AP Calculus Journal

By jdanoff
  • AB Integration Review

    AB Integration Review
    Today we reviewed AB integration, including the 20 basic integration rules. In addition, we reviewed the mean value theorem for integrals in class, but I could also use a review of the mean value theorem for derivatives.
  • Diff EQ Review

    Diff EQ Review
    We reviewed many of the topics in the differential equations unit. I remember Euler's Method more than I thought I would (That's a good sign!). However, I didn't remember the logistic growth model quite as well; I'll definitely review that more before the AP.
  • Infinite Series Review

    Infinite Series Review
    I remembered most of the infinite series information. I do need to review the lagrange error bound, but other than that, I think I know this material pretty well.
  • Polar Test

    Polar Test
    Today I took the test on polar equations. I have not been great with polar derivatives, but I felt comfortable with the ones on the test. I think I did pretty well.
  • Taylor Series Review

    Taylor Series Review
    I remembered much of the taylor series content, although I did not remember the lagrange error bound. I will review that more to be sure I know it for the test. I was surprised by how many of the must know power series I still knew.
  • AP Practice Test, Part 1

    AP Practice Test, Part 1
    I think I did fairly well on the first part of the practice multiple choice test. My group was unsure of a few questions, including one regarding the logistic growth curve and one involving taylor series. We worked through the problems, though, and I was confident in our final answers.
  • AP Practice Test, Part 2

    AP Practice Test, Part 2
    We completed the multiple choice section of the practice test today. I felt confident in my group's answers. I also did the second part of the free response. I though that problem 4 was particularly difficult.
  • More Review

    More Review
    I spent some time reviewing logistic growth models because I was not confident in my knowledge of that part. I think I know enough now to do well on questions involing the logistic growth model.
  • More series review

    More series review
    We reviewed taylor series again. The review of the lagrange error bound, albeit brief, was very helpful to me. I also think that the homeworks are very helpful because they remind me of things which I had forgotten about.
  • Test review

    Test review
    We got our practice tests back. I was surprised at how well I did on the free response section, especially on the problem I thought was difficult. I think my group did well on the multiple choice section, but I will be sure to review the concepts of the questions we got wrong.
  • Practice Test Review

    Practice Test Review
    We went through the most missed problems on the pracitce test. I feel like I gained a lot from it because it helped me with problems I missed.
  • Review matching

    Review matching
    I knew most of the stuff on the review sheet, and the walk was relaxing.
  • AP Test

    AP Test
    I felt good about the test as a whole. The non calculator multiple choice was harder than the calculator portion in my opinion. In the free response section, I felt pressed for time on the calculator section, but the non calculator section was really easy.