Antony and Cleopatra Historical Timeline

  • 44 BCE

    Killing of Julius Caesar

    Described in Julius and Caesar
  • 44 BCE

    Second Triumvirate Formed

    Included Lepidus, Antony, and Octavian (known in play as Caesar)
  • 40 BCE

    Antony marries Octavia

    Antony marries Octavian's sister, Octavia, to make peace with Octavian.
  • 36 BCE

    Lepidus expelled from Triumverate

  • 31 BCE

    Civil War begins between Antony and Caesar

  • 31 BCE

    Battles of Actium and Alexandria

    Antony/Cleopatra defeated by Caesar; both commit suicide
  • 27 BCE

    Octavian becomes first Roman Emperor

    Renamed Caesar Augustus