Anthony Rodriguez

  • 3D Computer Graphics an Idea

    3D Computer Graphics an Idea
    Computer graphics design was just an idea depicted mostly by engineering students. In 1960 a MIT student, Ivan Sutherland, discovered a sketchpad that would draw single shaped objects on computer screens. The early computer graphic design relied on photoelectric effect where electrons released could form images on the screen. This period also saw introduction of video games and head mounted display by IBM.
  • 3D Computer Graphics Start

    3D Computer Graphics  Start
    In this year they started developing Software to make computer Graphics better this included. ANIMAC, SCANIMATE and CAESAR. They worked by scanning existing data and manipulating to either squash, spin or fly. During this period microprocessor was developed that could design curved pictures and also generate motion pictures.
  • 3D Computer Graphics Great Improvement

    3D Computer Graphics Great Improvement
    This period had great improvement on 3D computer graphics. There was introduction of a 3D software ‘Vol Libre’ that could use 3D features to control a computer generated flights across rugged mountains. Companies g. pacific data images and silicon graphics Inc., sprung up. They provided an in-build 3D computer graphics that would display color images on the screen.
  • It stated Becoming Interesting and Adventures

    It stated Becoming Interesting and Adventures
    Computer graphics field had become adventures and interesting. A lot advancements were made during this period. There was shift to photo-realistic animation that led to creation of computer animated full length films. Features of stop motion and go-motion were also invented.
  • Images started being more believable

    Images started being more believable
    The main advancement in this years was making images to be believable. There was more emphasis on production of color images. 3D computer graphics had advanced and spread all over the world and many companies had invested in this field. There was a mass production of movies with characters manipulated by the computer graphics.
  • 2005-2020

    In the modern society all designs are customized to three dimensional with state of the art digital effects. The designs take less time to be created and creatures used in the graphics are so real and believable. Sense 2005 D computer Graphics have kept to upgrading making everything seem more real and with better color than before.