Antebellum newspaper regions


  • the first great migration

    the first great migration
    a lot of african americans migrated to another sates or place. they went to places like Chicago, Illiniois, Detroit, Michigan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and New York, New York. it hadan impact on the north.
  • spinning jenny

    spinning jenny
    this made making clothes easier but it required even more slaves too. this was invented by James Hargreave. this was invented to england. this had an impact on the south.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    this made cleaning cotton easier but it needed even more slaves. he invented the cotton gin in the south. this invention inpacted the south the most. and this invention was created by Eli Whitney.
  • trans alantic slave trade

    trans alantic slave trade
    this made them trade slaves over seas from africa to other places on earth. this took in africa and other parts on earth. this had an impact on the south because they got more slaves.
  • the middle passage

    the middle passage
    this was on a ship and keepet a lot of slave on the boat and they barliy feed the slaves or showered. this took place on a ship in the middle of the alantic. this impacted more on the south because of the slaves.
  • the cult of domesticity

    the cult of domesticity
    this is when the women decided to fight back and earn respect for themselves. this took place in every part of the united state. this made an impact on both north and south.
  • harriet tubman

    harriet tubman
    she was born into slavery and stayed like that until one point of her life. she had a huge impact on the north. she is famous for helping escpted slaves of escaping slaves form slavery. their legacy was takeing 11 slaves all the way to canda.
  • irish immagration

    irish immagration
    this was a time wre a lot of irish were immagrating to the united states. the potato famine was when the potatos were becoming bad and people got sick or died. they were treated poorly and people disrpected them. this took place in boston and new york. this had an impact on the south.
  • seneca falls convention

    seneca falls convention
    this was a convention for women's rights and to get the vote. this convention took place in london. it had an impact on both sides. this was possible by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. some of the women who attend were housewives or slave even some males attended
  • lowell mill girls

    lowell mill girls
    this keep women working for hours and hours and the women were barliy feed. this was located in Lowell, Massachusetts. it impacted the north. lowell is the city that the girls are located in.
  • the compromise of 1850

    the compromise of 1850
    this compromise meant that they will add new states to both the north and the south to make it even. it made an impact on both north and south. it took place in a court house.
  • john brown

    john brown
    john brown was was hero in the north but a terrist in the south who was trying to end slavery. he had a big impact on the north. his legacy was to end slavery and have slaves be free. his legay is that of the court of his case.
  • Dynomite

    this was used for clearing mines and destroying bulidings. this invention was created by Alfred Nobel. it was invented in england in 1867. it impacted both north and south for the gold rush