Annotated Timeline: Ancient Rome from the Founding to the Gracchi Brothers and Late Republic

  • 1200 BCE

    Aeneas and the Latins Settle in Rome

    Aeneas and the Latins Settle in Rome
    After the Greeks defeat the Trojans, Trojan prince Aeneas is given a mission by Jupiter that he must find a new Troy. He obeys and takes his father and son with him. After getting derailed at Carthage and shipwrecked, the legend says that they settle in the Italian peninsula and call it home. This is the first recorded home of the Latins.
  • 753 BCE

    Romulus and Remus found the city of Rome

    Romulus and Remus found the city of Rome
    According to legend. twin brothers Romulus and Remus are abandoned and raised by a female wolf. Later, they are reunited with their family and are told that they are destined to be great and found a city together. Only one can be the first King of Rome, once the brothers settle they argue about which hill to settle on and Romulus wins. After much taunting, Romulus kills Remus and becomes the undisputed first King of Rome.
  • 510 BCE

    The Beginning of the Republic

    The Beginning of the Republic
    After the scandal with Tarquin the Proud's family and a noblewoman named Lucretia, the noblemen declare that monarchy would not be allowed in Rome and the Republic is born!
  • 494 BCE

    Plebeian Assembly Created

    Plebeian Assembly Created
    After the Republic was assembled, there was much confusion as to what powers the Plebeians had. All law-making decisions were made in the S Senate, which only contained Patricians. The Plebeians argued that if it was really a Republic, then the public should be involved. The Plebeian assembly is created in order to give them a voice.
  • 450 BCE

    Law of the Twelve Tables

    Law of the Twelve Tables
    Plebeians argued for significant changes after they formed the Plebeian's Assembly. They argued that Patricians should not be the only Romans that know the laws of the land. The Twelve Tables was the first written record of Roman Law and it was posted for everyone to see.
  • 390 BCE

    Gaul Invasion

    Gaul Invasion
    The Gauls were Rome's non-Italian neighbors and always considered a threat to Rome because they were just too close! The Gallic invaded Rome and settled in modern-day Milan. They occupied Rome and seiged for seven months. This forced Romans to decimate any ally that threatened rebellion and become much crueler to their neighbors.
  • 267 BCE

    Rome in Control of the Italian Peninsula

    After the defeat of the Gauls, Rome took control of the Peninsula.
  • 267 BCE

    Lex Hortensia

    Lex Hortensia
    This was the ultimate victory for the Plebeians. This law stated that any law passed in the Plebeian Assembly also applied to anyone in the Patrician class as well.
  • 241 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    The first war with Carthage is significant because it was Rome's first war with a navy. They created their own form of land warfare through the navy by using the Crow technique
  • 201 BCE

    Second Punic War

    Second Punic War
    After Rome's defeat of Carthage, Hannibal was determined to defeat Rome. The Carthinagian army went through Alps and joined forces with the Gauls. Rome was on the verge of total defeat until Scipio Africanus invaded North Africa. This was a total defeat and Carthage surrendered it's navy, evacuated Spain and became a dependent ally of Rome.
  • 146 BCE

    Third Punic War

    Third Punic War
    Carthage was destroyed in the Second Punic War but it was the opinion of some high ranking officials that they were starting to build an army once again. Scipio Aemilianus destroyed the city completely: all males were executed, all women and children were sold off into slavery, and the Romans burned and cursed the land. Corinth was also destroyed
  • 133 BCE

    Tiberius Gracchi Assassinated

    Tiberius Gracchi Assassinated
    Tiberius Gracchus was born into a patrician family; he renounced his title and became a Plebeian. Tiberius was trying to create land reforms after noticing that some landowners were defying the law. He became Tribune to the Assembly of Plebeians. The Senate was outraged by his plans and accused Gracchi of attempting to take over the government and crown himself King. After the Consul refused to send the army; the Senators with makeshift weapons assassinated Gracchi themselves.
  • 121 BCE

    Gaius Gracchus Killed

    Gaius Gracchus Killed
    Ten years after the death of his brother, Gaius essentially took his place and created a colony in Carthage. He created the first welfare system and stabilized the price of grain. The Senators in Rome started spreading propaganda against Gracchi, thinking that he wanted to become king like his brother. Senate sends the army and Gaius attempts and armed resistance which did not succeed.