of the Directory, which was replaced by the French Consolate.
  • Period: to

    Consulate Era

    The period of time where the executive power in France consisted of 3 consuls, but Napoleon had all the real power.
  • Period: to

    Empire Period

    Period of time where Napoleon was conquering large amounts of Europe and making France an empire.
  • Concordat of 1801

    An agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that defined the status of the Roman Catholic Church in France.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    A naval battle between England and France that France lost.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    A major victory for Napoleon against Russia and Austria.
  • Period: to

    War of the Fourth Coalition

    The defeat of Austria, Prussia, and Russia.
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    Agreements that France signed with Russia and with Prussia at Tilsit, northern Prussia, after Napoleon destroyed them.
  • Russian Campaign

    Napoleon's invasion of Russia which led to the destruction of his Grande Armee
  • Battle of Leipzig

    The coalition armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden, led by Tsar Alexander I of Russia defeated the French army.
  • Congress of Vienna

    The assembly that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Hundred Days

    The 100 day period between Napoleon's return to France and the restoration of the French monarchy.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon's final defeat by Britain.
  • End of the Spanish Inquisition