Sep 24, 1130
The College of Cardinals
This group was created to vote for new Popes and they took part in the church's political affairs. -
Period: Sep 24, 1198 to Sep 24, 1216
Pope Innocent III reign
made the doctrine of plenitude power and he had the authority to declare saints disposed of benefices and created a central papal monarchy with a clear political mission. He weakened the church spiritually but he also gave it strong political power. -
Sep 24, 1240
Kiev falls to the Mongols
Kiev was probably one of the most important cities in Russia. It was the main center for political and culture and had architecturethat rivaled with Constantiople. Afer the death of its founder a rivalry began among the Great Russians the White Russians and the little Russians (Ukrainians)
Grand Duke Dimitri defeated the Tatar and ended the mongolain rule. Ivan the Great would unite all of Russia in Moscow and permantly end mongol rule. Moscow replace Kiev as the cultural and political center. -
Period: Sep 24, 1243 to Sep 24, 1480
Mongol Rule
Under this rule the Mongols swept through China and much of the Islamic world and parts of Russia . They raided the people and were ruthless. Their main leader was Ghengis Khan -
Period: Sep 24, 1261 to Sep 26, 1264
Pope Urban IV regin
He perfected what Pope Innocent III first established . He also made the church have its own law court called the Rota Romana and this tighten the church's legal proceedings. -
Sep 24, 1278
The Visconti Family
This family was the ruling family over Milan -
Period: Sep 24, 1294 to Sep 24, 1303
Pope Boniface VIII reign
During his reign he discovered that the papal monarchy was not even close to being as powerdul as the new politial powers that were being developed by the new monarchs established by the kings. -
Period: Jan 1, 1315 to Jan 1, 1317
Europe before the Plauge
Between 1315 and 1317 a great famine struck Europe along with an economice depression that weaken the population of Europe. Since Europe has suffered many years of overpopulation along with economic depression and famine, bad health was also a problem and this weakened Europe and made the damage done by the plauge soar -
Period: Sep 24, 1316 to Sep 24, 1334
Pope John XXII reign
This Pope was the most powerful consideing he was from Avignon. He tried to restore papal independence and return it Italy. This resulted in war. The war was mainly with the Visconti a very powerful family ruling over Milan. -
Period: Sep 24, 1337 to Sep 24, 1453
The Hundred Years War
This was a war that was fought between England and France. Edward III made claims towards the French Throne and may have ignited the war. French: larger population;money; and land. England; Smaller population, less money and land. Longbow -
Jun 24, 1340
English Victory At the Bay of Sluys
Sea battle
Happened during the reign of Philip IV of France and Edward III of England
French navy was destoryed by the English as a result after the reign of Edward III the French rebuilt their navy -
Period: Aug 1, 1346 to Sep 23, 1350
The Black Death
The black Death was belived to have come from rats that returned on ships from the Middle East. It entered Europe from ports in Italy and then made its way through out Europe and killed about 1/3 of the total population. It was called the Black Death because of the way it discolored the skin.
Many of the people at this point in time thought that the plauge was a punishment from God against all that have sinned or comitted wrong against Him. Some popular remdies were wearing aromatic amulets -
Sep 24, 1346
English Victory at the Crecy and seizure of Calais
Edward attacked the Netherlands and would claim Calais until 1558. This was an important victory for the English because the Netherlands had a every high textile production and this was good becuase the English now had a greater source of income for their armies. -
Sep 24, 1347
The Black Death Strikes
The Black Death came and stopped the war of a while. This mainly effected England because it had the smaller population compared to France. labor workers became very rare and the price for their goods went up because they were the only ones around and causing every noble to go them and purchase their goods. -
Period: Sep 24, 1350 to Sep 24, 1449
Conciliar Movement
This movement was a threat to papal power becuase of it threaten the way the church made decisions. Since this was a threat to papal power becuase instead of having only one man descide the whole body of elected church officals would decide. -
Sep 23, 1351
Farmers and the Statue of Laboreres
In 1351 about a year after the plague has struck Europe many landowners made the peasants farm lands into sheep pastures, the land owners did this inorder to make a profit with wool rather than with labor grains. The landowneres sold the farms to the highest bidder, so in 1351 the English Parilament made the Statue of Laboreres, and ths limited wages to pre plague levels and restricted the peasants to leave their masters land. -
Sep 24, 1356
English Victory at Poitiers
This was the one of the most important battle that was won by the English. In this battle the English captured the French King John II the Good and took him back to England. this broke down France economically and politcally. -
Sep 24, 1358
Jacquerie French Peasants Revolt
This revolt was the response to a rise in taxes which were directed toward the peasants and because the peasants opposed this they revolted. -
Sep 24, 1360
Peace of Bretigny-Calais Recongizes England holding France
This was an agreement between France and England, it declared an end to Edward III vassalage to the King of France and just affrimed that some territories that were in France were under English Rule -
Period: Sep 24, 1375 to Sep 24, 1527
The Italian Renaissance
This was a period in time that was a rebirth for Italy, the country based most of its works off of Roman and Classical Art and Architecture. This resulted in amazing feats of art and design, patrons took off at this time along with new styles of art. -
Period: Sep 24, 1378 to Sep 24, 1417
Babylonian Captivity
This was also reffered to as the Great Schism. This was when the church was sperated in Avignon and Rome -
Period: Sep 24, 1378 to Sep 24, 1417
The Great Schism
The great schism was a time when the Catholic Church was torn in two. The French wanted representation in the church but the Romans wanted to maintain the power. As a result the church spilt a French Pope was elected and move part of the church to Avigon while the Roman Pope stayed in Rome -
Sep 23, 1381
Peasant Revolts in England
The peasants revolted because they opposed the Staute of Laboreres. -
Sep 24, 1384
John Wycliffe
Wycliffe is normally known for he dealings as a leader for the Lollards. He came up with the idea that people should read the Bible themselves and not have someone give the people their meaning for the Bible. he was accused of an ancient form of heresy known as Donatism -
Period: Sep 24, 1394 to Sep 24, 1500
Age of Exploration
Mainly Portugal and Spain were apart of the age of exploration bcause England and France were dealing with other matters at the time. In 1492 colombus sailed towards what he thought was India but landed in the Americas. Amerigo Vespucci gave the Americas their names when he wrote his name on the map. Henry the navigator captured the islamic city of Ceuta -
Period: Sep 24, 1414 to Sep 24, 1417
The Council of Constance
This was towards the end of the Great Schism Pope Gegory XII also recongized a famous docuement called the Sacrosancta. This was used to help elect Pope Martin V who brought the end to the Great Schism -
Sep 24, 1415
John (Jan) Huss
He based most of his ideas off of Wycliffe's and basically re preached all that Wycliffe had said with a different twist words. He still believed that the people should read the Bible for them selves and not have some one relay the information to them. He was executed. -
Oct 25, 1415
English Victory At Agincourt
This was a English victory and the Burgundians watched fromm the side lines while France was siezed by the English. -
Sep 24, 1420
Treaty of Troyes Recongizes English King as heir to the French throne
The French got rid of their heir to the throne and proclamied that Henry V the King of france but when he died a few months later Henry VI an infant was the King of both France and England. -
Sep 24, 1422
Henry VI proclaimed as king of England and France
The infant was claimed to be King of both countries. -
Sep 24, 1429
Joan of Arc leds French Victory at Orleans
She was thw girl who claimed that God spoke to her and told her to rid France of the English. She arrived with fresh troops who quickly defeated the tired English and this was how she won the battle. -
Sep 24, 1431
Joan of Arc Executed as a Heretic
Joan of Arc was mainly killed because she was a female who dressed like a man and fought in the army. She was also accused of working with the devil because some sources say that she heard voices telling her to go fight and rid the French of the English -
Sep 24, 1434
Medici Rule (Cosimo Medici)
This rule was mainly brought into the light when Cosimo Medici a powerful banker was brought into the public affairs. He was a patron for many of the artists during the Renaissance and his family started an Art Academy. He was a Patron for the works of Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael and Dontello and Bruneschill. His son was Lorenzo the Magnificent one of the founders to the art academy and he was the adoptive father to Michelangelo -
Sep 24, 1450
The Sforza Famliy
This family mainly ruled over Milan -
Sep 23, 1453
Constantinople falls to the Turks
Because of the fall of Constantinople Italy's trading shrank with the east and this caused city state to turn against city state. -
Sep 24, 1453
End of the Hundred Years War
At the end of the Hundred Years War England only has Calais -
Period: Sep 23, 1454 to Sep 23, 1494
Treaty of Lodi Allies Milan, Naples and Florence
This Treaty brought Milan and Naples into an alliance with Florence. The reason this Treaty was created was to make Italy a stronger country so that it would be less likely to be invaded by foreign countries. -
Sep 23, 1490
Leonardo da Vinci Creates the Vitruvian Man
Among the other works of art that Leonardo Davis Vinci created he also created a notebook on the human body. He based his work off of a Roman architect and engineer named Marcus Pollio Vitruvius. He created a man out of circles and squares that would show the symmetry in the human form. Leonardo took this idea and expanded on it. -
Sep 23, 1495
League of Venice Unites
The league of Venice unites Venice, Milan, Papal States, The Holy Roman Empire, and Spain against France -
Sep 23, 1499
Louis XII Invades Milan
This is the second French invasion of Italy -
Period: Sep 24, 1509 to Sep 24, 1513
Michelangelo Paints the Sistine Chapel
This masterpiece done by the painter who did not want to paint took about four years to complete. He did it when he was well and when he was sick. He did this for Pope Julius II aslo known as the Warrior Pope. -
Period: Sep 23, 1510 to Sep 23, 1511
Raphael Paints the School of Athens
Raphael was a painter who developed his techniques based off of the works of Michelangelo. He painted the School of Athens for Pope Julius II, Raphael painted his creation with in a year, he also painted this when Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. -
Period: Sep 23, 1512 to Sep 23, 1513
The Holy League Defeats the French
This Holy League consists of Pope Julius II, Ferdinand of Argon, Emperor Maximilian, and Venice -
Sep 23, 1513
Machiavelli Writes The Prince
This was a piece of The Northern Renaissance written by Machiavelli on how rulers should be feared rather than loved. -
Sep 23, 1515
Francis I Leads the French Invasion of Italy
This was the third French invasion of Italy -
Period: Sep 24, 1515 to Sep 24, 1525
The Protestant Reformation
main people; Martian luther (95 these), john calvin (predestiation) ulrich zwingli (the body of christ)
man causes; 95 theses and te sales of indulgences and o proper morals
people who opossed the reformation Bloody Mary wanted every one to be cathloic
people went with it elizabeth i made a docuemnet saying that she was incharge of the chruch and the head of political matters, henry viii wanted a divocre all of his adviors followed except thomas more remain catholic -
Sep 24, 1516
Thomas More
wrote Utopiabecame one of King Henry VIII most trusted diplomats -
Sep 24, 1517
Johann Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press
This was the first machince that was used to make copies of books and spread them throughout Europe -
Sep 24, 1536
Desiderius Erasmus
This man wrote numerous dialogues called Colloquies and proverbs that appeared under the title of Adages and were thought of to be common expressions. He aspired to unite a class of humanity tat was based off of classical ideals. -
Period: Sep 24, 1545 to Sep 24, 1563
The Counter Reformation
Ignatius of Loyola was created to help convert people back to being catholics. the council of trent was a meeting that disccued the current sitiuation that the catholic church was losing followers
Baroque Artwas a style of art that developed because of the renaissance and was alos a type of music and architecture found by human emotions complex compostitions striking colors and a sense of grander some artist were rembrandt reuben bernini caravaggio -
Period: Sep 24, 1553 to
england and spain
elizabeth i makes a deak with the pirates and they prey on the spainish ships she excuetes mary the queen of scots becuase she thinks she is a threat to her throne. philip ii orders the spanish aramada to perpeare for war with england and it is destroyed by the english and this encouraged european prostestants -
Period: Sep 24, 1562 to
French Wars of Religion
Huguenots (French Prostesnats) Henry II and Henry IV kill off the hugenots. caterine de medici makes the janurary of edicit and allow the hugenots to worship t the st. bartholomews day is when they change their mind and kill the hugenots the peace of beaulieu was made buy henry iii and it grants complete reiligous freedom -
Period: to
30 years war
Bohemian period: clavinist demand for more freedom for catholics and the court responed by throwing fredinand the regeant out the window this was called the defense of prague DAnish period makes the edict of restoration Swedish period; the sweds refuse to join the peace of prague move ment
Swedish and french period; reak havoc on germany waring with each other
the Treaty of Westphaliastope the edict of restoration recongizes calvinists the treaty brodens the legal rights of protestants