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Anti-jewish laws of Pre WWII Nazi Germany
Enabling act
The Enabling act was event that happended in the beggining of the holocaust. On March 23rd The brand new elected members of the German Paraliment. This means that if the enabling at was past, it would effectively mean the end of democracy in Germany and establish the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. -
Jewish Boycott
On this date, 2 SS soldiers and 2 storm troopers painted the word JEW on a shop. Around this time the Jewish boycott was going on. They had to make sure that the Jews weren't getting any money. All of the Jewish factories and shops, etc, the Germans wanted a boycott on all of those businesses. Josef Goebbels was the master of the Reich press, radio and propaganda, he said "Perhaps the foreign Jews will think better of the matter when their racial conrades in Gemany get it in the neck". -
Berlin Book Burning
Berlin University had a act on "the un-German spirit". What they did was the Germans had a very big bonefire, What they did was they had books with "undesirable writers" and they burned them. They burned about 70,000 books before they were done. Josef Goebbels made a speech during the book burning. He said "the age of the extreme Jewish intellectuisam is now ended". When the Germans burned the books, they burned the humans too. -
Aryan Law
This law was the first Anti-Jewish law passed. They called this law the "Law for the restoration of civil service". This law Made the Aryan people, be expelled, the non aryan people, which meant a Jew, was defined in this first law as anyone who had Jewish parents or two or more Jewish grandparents. Hitler said that the Jews dominated Germany. As the German people took that as a fact, they pushed these laws more ruthlessly on the Jews. -
Nuremberg Laws
During this time Hitler was killing of the people that challageing him in any way. Individual acts of violence, brake-ins towards the Jews went on. On september 15th any hope that the worst was past vanished forever. When the Nuermberg Laws were past thier were passed in two parts. Part one was called "The Law for protection German blood and German honor" and part two was called "the reich citizenship law". -
Jewish name changes
If the Jews didnt have a "recognizably Jewish" name then they would have to add "sarah" if you were a women , and if you were a man you would have to add "israel". The Germans had to give the Jews names if they didnt have the regular Jewish name. All passports that the Jews had to Carry around was stamped with a big J that had standed for Jew/Jude -
Night of broken Class
This event was a very destuctive event, Germans went out went to Jewish stores and through rocks and broke the windows. About 1,118 synagogs were burned down. they chucked stones into every shop that they found. they had signs hanging from the windows of cafe's and restaraunts saying JEWS OR DOGS MAY NOT ENTER. -
Jewish Star Requierment
The star is called the Star of David. This star represented the Jews, the Germans made the Jews where this on thier clothes, they even tattoed them on thier arms with a prison number. for the first time since the middle ages they had to where the Star of David to represent that it was to mark them for shame on themselves.