Annabelles Life Path

By reedap
  • Birth

    I was born May 20th, 2005. I was 7lbs 2oz, 19.5in, at 5:47pm
  • Little Brother!

    Little Brother!
    I was 18 months when he was born!
  • Parents Divorce

    Parents Divorce
    My parents got divorced when I was 4
  • Grandma Passed

    Grandma Passed
    My grandma was my best friend and she meant the world to me. She had breast cancer for 18 years.
  • Period: to


    Age 13 - 18
  • Cheer Team!

    Cheer Team!
    I was a cheerleader my Freshman and Sophomore year!
  • Papa Passed Away

    Papa Passed Away
    My grandpa passed away and ever sense then my life hasn't been the same
  • Started Working

    Started Working
    I started working at Di Ritos
  • Graduation!!!

    I am part of the class of 2023
  • Period: to


  • College

    I want to go to college to become a teacher!
  • Graduate College!!

    Graduate College!!
    After 4 years I plan to Graduate!
  • Get my first Teaching Job!

    Get my first Teaching Job!
    My first year as a teacher!
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    I wanna get married in December
  • My Forever Home!

    My Forever Home!
    I would like to build my own house on a bunch of land
  • Its a Boy!!!

    Its a Boy!!!
    I wanna have my first baby, his name will be Easton Grey
  • Its a Girl!!!

    Its a Girl!!!
    I want another baby, her name will be Oaklynn Grace