Enabling Act
The Enabling Act was an act that allowed the government to pass any law or do any act it wished to do. After this law was created it became possible for many people to be arrested for unneccessary actions and had a little impact onto Germany -
Jewish Boycott
The Boycott was something Hitler called for and it ment that Hitler took over Jewish businesses as a punishment. This event was not successful because it only lasted one day but it did increase the violence against the Jews -
Aryan Law
This law meant that any Jew that had Jewish parents or two or more grandparents that were Jewish had to leave. All Jews were affected by this law very much that they could not work anywhere because they were Jewish. -
Berlin Book Burning
The Berlin Book Burning was an event held on May, 1st. Students from Berlin University decided to throw 70,000 books from intellegent writers into a fire. They did this because they didn't want younger kids to grow up and be too intellegent to realize what Hitler was doing and brainwashing into peoples heads was okay. -
The Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws were laws created by Hitler towards the Jews, there were several laws created. "Mariages between Jews or other citizens or realated blood were forbidden" "Sexual realtions between Jews and other citizens of Germany or realted blood were forbidden" "Jews may now emplor in their households female citizens of German or realated blood under the age of 45 years old." Those were some of the laws created on this date. The Nazi's treated the Jews compared to as they treated dogs. -
Nazi Segeration
The Nazi segerated against all Jewish people. In the picture it shows Jewish people being blocked off from certain areas and being segerated from the rest of the German and Nazi's. -
German Woman
A German Lady slept with a Jew and the Nazi Germans forced her to wear a sign around her neck saying "I slept with a Jew." -
LAw #174-Jewish Name Change
There was a list sent out of "reconizably Jewish" names and if any Jew had a name off of the list they were dumped in a small town across the Polish border and were forced to live there for weeks. -
Night of Broken Glass-Crystal Night
This was something that happend when a 17 year old Jewish boy shot and killed a minor offical at the German embassy in Paris. They call it the Night of Broken Glass because there were large amounts of glass shattered on the streets from Jewish storefronts and homes. -
Children Clean Street
All Jewish children were forced to clean a street in Nazi-occupied, Poland. In the picture is shows the young Jewish people working on the streets to clean it. -
Jewish Star Requirement
The Jewish star requirement was something that ment all Jews over the age of six were not aloud to be seen in public without wearing the Jewish Star, it was to punish them and to let everybody else know they were Jewish.