
Anti-War Movement

  • Start of the Vietnam War

    Start of the Vietnam War
    This was the start of the war that caused the entire anti-war movement. Without the war, people would have never protested it. The movement protested against college students being drafted to it and the US fighting in the war entirely.
  • Start of the Anti-War Movement; SDS Founding

    Start of the Anti-War Movement; SDS Founding
    The Students for a Democratic Society Organization was founded in 1959. This group protested the Vietnam War and drafting college students. This was the first major event in the Anti War Movement.
  • Period: to

    Anti War Protesters Question Johnson

    Through this timespan, the US was being really aggressive in Vietnam. By the end, the US would bomb bombing North Vietnam frequently, and people started wondering if this was the right decision.
  • First Draft Riots

    First Draft Riots
    In 1965, college students first started rioting against drafting to the Vietnam War.
  • Fulbright Publishes A Book Titled "The Arrogance of Power" That Backs the Anti-War Movement

    Fulbright Publishes A Book Titled "The Arrogance of Power" That Backs the Anti-War Movement
    J. William Fulbright was a US Senator that published a book. The book supported the Anti-War movement and ending the war in Vietnam.
  • MLK Jr Shares His Thoughts on the Vietnam War

    MLK Jr Shares His Thoughts on the Vietnam War
    MLK Jr had an influential voice during his time. He gave a speech in 1967 about the Vietnam War. He agreed with the beliefs of the Anti-War Movement and helped it gain popularity.
  • Lincoln Memorial Protest

    Lincoln Memorial Protest
    Aorund 100,000 protesters went the the Lincoln Memorial to protest the war, making it one of the biggest events of the Anti-War Movement.
  • First Earth Day Celebration/Holiday

    First Earth Day Celebration/Holiday
    April 22, 1970 was the first Earth Day, a holiday that is still around today.
  • Congress Reforms Drafting Policy

    Congress Reforms Drafting Policy
    Due to the Anti-War Movement, Congress had to revise the US drafting policy. Today, college students can finish the semester before going to the war to make things fair.
  • Apollo 15 Lands and Uses Lunar Rover

    Apollo 15 Lands and Uses Lunar Rover
    The Apollo 15 landed and Lunar Rovers were used for the first time. This event has furthered space research.
  • US Withdraws from Vietnam

    US Withdraws from Vietnam
    After many protests, the US finally stopped the war in Vietnam during 1973. Without all the protests, the US would not have felt so pressured to exit the war quickly.