Enabling Act
The Enabling Act stated the gonvernment could pass any law write any decree, and preform any act they wanted too, even if it affected to consititution. This act made it possible to arrest people and lock them up for "protective custody" and "preventive detention" -
The Boycott
The Jews started a boycott of German goods, they weren't going to buy any German goods. As a result Hitler started a boycott of all Jewish workers in Germany. Hitler and the Nazis used propaganda to get Germans to boycott with them. The boycott against the Jews didn't last very long, and little effect on Germany. -
Aryan Law
This law was the first ani-Jewish law. The Aryan Law stated that all people in the civil survice who weren't Aryans would be expelled. A non-Aryan is also a Jew. The law effected many Jews, they weren't allowed to do much, anywhere, many lost their jobs many places. -
Berlin Book Burning
A group of students from Berlin University came together and decided to have an act "against the un-German spirit."They burned about 70,000t tons of books written by "undesirable writers." All books about the "un-German spirit" were taken out of libraries. Almost all of German's library books were gone. -
Numbering Laws
Before the Numbering Laws were passed, people thought the worst was over and everything would get better, they were wrong. There are two parts of the Numbering Laws, "The Law for the Protection of German Bood and German Honor," and "The Reich Citizenship Law." The protection law stated that marriages bewteen Jews and German citizens was forbidden. The Jews also were not allowed to display the German flag or the German colors. -
Law #174-Jewish Name Change
Any type of property owned by a Jew had to be registered by the government. If any Jew, man or woman, didn't have a reconizable name they had to add a middle name. For women they were ordered to use "sarah" and men had to used "Israel." -
Night of Broken Glass
A Jewish student in Paris, his parents were trapped in a tiny border town. His reaction to this was not very well. He shot and killed a German embassy in Paris. As a result of this the Nazis decided to unleash a "giant pogrom against the Jews and their property." It's called the night of broken glass becasue of the glass that was everywhere from the "smashed Jewish storefronts and homes that litterd the streets all over Germany." -
Jewish Star Requierment
In September of 1941 the law was made that all Jews of the ages 6 years and older had to wear a Jewish star. They were not allowed in public without the star. It became a mark of shame for the Jews. After this it got worse and the Jews were later not allowed to be out in public at all without permission.