
Anti War Movement Timeline

  • First Major Protests

    First Major Protests
    The first major protests began to fight against our government from sending our soldiers to vietnam and to take back the soldiers who were already in vietnam. They also quickly gained more protesters as as the war was getting bigger and more people were being sent to vietnam.
  • The second fight that anti war activists fought for

    The second fight that anti war activists fought for
    Anti war Activists also fought to show their power with their rights because in 1918 Eugene V. Debs made a anti war speech causing him to be arrested which made people in the vietnam wartime want to show their power against the government starting in 1964.
  • Period: to

    Most Effective Protesters

    all students that would protest in the streets and even in school which furthered the anti war movements by Having the government pretty much lose power over their citizens because they could not control all places that were being protested by so many people.
  • First bombing raid of vietnam

    First bombing raid of vietnam
    The US had a bombing campaign against north vietnam which had set a different perspective for many citizens of the us causing over 2 million people to join the protests against soldiers going to vietnam.
  • US Napalm Bombings

    US Napalm Bombings
    The US was officially in the vietnam war and they had been fighting for a little over a year now. So the US used napalm bombing because they could not get the vietnamese out of there bunkers and this was the best way to do so but this caused many more protesters especially student protesters to protest and target the militaries only supplier Dow Chemical.
  • Benjamin Spock

    Benjamin Spock
    benjamin spock who was a pediatrician who was famous for his work and he changed his mind and even protested against military involvement.
  • Robert McNamara

    Robert McNamara
    former secretary of defense Robert McNamara which said the military involvement was a mistake which gave more protesters the ability to say that they were right during the protest and after wars for the protests.
  • Nixon's Secrete Bombing Runs

    Nixon's Secrete Bombing Runs
    Newly elected president Richard Nixon started secret bombing runs on vietnam known as Operation Menu which later was revealed to the public and over 2 million protesters were marching down streets of main cities and even in front of the white house.
  • Outcomes of the War

    Outcomes of the War
    The US had to sign a peace treaty and withdraw from vietnam which is exactly what the protesters wanted. They also got a higher opinion when being looked at in today’s times which is something that is also highly wanted.