
Antisemitism Timeline

  • Race Becomes Distorted

    Race Becomes Distorted
    Attacks began to increase against the Jews. During this time, attacks became more common and more violent. This was due to the worldwide depression that was occurring during this time
  • Jewish Population Becomes Noticed

    Jewish Population Becomes Noticed
    Jewish judges, politicians, and other Jewish citizens began to be noticed throughout Europe. During this time, in Germany the Germans began to out number the Jewish people.
  • Hitler Begins Limiting Jews

    Hitler Begins Limiting Jews
    During this time, Hitler began to create laws that limited Jews from connecting with others. Examples include no communication with Christians,
  • Hitler Takes Over Europe

    Hitler Takes Over Europe
    Hitler begins to search and take over countries within Europe which made the Jews a target by people associating with Hitler, as they viewed Jews as the enemy.
  • Dangerous Times for Jews

    Dangerous Times for Jews
    European Jews by 1943 were either in death camps or already dead. Hitler began to search for Hungarian Jews to take jurisdiction over them. This time was the most dangerous time for Jews during the Holocaust.
  • The Relocations

    The Relocations
    The Nazis began to relocate the over 12,000 Jews to death camps, which caused the number of Jews to rapidly decrease.
  • Holocaust Begins

    Holocaust Begins
    Between the year 1933-1945 Adolf Hitler and his allies killed a third of the Jewish population because of their ancestry and their religious beliefs.