Annotated timeline

  • washingtons inauguration

    washingtons inauguration
    Washington was inaugurated in new york city ass the first president of the united states.
  • Period: to

    annotated timeline

  • Moving the capital

    Washington moved the u.s. capitol to Philadelphia.
  • Creating a national bank

    Hamilton and Washington send Congress a message calling for the creation of an official Bank of the United States and won approval by Congress
  • Washington singed Jay's Treaty

    u.s. and Great Britain signed Jay's Treaty, which sought to settle outstanding issues between the two countries that had been left unresolved since American independence
  • Congress passes military organization

    Congress passes legislation providing for a military organizational structure.
  • Washington says farewell

    President Washington releases a Farewell Address in which he advises future American leaders to minimize political connection with foreign powers.
  • adams Negotiating with France

    Adams appoints a three-man commission, composed of Charles C. Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, and John Marshall, to negotiate a settlement with France.
  • XYZ Affair

    Adams three-man team is asked to pay a bribe in order to speak with French Foreign Minister Charles Maurice Talleyrand. This becomes known as the “XYZ Affair.”
  • Preparing for war

    Preparing for war
    Congress gives Adams the power to enlist 10,000 men for service in case of a declaration of war or invasion of the country's domain. It also gave Adam the ability to command ships-of-war to seize armed French vessels upon or attacking American merchantmen about the coast.
  • Jefferson starts War with Tripoli

    Congress and Jefferson recognized the War with Tripoli, authorizing the arming of merchant ships to ward off attacks.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    a treaty for the purchase of the entire Louisiana Territory. This day marks the official signing of a peace treaty with France and the purchase of Louisiana.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Jefferson sponsored the journey out of personal scientific curiosity and concern for the economic and political security of the western United States.
  • Importation of slaves prohibited

    At Jefferson and congress passes a law prohibiting the importation of slaves into any place within the jurisdiction of the United States after January 1, 1808.