Antarctica history

  • Discovery

    In 1773 Captain Cook discovered Antarctica, even though he did not physically see it he knew it was there. His comment was "I make bold to declare that the world will derive no benefit from it.
  • First time seeing Antarctica

    First time seeing Antarctica
    Captain Thaddeus was the first man to ever see Antarctica. He saw a ice field covered in hillocks.
  • First continental landing

    First continental landing
    The first landing on continental Antarctcia known was by Captain John Davis.
  • Discovery of Ross Ice Shelf

    Discovery of Ross Ice Shelf
    In 1840 James Clark Ross was 128 kilometres away from reaching the coast of Antarctica but was stopped by a huge ice shelf now known as the Ross Ice Shelf.
  • Douglas Mawson

    Douglas Mawson
    Douglas Mawson is an inspiration as he walked by foot weak and sick back to his base alone as his companions died.
  • Ernest Shackleton

    Ernest Shackleton
    Ernest Shackleton led a disastrous expedition. He survived through tough times and is a big inspiration.
  • First woman in Antarctica

    First woman in Antarctica
    Caroline Mikkensen was the first woman to ever step foot on Antarctica, she accompanied her husband who was a whaling captain.
  • International geophysical year

    International geophysical year
    On this year twelve nations set up over sixty stations in Antarctica. Antarctica becomes non-national.
  • Dogs removed

    Dogs removed
    All of the non native animals to Antarctica like Huskies were removed from Antarctica.