
Anit -Jewish laws of Per-WW-two Nazi Germany

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    The Enabling acts was a law callled "The law for Removing the distress of the people and the Reich.'The Law means it would effectively end the of democracy in Germany and also establish the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.
  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    Hilter called for the boycott of all the Jewsish buinesses in April 1933 on the first. People made peosters to hang up and put it in the newspaper.The boycott last one day and was brought up all around the world.Hitler said that everyone had to defend themselfs and do what is right no but for the Jews or they were a trader.
  • Aryan Law.

    Aryan Law.
    The Aryan law was passed in April. It was a law the that if you were a non-Aryan you had to be expelled.A non-Aryan is someone or a jew with more then two paretns who are jew of even more then two grandparetns that are jew. Between the date and the end of the year all the other Jew laws were affected.Since April 7th jews were out of work that year.
  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    The Berlin book burning started on may 1st after the Nazi fever spread. Stundent s from Berlin Unviresty burned over 700,000 tins of books. Works of the un-German sprirt where removed from libriaes all over the country, by the tim they removed all the books one-third of the librayes books were destoryed
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    On sSep.15th 1935 the Nuremberg Law was passed,it was in two parts on called"The law of Protcetion of German blood and German honor",and the seconded on was "The Reich citizenship Law." The first law was protion of marriage,between Jews and German citizens. Also Jews may NOT employ in thier house holds felamle citizen of German of age 45 years old.
  • Law#174-Jewish name change

    Law#174-Jewish name change
    In 1938 a law was made for names, for Jewish people they had to change there names.If the Jews didnt have a recognizably name they had to add Sarah to the girls name and Isreal to the boys name.The goverment mad a list of huderds of names that were not availble or you had to change to and posted the list around the city for eveyrone to see.And they would stamp Jewish pastports with a J or Jude.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    The night of the broken glass happened on the night and moring of Nov.9th and 10th in 1938.The parents of a 17 year old stundents in Paris were among the jews trppaed in a tiny border town,in the range and grief he shot and killed a minor offical, in the German embassy. The Naiz used a exuse to unleash a giant program against Jews.Which is now called the night of the broken glass.
  • Jewish Star Requirement

    Jewish Star Requirement
    in 1941 evertone from the age 6 and older was forbbined to be in the publice without the Jewish star diplaying.The same year another law was added that no one was aloud to leave thier house without permission and also you were not aloud to leave the country you were trapped.