35,000 BCE
28,000 BCE
"Venus" of Willendorf
Paleolithic 2800BCE-25000BCE
Oolitic Limestone tinted w/ ochre -
25,500 BCE
Apollo 11 Stones
Paleolithic 25500BCE-25300BCE
Charcoal on Stone -
25,000 BCE
Humans in the Americas
6000 BCE
Neolithic Near East
4200 BCE
Ibex Beaker
Susian 4200BCE-3500BCE
Painted Terra Cotta -
4000 BCE
Neolithic Europe
4000 BCE
Anthropomorphic Stele
Neolithic 4th millenium BCE (4000 BCE)
Sandstone -
3500 BCE
White Temple and its Ziggurat
Sumerian c.3500BCE-3000BCE
Mud Brick -
3000 BCE
Palette of King Narmer
Predynastic Egypt c.3000BCE-2920BCE
Greywacke -
2620 BCE
Seated Scribe
Old Kingdom Egypt c.2620BCE-2500BCE
Painted Limestone -
2600 BCE
Old Kingdom Egypt
2600 BCE
Standard of Ur
Sumerian c.2600BCE-2400BCE
Wood inlaid w/ shell/black limestone -
2500 BCE
Probable date of the first iron objects
2500 BCE
Neolithic Europe c.2500BCE-1600BCE
Sandstone -
2490 BCE
Great Pyramids
Old Kingdom Egypt c.2490BCE-2472BCE
Cut Limestone -
1792 BCE
Code of Hammurabi
Susian c.1792BCE-1750BCE
Basalt -
1550 BCE
New Kingdom Egypt
1500 BCE
Ambum Stone
Neolithic c.1500BCE
Greywacke -
1473 BCE
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
New Kingdom Egypt c.1473BCE-1458BCE
Sandstone partially carved into a rock cliff, red granite -
1353 BCE
New Kingdom Egypt c.1353BCE-1335BCE
Limestone -
1350 BCE
1200 BCE
The Fall of Troy
1200 BCE
Tlatilco Female Figurine
Neolithic 1200BCE-900BCE
Ceramic -
776 BCE
First Olympic Games
753 BCE
Rome Founded
720 BCE
Neo-Assyrian c.720BCE-705BCE
Alabaster -
600 BCE
Athenian Agora
Hellenistic Greek 600BCE-150BCE
Plan, 30 acres -
530 BCE
Archaic Greek c.530BCE
Marble w/ paint remnants/details -
520 BCE
Persian c.520BCE-465BCE
Limestone -
510 BCE
Republican Rome
480 BCE
Classical Greek
450 BCE
Classical Greek 450BCE-440BCE
Bronze, Roman Copy (marble) -
Period: 449 BCE to 479 BCE
Persian Wars
447 BCE
Classical Greek c.447BCE-410BCE
Marble -
325 BCE
Hellenistic Greek
323 BCE
Alexander the Great Dies
100 BCE
Alexander Mosaic
Republican Rome 100BCE
Mosaic, 1.5 million tiles -
100 BCE
Seated Boxer
Hellenistic Greek c.100BCE
Bronze -
44 BCE
The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Portrait of Augustus from Prima Porta
Imperial Rome 50CE
Marble -
Imperial Rome
Imperial Rome 70CE-80CE
Stone and Concrete -
Imperial Rome 118CE-125CE
Concrete w/ stone facing -
Western Rome Falls