Calc AB Review
I'm Glad we went over this stuff. Even though it is easy it has been a while since we have has to use it and I was a little rusty. -
Diff EQ Review
Today we discussed diff eq in class. It was a good review of basic integration techniques as well as the more advanced topics. I was especially glad that we went over logisctic regressions. I did not remeber at all how to derive the function from its derivative. PARTIAL FRACTIONS RULE! -
Series and Sequences Review
Today we highlighted the differences between a series and a sequence. First and foremost, a sequence does not have the sigma you see here. We also reviewd the different tests for convergence of a sieries. I better look over those before the test roles around. -
Polar Test
We didn't review for the AP Exam today because we took the unit test on polar graphing and equations. All in all I didn't think is was that bad, although some specific problems were pretty hard. -
Taylor Series Review
Every time we review a new topic it just shows me how much math I have already forgotten. Talylor series were no exception. I definately need to do some practice on developing these and i should memorize the important power series. -
Practice AP Exam
Today we started a practice multiple chioce AP. I'm glad because I could definately use the practice. I was a little aprehensive with my group at first but un our time together we have gotten past that. I believe we can accomplish great things. -
AP Practice Test Day 2
I was suprised by how much time was left over when my group finished. It gave me a boost in confidence. Of course I did have partners to split the questions between but still it was nice to see how much I really knew. -
More AP review
I was at law day during this class so i'm not entirly sure what we did. I did turn in all of my work to Mr. Hyman after school today though. That was good. -
More Series
Today in class we had more series review because thats the most difficult thing we've done. Its good that we keep going over some of the harder things. -
Today we had our senior photo and it was totally awesome. Then we got back a couple of practice tests we took and I was less happy. It was interesting to see how poorly i could do and still get a five. -
I was out for the psych AP test today. I heard that we went over the most problems on the review take home test. I did all my corrections at home and they were rather helpful. I'll be there tommorow though so I'm ready! -
The Day Before
Today we did a little review but spent most of the time walking around outside. I'm a little nervous for the Big Game but only time will tell how things go at this point. GO GENERALS! -
Big Game!
The multiple choice was fairly difficult on this test but the free responce was pretty easy. Im really just glad its over. Now only time will tell what happened today.