Period: 1453 to
Antiguo Régimen
Es el término que los revolucionarios franceses utilizaban para designar al sistema de gobierno anterior a la Revolución francesa de 1789-1799. -
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Revolución inglesa
Es el periodo de la historia del Reino de Inglaterra que abarca desde 1642 hasta 1688. Se extiende desde el fin del reinado de Carlos I de Inglaterra, pasando por un período republicano y el Protectorado inglés de Oliver Cromwell, la restauración de los Estuardo y finaliza con la Revolución Gloriosa, que destituye a Jacobo II. -
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Fue un movimiento cultural e intelectual, primordialmente europeo,1 que nació a mediados del siglo XVIII y duró hasta los primeros años del siglo XIX. Fue especialmente activo en Inglaterra, Francia y Alemania.2 Inspiró profundos cambios culturales y sociales, y uno de los más drásticos fue la Revolución francesa. -
He was a French philosopher and jurist whose work developed in the context of the intellectual and cultural movement known as the Enlightenment. -
Declaración de Derechos de 1689
Es un documento redactado en Inglaterra en 1689, que impuso el Parlamento inglés al príncipe Guillermo de Orange para poder suceder al rey Jacobo II. -
He was a French writer, historian, philosopher and lawyer, who belonged to Freemasonry and appears as one of the main representatives of the Enlightenment, a period that emphasized the power of human reason and science to the detriment of religion. -
He was a French-speaking Swiss polymath. He was at the same time a writer, educator, philosopher, musician, botanist and naturalist, and although he was defined as an Enlightenment, he presented deep contradictions that separated him from the main representatives of the Enlightenment, earning for example the fierce hatred of Voltaire and being considered one of one of the first writers of pre-romanticism. -
Adam Smith
He was a Scottish economist and philosopher, considered one of the greatest exponents of classical economics and the philosophy of economics. -
James Watt
He was a Scottish mechanical engineer, inventor and chemist. The improvements that he made to the Newcomen machine gave rise to what is known as the steam engine, which would be fundamental in the development of the first Industrial Revolution, both in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world. -
He was a French lawyer, writer, orator and politician nicknamed "the Incorruptible". He was one of the most prominent leaders of the French Revolution, a deputy, president of the National Convention on two occasions, a member of the Jacobins and the Committee of Public Safety, the entity that governed France during the revolutionary period known as the Terror. -
Napoleón Bonaparte
He was a French soldier and statesman, Republican general during the French Revolution and the Directory, and architect of the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire that led him to obtain two titles until his proclamation as Emperor of the French on May 18, 1804, being crowned on December 2. -
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1º Revolución Industrial
Es el proceso de transformación económica, social y tecnológica que se inició en la segunda mitad del siglo xviii en el Reino de Gran Bretaña. -
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Revolución americana
Periodo de lucha por parte de las Trece Colonias de América por su independización de Gran Bretaña -
Declaración de los Derechos de Virginia
En esta Declaración se enunciaban los principios de soberanía nacional, división de poderes y sufragio. Fue redactada por Thomas Jefferson en 1776 -
George Stephenson
He was a British mechanical engineer and civil engineer who built the world's first public railway line to use steam locomotives and the first passenger railway line to use steam locomotives. Known as the "father of railways", he designed the entire the first modern railway line, as well as its rolling stock and locomotives. -
Paz de Versalles
Los colonos liderados por George Washington (quien se convirtió en el primer presidente de Estados Unidos) tuvieron decisivas victorias lo que llegó a la Paz de Versalles en la que Gran Bretaña admitió la independencia del actual Estados Unidos -
Constitución de Estados Unidos
Esta Constitución, se aprobó después de que Estados Unido se independizara de Gran Bretaña. Además fue la primera Constitución que se aprobó en la historia. -
Luis XVI
He was King of France and Navarre between 1774 and 1789, Co-Prince of Andorra between 1774 and 1793, and King of the French3 between 1789 and 1792.2 He was the last monarch before the fall of the monarchy by the French Revolution, as well as the last to exercise his powers as absolute monarch. -
Los Estados Generales y la Asamblea Nacional
En los Estados Generales, se reunieron los tres estamentos sociales para intentar conseguir que los privilegiados pagasen también impuestos. El tercer estado pasó a llamarse Asamblea Nacional ya que se consideraban los únicos con legitimidad para representar a Francia. -
Period: to
Asamblea Constituyente
Es una reunión nacional de representantes populares que asumen el único objetivo de acordar reglas que regirán, en el futuro, la relación entre gobernantes y gobernados, así como el funcionamiento, distribución del poder y fundamento de su sistema político y social. -
Period: to
Revolución francesa
Fue un conflicto social y político, con diversos periodos de violencia, que convulsionó Francia y, por extensión de sus implicaciones, a otras naciones de Europa que enfrentaban a partidarios y opositores del sistema conocido como el Antiguo Régimen. -
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Asamblea Legislativa
Es la Asamblea que, cuando se separaron los poderes, ellos obtuvieron el poder Legislativo. -
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Convención girondina
Estaba formado por los girondinos que era un grupo de republicanos moderados. -
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Convención montañesa
Estaba formado por los jacobinos que eran liderados por Robespierre. Los jacobinos se les conocían por ser un grupo de republicanos con ideas más racionales que los girondinos -
George Washington
He was the first President of the United States between 1789 and 17974 5 6 and Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Continental Army in the American War of Independence. -
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Imperio napoleónico
Periodo de reinado de Napoleón Bonaparte. -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
He was a French anarchist philosopher, politician, and revolutionary and, along with Bakunin, Kropotkin, and Malatesta, one of the fathers of the historic anarchist movement and its first economic trend, mutualism. -
Thomas Jefferson
He was the third President of the United States of America, serving in office from 1801 to 1809. He is considered one of the nation's founding fathers. -
Mijail Bakunin
He was a Russian political theorist, philosopher, sociologist and anarchist revolutionary. He is one of the best known thinkers of the first generation of anarchist philosophers along with Piotr Kropotkin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Carlo Cafiero and Errico Malatesta. He is considered one of the fathers of this thought, within which he proposed the approaches of anarcho-collectivism. -
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Congreso de Viena
Congreso en el cual se reunieron las principales potencias europeas para garantizar una paz duradera y así evitar nuevas revoluciones. -
Karl Marx
He was a German communist philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, intellectual and politician of Jewish origin. In his vast and influential work he covers different fields of thought in philosophy, history, political science, sociology and economics; although he did not limit his work only to research, since he also dabbled in the practice of journalism and politics, always proposing in his thoughts a union between theory and practice. -
Friedrich Engels
He was a German communist and socialist revolutionary philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, anthropologist, historian, journalist, and theorist. Friend and collaborator of Karl Marx. -
Period: to
Revoluciones de 1820 y 1830
Consisten en todas las revoluciones que influyeron tanto la afirmación de los sentimientos nacionales y la defensa del liberalismo. -
Thomas Alva Edison
He was an American inventor, scientist, and businessman. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. These inventions include the phonograph (1877). The electric bulb (1879). The Edison effect (1880). The power station (1882). The Kinetograph and the Kinetoscope (1891). -
Revoluciones de 1848
En ellas, tuvieron importancia las demandas sociales de las clases populares y además, en algunos países también tuvieron un componente democrático. -
Abraham Lincoln
He was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 16th President of the United States of America. -
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2º Revolución Industrial
Se refiere a los cambios interrelacionados que se produjeron aproximadamente entre 1870 hasta 1914, cuando se inicia la Primera Guerra Mundial