Enabling Act
When the Nazis came into power the first thing that they did was change the laws of the constitution. They made sure that the Nazis were able to rule everything and the suspened all rights of the German citizens. -
Jewish Boycott
Hitler ordered Germans to boycott all the Jewish buisnesses. He said that the fact that it was an organized protest that it would help the outbreaks of anti-semitic acts. He wanted things to be controlled and under Nazi supervision. -
Aryan Law
This law was said that any non-Aryan citizen which meant if they had Jewish parents or two or more grandparents, that they were not alowed in the civil service. This meant that they were not allowe dot work and make money or be in the military. -
Berlin Book Burning
On this day all the students at one of the universities threw all books by unwanted writters into a huge fire and burned them. They only wanted the students and the German country reading book with Aryan views in them. -
The Eternal Jew
Men and Women were forced to wear signs aroung their necks. Many of them were crude and had sexual meanigns behind them these were also a sign of shame for the Jewish people. -
Nuremberg Laws
Many new laws were passed. One said that all marriages were not valid if there was an Aryan and non-Aryan. These neew laws restricted the Jews so much in hopes that they would leave. -
Law #174
This law made people with not obvious jewish names change their names. Women had to make their middle names Sarah and men had to change theirs to Israel. This was because the German governent wanted to separate the Jews from the Aryans even farther. -
The Eternal Jew
From the begining of Hitler's rule he targeted the Jews. He and the Nazi Party believed that they were responsible for the countries fall in WWI. Hitler passed many laws such as designated benches, wearing stars of David armbands, and they were forced to clean the streets as a sign of shame. -
Jews Expelled
Groups of 7,000 Jews were expelled and ordered out of Germany and put in huts on the Polish-German boarder. -
Night of Broken Glass
This is where the Germans went and smashed and vandolized Jewish shops. They did this because a young Jew lashed out while being held captive. The Nazis made sure to make the attack look spontaneous. -
Forced Into Labor in Poland
Jews were forced to work in these ghettos and huts repairing the streets and cleaning them for the Nazi soldiers. -
Jewish Star Requierment
All Jews over the age of six were not allowed in public without wearing the Jewish star of David. This was to make the Jews feel shameful of their religion and, to the Aryans, race.