Entry 1
Timeline started -
Entry 2
learned the proof for 2=1 -
Period: to
AP on May 4
Entry 3
Read about Weierstrass functions and their uses -
Entry 4
still confused on distance formula for polar -
Entry 5
I am having difficulties managing homework and studying for APs -
Entry 6
"I am having difficulties managing homework and studying for APs"
this is getting worse...
As much as I need to do my homework, I also need to study. Since the studing also takes the form of assignments, I am swamped with work -
Entry 7
I hav fond a small balance, but I expect more work...at leat I am understanding what we are doing. -
Entry 8
Attempting to work more on homework.
At least I know how to do the problems... -
Entry 9
I guess this image also adresses my homework problems... -
Entry 8
Attempting some practice problems from the book. -
Entry 9
Reviewing for Physics as well...
Line integrals still confuse me a bit... -
Entry 10
Entry 11
Entry 12
Entry 13
Entry 14
Entry 15