Jewish Boycott
Jewish boycott was in the early stages of the holcaust to. This is when the Nazi's started closing down of the Jewish owners stores. Or the would graffiti them or trash them or even burn them to the ground. I think they were trying to send a message like they think the Jewish people are bad and they are nothing but trouble. -
Enabling Act
The enabling act meant that this was when the holocaust was in it's beginning stages. This is when Hitler was kind of brought into power. I think that this act is the act of how they got the holcaust to start cause they had to enable all of the Nazi solidiers and have go to houses of Jewish people and kick them out and get them on there trains to go to the concentration camps. -
Berlin Book Burning
The Berlin book burning was a mass burning of book in which this is when they got all of the books that the Jewish people had owned or if a Jewish author wrote then they would just get it and throw it into the fire. This was in the late beginning stages of the holcaust. -
Arayan Law
The Aryan law was a piece of legislation the Nazis used early in Hitler’s rule to drive Jews out of their homes. This is still like the beginning stages of the holocaust cause this is when Hitler had sent his men to drive the Jewish people out of their homes and take their poessesions from them. Some of the people that wouldn't go with the Nazi's were either shot and killed in front of their families or they were forced or drug out of their homes. -
Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg laws were announced at an annual rally in Nuremburg. These laws stated that Germans and Jews must be separated and that prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with persons of German or related blood. These were in the middle stages of the holocaust. -
Law 174
This is the law that had Jews names change. If they were a reconizable person then the Nazi's would change there names to the person they looked like. This was during the middle stages of the holocaust. -
Jewish Star Requirement
Jew were required to wear a star on the jacket, shirt, or whatever they wore had to have a star on it. They called this the star of David. Which is known as the Jewish star. Also if they didn't have a Jewish star they were required a white arm band. -
NIght Of Broken Glass
The Night of broken glass also known as Kristallnacht was an act of where the Nazi's and other Germans destroyed synagougges and just destoyed everything. They destroyed about 1,118.