
Annie Baker Timeline

  • 1981

    Annie Baker was born on April 1981 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her parents had divorced in her early years
  • 1991

    Baker had done her first role in a kids movie called "The Seventh Brother". She voiced a small role.
  • 1995

    Baker attended Amherst-Pelham Regional Highschool, as she had been inspired by her theater teacher to produce a passion for the theater industry
  • 1999

    She graduated Amherst Regional Highschool, and attended Tisch School of Arts in NYU.
  • 2003

    Graduated Tisch School of The Arts with a B.F.A (Bachelors of Fine Arts program)
  • 2007

    • Baker had played a role in a thriller/mystery film called, "Dog Days of Summer"
    • At that time she also attended Brooklyn College