Antibiotics Lina

  • Alexander Fleming was born.

    Alexander Fleming was born.
  • Some bacterias were resistant.

    Some bacterias were resistant.
  • Ernst Chain's birth.

    Ernst Chain's birth.
  • Arsphenamine was made.

    Arsphenamine was made.
  • Neosalvarsan was created.(inc.version)

    Neosalvarsan was created.(inc.version)
  • Prontosil, was the full version of Neo.

    Prontosil, was the full version of Neo.
  • Sulfanilimide was created.

    Sulfanilimide was created.
  • Sulfapyridine was founded.

    Sulfapyridine was founded.
  • Sulfacetamide was founded.

    Sulfacetamide was founded.
  • Sulfamethizole was made

    Sulfamethizole was made
  • Benzylpenicillin was made .

    Benzylpenicillin was made .
  • Alexander Fleming made Penicillin.

    Alexander Fleming made Penicillin.
  • Howard and Ernst developed Penicillin.

    Howard and Ernst developed Penicillin.
  • Natural antibiotics were created.

    Natural antibiotics were created.
  • People used garlic for wounds.

    People used garlic for wounds.
  • Superbugs and vaccines were created.

    Superbugs and vaccines were created.
  • Pneumonia could resist antibiotics.

    Pneumonia could resist antibiotics.
  • We found cures to diseases.

    We found cures to diseases.
  • Natural antibiotics were nonstop.

    Natural antibiotics were nonstop.
  • We got used to making antibiotics.

  • We are now still creating antibiotics.

    We are now still creating antibiotics.