Civil war soldiers

Antebellum to the Battle Within America

  • The Doubling Period

    The Doubling Period
    (Lousiana Purchase)
    France sold 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River to the United States of America causing America to double in size. The land was wanted so they could have New Orleans as a port city. Thomas Jefferson reflected on it's success by saying, "I should feel the duty & the desire to promote the western interests as zealously as the eastern, doing all the good for both portions of our future family which should fall within my power".
  • Slave/Free Black Line

    Slave/Free Black Line
    (Missouri Compromise)
    This was an effort to preserve the power balance in Congress between the slave and free states. It admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. With Missouri as the exception, this law prohibited slavery in the Lousiana Territory north of the 36/30 parrallel line. This line was the justification if states were able to to hold blacks as slaves or free blacks.
  • Weeping Removal

    Weeping Removal
    (Indian Removal Act)
    This was to remove the Indians out of the east and give them land west of the Mississippi. This act was Jackson's first priority. Indinas were forced out of their homes and headed on a long road of tears, starvation, winter, diseases and death. John Burnett says, "I...witnessed the execution of the most brutal order in the History of American Warfare. I saw the helpless Cherokees arrested and dragged from their homes, and driven at the bayonet point into the stockades.”
  • Conformist of Morality

    Conformist of Morality
    (William Garrison's 'The Liberator")
    Garrison made this anti-slavery newspaper to show people how immoral slavery was in hope that they would join him and end it. He believed his abolitionist acts were moral. Garrison thought that Southerners overtime could understand the wrongs of slaveholding. He was ridiculed for hiring a black man and was dragged into the streets of Boston and almost killed. His paper also called for the North to secede from the Union to sever the ties with the slave south
  • Independent Men for Land Party

    Independent Men for Land Party
    "Free states for free white men", this included and debated Kansas. The men who wre part of the Free Soil Party opposed the extension of slavery and they were made up from the abolitionist Liberty Party, antislavery whigs***, and the radical faction of the New York Democrats. Settlers who came to Kansas for farming realized they were coming onto a pro slavery vs. free soil war.
  • Cry for Unity

    Cry for Unity
    (The Compromise of 1850)
    This compromise called for the territories of New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah would be organized without mention of slavery, slave trade to be abolished in the District of Columbia, but slavery still permitted, California was admitted as a free state, and Texas would give up the land in dispute but recieve 10 million dollars.The Compromise of 1850 accomplished what it set out to do -- it kept the nation united -- but the solution was only temporary.
  • Seized Black Act

    Seized Black Act
    (Fugitive Slave Act)
    It required citizens to assist in the recovery of any fugitive slaves. It also denied any fugitives the right to a jury trial. For the slaves who were attempting to build lives in the north, this law was a disaster. Even free blacks were captured and sent back to the north.
  • The Proper Division Vote

    The Proper Division Vote
    (Kansas Nebraska Act)
    This repealled the the prohibition of slavery north of the 36/30 line from the Missouri Compromise and it introduced the idea of popular sovereigty***(voting for a free state or slave state). ”abandoned the idea of a geographical line as the boundary between free States and slave States...because compelled to do it from an inability to maintain it;...substituted a great principle of self-government, which would allow the people to do as they thought proper" S. A. Douglas
  • Kansas Compromise Massacre

    Kansas Compromise Massacre
    (Bleeding Kansas)
    Attempted popular sovereignty for the first time. Pro Salvery Missourians entered Kansas to pressure people into voting for slavery. In response, the abolitionists from the north came to Kansas, resulting in the death of hundreds. Because of bleeding Kansas, the compromise over slavery between the north and the south was no longer an option.
  • Seized Unity in the Union: North vs. South

    Seized Unity in the Union: North vs. South
    (Arise of the Republican Party vs. Democratic Party)
    Republican party was formed in the North, and in repsonse to that, the Democratic party becomes more southern. The two-party system breaked down and the North and the South stop workign together to compromise. The candidates for both parties become more radical on their views for slavery. The unity in the union came to a hault as the two parties of the union became split and separated.
  • The Splitting Time

    The Splitting Time
    (The Secession)
    The secession was the north spliting from the south & they became 2 different nations within America. There was a lot of talk about if the sucession was justified or not. The people of South Carolina believed it was-- if one party goes against the gov't then it releases the necessity of the other party to oblige to it. Lincoln said it wasn't justified-- no state can get out of the union on its own, the idea of secession is anarchy & there will be issue of civil war if we separate
  • John Brown Insurrectionist Attack

    John Brown Insurrectionist Attack
    (Harpers Ferry)
    John Brown & several abolitionist folowers raided & seized the United States Armory & Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. They thought with this act that the local slaves would rise up against their own owners & join the raid, but they did not. Because the northerners were actually mourning the loss of Brown and thought of him as a martyr, it was said, -"[the] invasion has advanced the cause of disuniodisunion more than any other event that has happened since the formation of [our] gov't"
  • Dakota Avenge

    Dakota Avenge
    (US Dakota War)
    Factionalism*** continued to grow amongst the Dakota, as those who maintained traditional ways saw that only those who had acculterated were reaping government support. 4 hungry Dakota hunters killed 5 white settlers, they seized this moment to declare war on whites who could not keep their promises, it was their way of revenge 600 white people killed, 70 soldiers, 50 armed civilians and the rest were unarmed civilians.
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    **WHIGS- party formed in opposition of Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party. They supported the supremacy of the Government over the President and favored a program of modernization and economic protectionism
    *POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY- 1). the principle that the state is created and sustained by the will or consent of its people
  • 3 Hyperlinks (Continued)

    2). A pre-Civil War doctrine that asserted the right of the people living in a newly organized territory to decide by vote if their new territories legislature will permitt slavery or not.
    ***FACTIONALISM- The splitting of a larger group into sections or factions, conflict between the sections.