

  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 is a serires of resolutions that dealt with slavery. They were first introduced in January 1850 by senator Henry Clay. THe compromis led to the civil war partially because it admitted California as a free state which angered pro-slave activist.
  • Daniel Webster

    Daniel Webster
    Webster was a out spoken congressmen who was against the war with Mexico and the annexation of Texas. Webster endorsed Henry Clay's Compromise of 1850. He was against the expansion of slavery into new territiores. This helped cause the civil war because it angered his pro-slavery critics.
  • Fugitive Slave Acts

    Fugitive Slave Acts
    Several hundred slaves a year where escaping from the south to find saftey and libery in the north. The Fugitive Slave Acts required all escaped slaves to be captured and returned to their owners. abolitionist nicknamed the law the, "Bloodhound Law". This increased tensions between pro and anti-slavery individuals.
  • Personal Liberty Laws

    Personal Liberty Laws
    Personal Liberty Laws were passed to counter-act the Fugitive Slave Act. The laws were passed by northern states in an attempt to ensure the freedom and saftey of everyone incuding escaped slaves. The Personal Liberty Laws angered southern slave owners and caused a bigger divide betweent the south and north leading to the civil war.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe released Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852. It was antislavery novel and became widley controversial. The book brought the horrors of slavery to many peoples eyes. This book increases abolitionist support which lead to the civil war.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska act made the issue of slavery solved by popular soverignty in these territories. People then moved to these territiores to cast there vote which made it impossible for there to be an accurate result. This forced slavery down the throats of the residents in these territories. This led to the civil war because the issue of slavery was being spread into territories where most of the population didn't agree with it.
  • Bleeding Kansas (1855-1861)

    Bleeding Kansas (1855-1861)
    Bleeding Kansas was a series of political confrontations between anti-slavery and pro-slavery groups. Most of the confrontaions were violent and ended with casualties. This brutal violence led to the civil war because Americans were killing eachother and only furthered the problem of slavery not solving it.
  • Violence in the Senate

    Violence in the Senate
    Senator Preston Brooks beats senator Charles Sumner with a cane. Summer denounced the Kansas-Nebraska which angered Brooks which consequently caused him to beat Sumner with a cane. This showed the real intense views over slavery and what the overnment was doing to try and deal with the problems, this brought the iussed to the door steps of lawmakers which lead to the civil war.
  • Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

    Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
    This violent attack led by John Brown ended in the death of five men. He dragged five pro-slavery men out of their cabins and killed them with the help of his sons. His insane attack sparked national controversy on the issue of slavery and what the government was really doing about it, leading to the civil war.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Tubman was the most famous conductor of the underground railroad. In 1856 she was wanted for $40,000. Tubman helped over 300 saves escape to freedom. Her actions directly led to tensions between slave owners and northoners which caused the civil war.