Anti war timeline

By coxas
  • Johnson becomes president

    Johnson becomes president
    The first inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson as the 36th president. Johnson launched as ambitions slate of progressive reforms aimed at creating a great Society for all Americans.
  • 24 Amendment

    24 Amendment
    The 24 amendment was important in the civil rights movement as it abolished poll taxes .Ratified in 1964, helped toguarante the right to vote for African Americans. SNCC and SCLC increased their voter registration drives in the south.
  • burning their draft cards

    burning their draft cards
    young man protested the draft by burning their drafts cards, which the government sent to each man at the time he resisted for the draft. many Americans opposed the antiwar movement especially the actions of the extreme groups.
  • student for democratic society

    student for democratic society
    the movement attracted a board range of people, including students, teachers, civil rights worker. much of the anti war activity took place on college campus. Most vocal anti war groups was students for a democratic society.
  • national Demonstration

    national Demonstration
    in April 1965 SDS members led the first national anti war demonstration. The SDS and other anti war groups protested against universities groups .president Lyndon Johnson reasoned to the protest by insisting that united states was protecting an ally against an aggressor.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    the viloent beating states troops inflicted on protesters as they attempted to march peacefully from selma , Ala to the states capital. the march was aimed at fighting the lack of voting rights for A.A.
  • peace corps

    peace corps
    volunteer in chile spoke out against war. 92 volunteer defied the peace corps directors and issued a circular denouncing the war.
  • End of draft announced

    End of draft announced
    the Vietnam war drew to a close the selective service announced that there would be no further draft calls. The draft came to an end when the united states armed forces moved to an all-volunteer military force.