Equality is born
Equality is born and sent to live in the home of the infants with all the children of the city. -
The home of learning
Equality turns 5 and is sent to live in the home of the scholars to learn. -
Equality is given a job
The house of scholars selects Equality to be a street sweeper. -
Equality meets the Golden one
Equality meets a feild worker named liberty but renames her the Golden one because of her golden blonde hair. -
Equality finds abandoned subway tunnel
Equality finds an abandoned subway tunnel and pursues a higher education by stealing books and thinking about the world and writing. He then invents somthing to replace candles, he is tinkering with metal bits and some wire and invents a light bulb. -
Equality is arrested
Equality wants to share his inventon with all his brothers so that they can work hand in hand with one another but is beaten and sent to jail and his idea is rejected. So he escapes to the forrest to live where days later the Golden one finds him. -
The Unconqured and the Golden one find an abandoned house
While wondering the Golden one And Unconqured find an old abandoned house from th edark times they discover many old writings and spend their new found free time learning. -
The Unconqered has a son
The Golden one has a son and they will raise him under no burden of what they went through he will learn and be free. In there new found civilization. -
Equality returns to the civilization
Equality returns to their old civilization to gather his friends and bring them to his new found developing village.